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Village of Dreams
Village of Dreams
Village of Dreams
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Village of Dreams

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"Pastor Paul Power had been commissioned to the Village of Sinking Fast with nothing but raw courage and a dream. By the looks of the sin-infested village, he had his work cut out for him. Could he accomplish all he was sent to do? That was a question of faithand one that would surely be put to the test.
Join in the adventure, and witness the miraculous power of prayer in action as the angelic forces of Da Branch combine their heavenly skills with the Servants of the Most High God in their quest to restore the Village of Sinking Fast to its destiny as the Village of Dreams . . ."
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateSep 24, 2010
Village of Dreams

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    Village of Dreams - Mary Cabatbat

    Copyright © 2010 by Mary Cabatbat.

    Library of Congress Control Number:   2010911006

    ISBN:   Hardcover   978-1-4535-4625-3

    ISBN:   Softcover   978-1-4535-4624-6

    ISBN:   Ebook   978-1-4535-4626-0

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    This book was printed in the United States of America.

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    Chapter One: The Calling

    Chapter Two: Sinkingfast High School

    Chapter Three: Da Branch

    Chapter Four: The Church of Power and Glory

    Chapter Five: Preparing for Battle

    Chapter Six: Strongholds and Idols Defeated

    Chapter Seven: New Beginnings—

    Chapter Eight: Marked for Transformation—

    Hawai’ian Words Translated

    I would like to dedicate Village of Dreams to my beautiful children; daughters Deanine Lorilei Cabatbat, Jermayne Rinnah Cabatbat, and my son, Noa Konane Xavier Cabatbat, who inspire me to laugh, to love, to pray, and to write.

    Also, their father, Dean M. Cabatbat, whose greatest gift to me throughout our 28 years together, was our children.

    My Grandchildren, Nadine Kekaulