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The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime
The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime
The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime
Ebook543 pages9 hours

The Millionaire Fastlane: Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Is the financial plan of mediocrity -- a dream-stealing, soul-sucking dogma known as "The Slowlane" your plan for creating wealth? You know how it goes; it sounds a lil something like this:

"Go to school, get a good job, save 10% of your paycheck, buy a used car, cancel the movie channels, quit drinking expensive Starbuc

Release dateNov 21, 2011

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Readers find this title to be a life-changing book that offers practical advice for financial literacy and personal growth. It provides valuable insights and encourages readers to change their mindset towards wealth. While some reviewers mention that the book takes time to get to the useful information, overall, it is highly recommended for anyone interested in business and money. The book's impact on readers is evident from the positive reviews and the motivation it provides to pursue their dreams and make positive changes in their lives.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Starting your journey? Just Graduated? I'd say Start Here!
    It's the most practical book I've read on business & such.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    So great, it gives mind power shaping your brain,awakens dreams so far
  • Rating: 1 out of 5 stars
    He went on a bragging spree and then fated on "slow and steady wealth building" but in the end said nothing about how to do it differently...
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Very insightful; excellently woven with select gems of quotations of extraordinary legends. The book is a terrific read, will stir you within...
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    Beware, this book has the power to change your life..
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely amazing book. I would recommend this book to anyone with even the smallest interest in business and money. Really great advice! However, it is a long read and, i think, the information isn’t that useful until around half way, but that is because the first half of the book is spent disproving the sidewalk and slowlane.

    Would really recommend this book and I hope you all find the immense value in it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book seriously changed my perspective about wealth. MJ thinks in a very logical and mathematical way. I would recommend this book to anyone. Thanks MJ!
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great work,great insights,life changing book,a must read, highly recommended
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    so far its very 4pfness very immaculate book gets me active and mobile
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    An awesome book to read. If you have big dreams, I bet you can take a leaf out of them.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I learned a lot from this book, and when i read it i changed my mindset which im happy with
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Great Reads for financial literacy and practical means to follow in daily life for betterment.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    buenisimo completo y entretenido. Para leerlo mas de una vez
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This book has really changed my perspective towards about problems.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Eye opener, gave me courage to quit my job, we will see how things go from here.

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It's bare the truth on achieving success through real life situations.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This literally is going to change my life. I am going through a job switch and I was seriously thinking of becoming an entrepreneur and starting a company with my colleague. This dispelled all the doubts I had in myself and the company that I was thinking of starting. This doesn't give the feel good feeling that the other books give that quickly fades away. This book is pure practical. This book was directly talking to me in the slowlane chapters and it hit me hard. After completing 75 percent of the book, I immediately sent a message to my colleague that a book exploded my mind and we need to talk in person. I traveled in the rain and met him the next day, discussed all the notes that I took from the book and he was also blown away. We decided on what we would focus and immediately had a starting point for our business. Thanks MJ and I will definitely thank you again after becoming a millionaire soon. This book is pure gold!!

    3 people found this helpful

  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Really excellent book, the best financial book i've ever read

    1 person found this helpful

  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Good points but the author seems angry and is bashing other great people and concepts. Funny enough, he confirms the exact concept that he is bashing! He spoke negatively about positive thinking, but then in chapter 24 he tried to get philosophical about perception and CONFIRMS the positive thinking concept as he corrects a teenager that said he could never own a Lamborghini. He contradicted himself several times including with Kiyosaki and the Law of Attraction. Perhaps he didnt fully understand that he himself used these concepts to become successful.

    The point? He could have told his story without the foul explicit examples and unnecessary criticisms. One does not have to make other things wrong in order to make himself right. He only contradicted himself.

    3 people found this helpful

Book preview

The Millionaire Fastlane - MJ DeMarco

Part One

Wealth in a Wheelchair: Get Rich Slow is Get Rich Old

Chapter 1

The Great Deception

Normal is not something to aspire to, it’s something to get away from.

Jodie Foster

The MTV Cribs Episode that Never Happened

Host: Today we visit 22-year-old Big Daddyhoo and his 8,000-square-foot crib here on the beautiful Atlantic coastline live from sunny Palm Beach Florida . . . so, Big Daddyhoo, tell us about your rides!

Big Daddyhoo: Yo dawg, we gotz the Ferrari 488GTB over there with the 22-inch rims, the sick Lamborghini Huracan over there with the custom 12-speaker stereo, and for those nights when I just wanna chillax with the ladies, the Rolls Royce Arnage does my do.

Host: So, Big Daddyhoo, how can you afford all these gorgeous rides? And this mansion on the beach? It must have cost more than $20 million!

Big Daddyhoo: Yo let me tell you dawg, Big Daddyhoo got rich chilling in low-cost index funds and popping phat money in my 401(k)s down at my Win-Go Wireless job. 

Suddenly, you hear a record screech off the turntable.


As you can imagine, this scenario would never happen. Big Daddy’s answer is preposterous and laughable. We’re smart enough to know that wealthy 22-year-olds aren’t rich because they diligently saved their paycheck from a job and stashed it away in an index fund. We know that people who get rich young fall into a unique subset of society: pro athletes, rappers, actors, entertainers, and famous people. Those of us outside this demography are stuck with the traditional advice showered upon us by financial experts.

It’s called Get Rich Slow and sounds something like this:

Go to school, get good grades, graduate, get a good job, invest in the stock market, max out your 401(k), cut up your credit cards, and clip coupons . . . then someday, when you are, oh, 65 years old, you will be rich.

Get Rich Slow Is a Losing Game

If you want to get rich and Get Rich Slow is your strategy, I have bad news. It’s a losing game, with your time wagered as the gamble. Is the guy with the palatial beach estate and the $500,000 supercar on the driveway rich because he invested in mutual funds? Or clipped coupons from the local Super-Saver? Of course not. So why do we give credence to this advice as a legitimate road that leads to wealth and financial freedom? Because the government, a podcast personality, and Goldman Sachs said so?

Show me a 22-year-old who got rich investing in indexed funds. Show me the man who earned millions in three years by maximizing his 401(k). Show me the young twenty-something who got rich clipping coupons. Where are these people? 

They don’t exist. They’re impossible fairy tales.

Yet, we continue to trust the same tired gang of financial sycophants who preach these doctrines of wealth. Yes sir, get a job, work 50 years, save, live mindlessly frugal, invest in the stock market, and soon, your day of freedom will arrive at age 70 . . . and if the stock market is kind and you’re lucky, 60! Gee, doesn’t this wealth in a wheelchair financial plan sound exciting?

In today’s reckless financial climate of monetary debt and inflation, I am shocked people still believe these strategies even work. Wasn’t it the 2008 recession that exposed Get Rich Slow for the fraud it is? Oh, I get it; if you’re employed for 40 years and avoid 40% market downturns, Get Rich Slow works; just sit back, work, and hope death doesn’t meet you first because, golly-gee, you’re going to be the richest guy in the retirement home!

The message of Get Rich Slow is clear: Sacrifice your today, your dreams, and your life for a plan that pays a nebulous freedom after most of your life has evaporated, assuming you continue living like a minimalistic monk.  

Let me be blunt: If your road to wealth devours most of your active adult life and is not guaranteed, that road sucks. A road to wealth codependent on Wall Street and anchored by time with your life wagered as the gamble is a rotten alley.

Nonetheless, the preordained plan continues to wield power, prophesied and enforced by a legion of hypocritical financial experts or FIRE acolytes who aren’t rich by their own advice but by their own Fastlane. The Slowlane prognosticators—people who make a fortune on investment management fees, seven-figure book deals, podcast sponsorships, training programs, and ancillary subscriptions— know something they aren’t telling you: What they teach doesn’t create wealth fast, but selling it does.

Wealth Young: Is It Bullshit?

The Millionaire Fastlane isn’t about being retired old with millions but about redefining wealth to include youth, fun, freedom, and prosperity. Take this comment posted on the Fastlane Forum:

Is it bullshit? You know, the dream to be young and live the life—to own the exotic cars, to own the dream house, to have free time to travel and pursue your dreams. Can you really get free of the rat race young? I’m a 23-year-old investment banker in Chicago, Illinois. I make a modest salary with modest commissions. By most people’s standards, I have a good job. I hate it. I cruise Chicago’s downtown and I see some guys living the life. Guys driving expensive exotic cars and I think to myself . . . They’re all 50 or older with silver hair! One of them once told me, ‘You know kid, when you finally can afford a toy like this, you’re almost too old to enjoy it!’ The guy was a 52-year-old real estate investor. I remember looking at him and thinking ‘God . . . that can’t be true! It’s gotta be bullshit! It’s gotta be!’

 I can verify—it isn’t bullshit. You can live the life and still be young. Old age and miserly living are not a prerequisite to wealth or retirement. However, the real BS is thinking you can do it by the default Get Rich Slow construct, at least by the time you hit your 30th birthday. Believing that old age is a precondition to retirement is the real BS. The real BS allows Get Rich Slow to steal your dreams.

Reinvent Retirement to Include Youth and Prosperity

Say retirement, and what do you see? I see a cranky old man on a porch in a creaky rocking chair. I see pharmacies, doctor’s offices, walkers, and unsightly urinary undergarments. I see nursing homes and overburdened loved ones. I see old and immobile. Heck, I even smell something musty circa 1971. People retire in their 60s or 70s. Even at that age, they struggle to make ends meet and rely on bankrupted government programs to survive. Others work well into their golden years just to maintain their lifestyle. Some never make it and work until death.

How does this happen? Simple. Get Rich Slow takes a lifetime, and its success is nefariously dependent on too many factors you cannot control. Invest fifty years into a job and miserly living; then, one day, you can retire rich alongside your wheelchair and prescription pillbox. How uninspiring. Yet, millions undertake the fifty-year gamble. Those who win the Wall Street lottery receive their reward of financial freedom with a stinking lump of turd: old age. Gee thanks.

Others hop aboard the FIRE bandwagon, which advocates saving every dime and cutting every expense while hoping for continued stock market hyperinflation. As such, FIRE participants find themselves in a job they hate micromanaging every paycheck while starving themselves of life’s pleasures. Question: Is financial freedom worth it if it devours 40 years of your youthful life and amounts to living like a broke, homeless person for the rest of your life?

The problem with traditional retirement planning or the FIRE strategy is what you do not see. You don’t see fun, you don’t see a fabulous life, you don’t see world travel, and you certainly don’t see the realization of dreams. Instead, you see abstinence and many excuses for why you can’t spend X on Y. In other words, you’re not free of money; you’re owned by it.

Get Rich Slow, or FIRE, isn’t the answer if you want financial freedom.

If you want real, unencumbered financial freedom while still being young enough to enjoy it, you need to ignore society’s default Get Rich Slow roadmap or its newest you’ll own nothing and be happy lapdog, FIRE.

There is another way.

Chapter Summary: Fastlane Distinctions

Get Rich Slow demands a long life of gainful employment.

Get Rich Slow is a losing game because it is codependent on Wall Street and anchored by your time.

Advocates of the FIRE strategy are not free of money. They are owned by it.

The real golden years of life are when you’re young, sentient, and vibrant.

Chapter 2

How I Screwed Get Rich Slow

The object of life is not to be on the side of the masses, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.

— Marcus Aurelius

Exposing the Get Rich Slow Dreamkiller

As a teenager, I never considered the idea of getting rich young. Wealth + youth was an equation that didn’t compute simply because I didn’t possess a talent or physical capabilities. Common roads to wealth for the young are competitive and need talent; actor, musician, an entertainer, or a pro athlete—all roads that had a big ROAD CLOSED sign that sneered, Not a chance, MJ!

So, early in life, I conceded. I gave up on my dreams. Get Rich Slow made it abundantly clear: Go to school, get a job, settle for less, sacrifice, be miserly and quit dreaming about financial freedom, mountainside homes, and exotic cars. But I still dreamed. It’s what teenage boys do. For me, it was all about the cars—specifically, the Lamborghini Countach.

The 90 Seconds that Changed My Life

I grew up in Chicago as a chubby kid with few friends. I wasn’t interested in teenage girls or sports but lying around in a beanbag stuffing my face with doughnuts while watching Tom-n-Jerry reruns. Parental supervision was absent; Mom divorced Dad years earlier, which left my mother to raise my older siblings and me alone. Mom didn’t have a college education or a career unless a deep-frying job at Kentucky Fried Chicken qualified. That left me to my own indulgences, usually sweet-toothing and the latest episode of the A-Team. My exertions were characterized by a long, broken broom handle: I used it as the TV’s remote control since the real one was broken, and I was too lazy to move. When I did move, the local ice cream shop was often my target; a sugary delight was a motive I could count on.

That day was like any other day: I sought ice cream. I plotted the flavor of my next indulgence and headed toward the ice cream parlor.

When I arrived, there IT was. I was face to face with my dream car; a Lamborghini Countach famous from the eighties hit movie Cannonball Run. Parked stoically like an omnipotent king, I gazed upon it like a worshiper beholden to its God. Awestruck, any thoughts of ice cream were ousted from my brain.

Posterized on my bedroom walls and drooled upon in my favorite car magazines, I was acutely familiar with the Lamborghini Countach: cunning, evil, obscenely fast, spaceship doors, and ungodly expensive. Yet, here it was, just a few feet away, like Elvis resurrected. Its raw tangible grandeur was like an artisan coming face to face with an authentic Monet. The lines, the curves, the smell . . .

I gawked for a few minutes until a young man left the ice cream parlor and headed toward the car. Could this be the owner? No way. He couldn’t have been more than 25 years old. Dressed in blue jeans and an oversized flannel shirt with what I spied to be an Iron Maiden concert shirt underneath, I reasoned this couldn’t be the owner. I expected an old guy: wrinkled, receding gray hairline, and dressed two seasons late. Not so.

What the heck? I mulled. How could a young guy afford such a kick-ass automobile? For God’s sake, that car costs more than the house I live in! It’s got to be a lottery winner, I speculated. Hmmm . . . or maybe some rich kid who inherited the family fortune. No, it’s a pro athlete. Yes, that’s it, I concluded.

Suddenly, a dare invaded my head: Hey, why don’t you ask the guy what he does for a living? Could I? I stood on the sidewalk, dumbfounded, while I argued with myself. Emboldened and washed with adrenaline, I found my legs moving toward the car as if my brain weren’t agreeable. In the back of my mind, my brother taunted, Danger, Will Robinson, danger!

Sensing my approach, the owner quickly opened his door and hid his trepidation with a forced smile. Whoa. The car’s door flung up into the sky vertically, as opposed to swinging out sideways like a normal car. It threw me off what little game I had, and I tried to maintain composure as if cars with futuristic doors were standard. What couldn’t have been more than twenty words seemed like a novel. My opportunity was here, and I snatched it. Excuse me, sir? I nervously muttered, hoping he wouldn’t ignore me. May I ask what you do for a living?

Relieved that I wasn’t a teenage derelict, the owner kindly responded: I’m an inventor. Perplexed that his answer didn’t match my guesses; my prepared follow-up questions were nullified, paralyzing my next move. I stood there frozen like the ice cream I had sought minutes earlier. Sensing an escape opportunity, the young Lamborghini owner plunked into the driver’s seat, closed the door, and started the engine. The loud roar of the exhaust swept through the parking lot, alerting all life forms to the Lamborghini’s formidable presence. Whether I liked it or not, the conversation was over.

Knowing it might be years before I could enjoy a similar spectacle, I took a mental inventory of the automotive unicorn before me. I left awakened and motivated as if a neural pathway suddenly smacked open in my brain. 

The Liberation from Fame and Talent

What changed that day? I was exposed to the Fastlane and a new truth. As for the sweets I pursued that day, I never made it into the store. I turned around and went home with a new reality. I wasn’t athletic, I couldn’t sing, and I couldn’t act, but I could get rich as an entrepreneur.

From that point forward, things changed. The Lamborghini encounter lasted 90 seconds but transcended a lifetime of new beliefs, new studies, and altered choices. I decided that someday I would own a Lamborghini, and I would do it while I was young. I was not waiting until my next chance encounter or my next magazine feature: I wanted it for myself. Yes, I retired the broomstick and got off my lazy ass.

The Search for the Millionaire Fastlane

After the Lamborghini encounter, I made a conscious effort to study young millionaires who weren’t famous or physically talented. But I wasn’t interested in all millionaires, just those who lived a rich, extravagant lifestyle. This examination led me to study a limited, obscure group of people: a small subset of fameless millionaires who met these criteria:

They were living a rich lifestyle or were capable of such. I wasn’t interested in hearing from frugal millionaires who lived next door in the middle class.

They had to be relatively young (under 35) or they had to have acquired wealth fast. I wasn’t interested in people who spent 40 years of their life jobbing and penny-pinching their way to millions. I wanted to be rich young, not old.

They had to be self-made. I was broke. Silver-spoon winners of the lucky sperm lottery weren’t invited to my lab.

Their riches could NOT be from fame, physical talent, playing pro ball, acting, singing, or entertaining.

I sought millionaires who would have started like me, an average guy without any special skill or talent, who, somehow, made it big. Through high school and college, I religiously studied this millionaire divergence. I read magazines, books, and newspapers and watched documentaries of successful businessmen; anything that provided insight into this small subset of millionaires, I absorbed. 

Unfortunately, this zest to uncover the secret to fast wealth led me to disappointment. I was a late-night infomercial marketer’s dream come true—gullible, willing, and armed with a credit card. I bought into countless opportunities, from one tiny classified ad to the Asian real estate mogul and his sexy bikini-clad yacht vixens. None of them delivered wealth, and despite the slick commercials and their claims, the voluptuous models never materialized.

As I fed my appetite for knowledge and endured one odd job after another, my research uncovered some remarkable common denominators. I was confident I had uncovered all the components to the millionaire fastlane and fameless wealth. I was determined to become rich young, and the journey would begin after college graduation. Little did I know what lay ahead—the roadblocks, the detours, and the mistakes.

Resistance into Mediocrity

I graduated from Northern Illinois University with two business degrees. For me, college seemed like a five-year brainwashing program for corporate homogenization. Nobody talked about entrepreneurship. All I heard from my teachers was when you get hired and when you get a job as if starting a business was a dirty thought. I resisted, but my friends didn’t. They were hired for great jobs and bragged about it:

I work for Motorola.

I got a job at Northwestern Insurance!

Hertz Rental Cars hired me as a training manager!

While I was happy for them, my friends bought into the lie that I affectionately call The Slowlane. Me? Thanks, but no thanks. I wanted to avoid the Slowlane like a medieval plague. My idea was to find the Fastlane, retire rich, and retire young.

Roadblocks, Detours, and Depression

Despite the confidence, the next few years fell horribly short of my expectations. I lived with my mother as I bounced from one opportunity to another. Success was absent. Every month was a different business as I chased my personal passions: fitness supplements, bodybuilding jewelry, some hot turnkey marketing program purchased from the back of a business magazine, or some goofy long-distance network marketing gig.

I was working hard, but my record of failures grew harder, as did my mounting debts. Years passed, and foolery ensued as I was forced to take a series of ego-crippling jobs better suited for a Neanderthal: a busboy at a Chinese restaurant (yes, there were cockroaches in the back), a day laborer in the Chicago slums, pizza-delivery boy, flower-delivery boy, dispatcher, limo driver, early morning newspaper delivery for the Chicago Tribune, Subway sandwich restaurant salesman (WTF?), Sears stock clerk (in the freaking drapery department), donation-can collector, and house painter.

The only thing worse than these suffocating jobs and their pay? The hours. Most required a predawn start . . . 3 a.m., 4 a.m. . . . if any ungodly hour was involved, you could bet my job required it. After five years of college, I graduated to live and work like a dairy farmer. Hell, money was so tight that I prostituted myself to an older woman to pay for my best friend’s wedding gift. Yes, cougars preyed in the 1990s.

Meanwhile, my friends progressed in their careers: They got their 3% yearly pay increases. They bought their Mustangs and Acuras and their 1,200-square-foot townhouses. They appeared content and lived the expectant life prescribed by society. They were normal, and I wasn’t.

At 26 years old, I fell into depression; my businesses were not self-sufficient, and neither was I. Seasonal depression gnawed at my fractured psyche. Chicago’s rainy, dark, dreary weather made me crave the comfort of a warm bed and tasty pastries. Accomplishments were preceded by sunshine, so yes, I wasn’t accomplishing much. Tired of the high-school dropout jobs, I struggled to get out of bed, and doubt became the daily affirmation. Physically, emotionally, and financially exhausted from failure, I knew my results weren’t reflective of my true self. I knew the Fastlane way to wealth but just couldn’t get it executed. What was I doing wrong? What was holding me back? After years of research and education, complete with a full closet of books, magazines, and quick start videos, I was further away from wealth. I sat stalled on the sidewalk with the Fastlane nowhere in sight.

My deep depression sunk me into escapes, but instead of drugs, sex, or alcohol, I lost myself in books and kept studying fameless millionaires. If I couldn’t be successful, I’d escape into the lives of those who were by absorbing success stories and other rags-to-riches tales.

But it got worse.

The people in my life gave up on me. My long-time girlfriend proclaimed, You have no resolve. She had a safe and secure job with a rental car agency, but we’d argue because she worked long hours for chump change, a whopping $28,000 a year. Of course, she rightly retorted with the facts: You don’t have a job, you make $27,000 less than me, and none of your businesses work. She was a smart cat. Our relationship ended as she found a courtship with a corporate radio ad executive.

And then there was my mother. For the first years after college, she cut me slack, but then came the failures and the low-rent jobs. I begged patience. One of my pleads was a detailed commentary about Fastlane wealth creation for entrepreneurs—it operates under an asymmetric scale—those with jobs operate under a linear scale. Unfortunately, it didn’t matter how great my charts and diagrams were; mom lost faith, and I didn’t blame her. Landing a man on Mars showed more promise.

Her directives dulled my drive. She’d shout, Get a job, baby! at least twenty times a week. Ugh, even today, I shudder. That phrase, shouted in that voice, could exterminate cockroaches in a post-apocalyptic world. There were days I’d want to pound my head into a vise and crush my ears into deafness. Get a job, baby! bore into my soul; it was a motherly decree that ended the trial with the jury’s unanimous verdict: Failure, with a vote of no confidence.

Mom suggested, The grocery store is hiring a deli manager, why don’t you go down there and check it out? As if my disaffected college education and next five years of struggle were to eclipse at the deli counter, cutting blocks of bologna and ladling potato salad to the neighborhood soccer moms. Thanks for the job tip, but I’ll pass.

My Blizzard of Awakening

The agony of a cold Chicago blizzard flung me onto life’s crossroads. It was a frigid night, and I was dead tired of working as a limo driver. Wet snow drenched my shoes while I fought a migraine headache. The four aspirins I chased hours earlier had no effect. As the intensity of the storm increased, it was clear: I wouldn’t be getting home soon. My usual routes were snowed in. Frustrated, I pulled to the shoulder of an unlit road. I parked the limo and faced myself in dead and darkened silence.

I felt the cold chill of melted snow crawl up from my toes into my legs. Outside I saw a beautiful cascade of snowflakes, an ironic reminder of how much I hated winter ugliness. I dropped my head back into the seat and unleashed an epic groan. As I gazed at the cigarette-burned ceiling of the limousine, the reality hit me: What the hell am I doing? Is this what my life has become?

Sitting on an empty road in a blizzard in the dead of night in the middle of nowhere, I’d had it. Sometimes clarity washes over you like a peaceful breeze, and other times it hits you like a falling Steinway piano. For me, it was the latter. A sharp declaration clobbered my brain: You cannot live another day like this!

If I was going to survive, I needed to change.

The Decision to Change

The harsh winter shot me into swift action. I decided to change. I took control over something I thought was uncontrollable: my environment. I decided to relocate—to where I didn’t know, and at that moment, I didn’t care.

In an instant, I felt powerful. The velocity of that choice infused my miserable existence with hope and a small drip of happiness. My failures evaporated, and I felt reborn. Suddenly a dead-end road converged with a dream.

It wasn’t about the decision to move; it was about taking control and knowing that I had a choice.

With this new power, I considered options that never seemed possible. I asked a simple question: If I could live anywhere in the country without restraint, where would I live? I thought about the things important to me and circled five cities on a map. Within the next few weeks, I took a road trip and visited all of them. Weeks after that, I moved, or I should say, escaped.

The Merge from Slowlane to Fastlane

I arrived in Phoenix, Arizona with 900 bucks, no job, no friends, and no family—just 330 days of sun and a burning desire to hit the Fastlane. My possessions included an old mattress, a ten-year-old rusty Buick Skylark with no third gear, a few side businesses that made little cash, and several hundred books. Ground zero for my new life was a small studio apartment in central Phoenix that I rented for $475 per month. I transformed my studio apartment into an office. No bedroom set, no furniture, just a mattress that invaded the kitchen. I slept with Pop-Tart crumbs, a side effect of laying a mattress next to the kitchen counter.

I lived poor and without security, but I felt rich. I was in control of my life.

One of the many businesses I created was a website. While driving that limo in Chicago, sometimes I'd sit idle for hours and had plenty of downtime to read books. I didn't waste that time. While I waited for clients at the airport or while they got smashed at the local bar, I sat in the limo and read. And read. I studied everything from finance to Internet programming to more autobiographies of the rich.

The limo job did something special: it put me at the forefront of an unsolved need that needed a solution. One of my limo clients asked if I knew of any good limo companies in New York. I dropped the passenger off at the airport, but he left me with a seed of invention. If I lived in Chicago and needed prices and booking options for limo service in New York, where would I go to find it? I didn't have a New York Yellow Pages handy, and surely no one outside of New York did either. Faced with this question, I concluded that other travelers would have the same challenge. So, I built a website that would solve this problem. Within a few weeks, was born.

Naturally, because the Internet has no geographical limits, this venture traveled with me to Phoenix. But, like my prior businesses, it didn't make a lot of money.

However, now it was different.

I was debt-strapped and naked in a strange town with no money, job, or safety net. I had to focus.

I aggressively marketed my website. I sent out emails. Cold-called. Mailed letters. I learned search engine optimization (SEO). Because I couldn't afford books, I visited the Phoenix library daily and studied Internet programming languages. (This was before WordPress and easy drag and drop content management systems.) I improved my website and learned about graphics and copywriting. Anything that could help me I consumed. 

Then one day, I had a breakthrough; I received a call from a company in Kansas that raved about my website service and wanted me to design its website. While my focus wasn't web design, I obliged for a price of $400. They thought the price was a steal, and within 24 hours, I had built the company its website. I was ecstatic. In 24 hours, I had most of my rent payment. Then, coincidentally, not a day later, I received another call from a company in New York asking for the same thing, a new website. I designed it for $600, and it took me two days to complete. I had another rent payment!

Now, I know this isn't a lot of money, but from poverty to $1,000 in three days felt like winning the fifty-million-dollar Powerball. In my first few months in Phoenix, I gained traction and survived on my own for the first time in my life. No flower boy. No busboy. No pizza delivery. No sponging off Mom with cheap rent. I was purely self-employed! It was a monumental acceleration, a wind at my back foreshadowing a directional change into a new universe of wealth generation.

But something still wasn't right. Something was missing, and I knew it. Most of my income was attached to my website designs and not my website service. My income was tied to my time, website construction. More website jobs meant more time spent, and if I didn't work, my income would stop.

My time was being sold off for money.

A New Wealth Equation Yields Asymmetric Wealth Acceleration

In the winter, a friend visited from Chicago. I showed him my web service, and he was amazed at all the traffic my service received. I'd get ride arrangement inquiries from around the world every minute of the day. How much for a limo from Boston to Worcester? How much from JFK to Manhattan? We'd scan my email inbox, and it had 450 emails. Ten minutes passed, click refresh, and then there would be another 30 emails. Emails were pouring in several per minute. He suggested, Dude! Turn those emails into money somehow!

He was right, but how? And how can it solve a legitimate need while providing value? He left me with this challenge, and I was intent on solving it.

Days later, I invented a risky, unproven solution and started working on it.

What was I going to do?

Instead of selling ad space, I was going to sell targeted, detailed leads and reservation inquiries.

There was a big problem, though. Like, huge.

I had to convince my customers that this method of business was beneficial to them. At that time, this revenue model was new and ground-breaking. Because I had no predictive data (in any industry, much less the limo industry), I had to nail the execution. As far as I know, I was one of the early pioneers of the lead generation model (if not the first) to adapt and succeed at it. Remember, this was the late nineties when databases and animated GIFs were considered technological marvels.

Despite having no roadmap or preemptive practices, I launched it.

In the short term, I expected the change to kill my income, and it did. I predicted its success would take months if it worked at all. In the first month, the new system generated $473. Yikes. I built more websites to fill my income gap. The second month's revenues were $694. The third month, $970. Then $1,832. $2,314. $3,733. And it continued and continued. 

Months later, I went all in on my service and purchased the premium domain name, in the secondary market. Mind you, this was a time when premium domain names were selling for six- and seven-figures. With some clever negotiation, I was able to buy the name for a low five-figure amount, chiefly financed by credit cards. It was the biggest risk I have ever taken. With this great name footing my growing web service, I expected customer acquisition to become super-simple and super-cheap. Neither happened. My growth continued at the same pace. The big investment in the domain name turned out to be a simple branding investment, nothing more. Easy street would have to wait.

As traffic and profits grew, so did the complaints, the feedback, and the challenges. Improvements came directly from customer suggestions. Within days, sometimes hours, I'd implement customer ideas. My employees and I were known to answer clients' emails within minutes, if not an hour. I learned to be receptive to the consumer, and because of it, the service got better and better. 

Then a few months later, I unearthed another need. Turns out that many of my customers wanted an easier way to buy and sell commercial vehicles like buses, limos, and coaches. After identifying this need, a few weeks later, was born. 

Within a year, my web assets started to grow asymmetrically but not without challenge. The workdays were long. Problem-solving was a daily activity. Forty hours was a vacation; typical workweeks were sixty hours long. Days and weekends blurred together. While my new friends were out drinking and partying, I was hunkered down in my tiny apartment, regurgitating code. I didn't know if it was Thursday or Saturday, and it didn't matter. The glory of the hard work was this: It didn't feel like work; in fact, I enjoyed it. I didn't have a job; I had a passion for making a difference. Thousands of people benefited from something I created, which addicted me to the process. Although I had zero passion for the ground transportation business, the passion came from making a profound difference and knowing that I was setting myself free.

I started to compile testimonials from clients.

Because of you, my business grew tenfold.

Your website led me to my biggest corporate client.

Your company has been instrumental in growing my business.

This feedback was a different form of currency called happiness. I wasn't awash in riches quite yet, but I felt rich. 

My Faked Shortcut to Wealth

In 2000, my telephone rang with a different type of inquiry. Technology startups called; they wanted to know if I would sell my business. In that year, the dot-com frenzy was in full force. Not a day went by without a tall tale about some dot-com millionaire who struck it rich by selling a tech property. Remember the fameless millionaires? This subset of the rich grew at a staggering rate, and the wave swelled my way.

So, did I want to sell my company? Hell yes! I had three offers to sell. Offer 1: $250,000. Offer 2: $550,000. Offer 3: $1,200,000. I accepted offer three and became a millionaire . . . instantly . . . well, almost. Like the tech boom, it didn’t last.

At the time, I thought $1.2 million dollars was a lot of money. It wasn’t. Taxes. Worthless earn-outs and stock options. I bought a Corvette, hoping it would make me look rich. I thought I was rich, but I really wasn’t. I made mistakes and invested in overinflated tech stocks, thinking I could FIRE the next thirty years of my life and never work again. By the time it was over, I had less than $300,000 left.

The tech implosion arrived with unforgiving consequences, at least for buyers of my company. Against my recommendations and domain knowledge, they made poor decisions, decisions that were good for short-term revenue but horrific for long-term growth. They flushed money down the toilet as if there were an endless supply. Do we really need custom-branded water bottles? And that cool neon sign in the break-room? Are these revenue-generating actions?

Decisions were made slowly and by committee. Customers were ignored. Incredulously, most of the company’s executive management had Ivy League MBAs, proof that

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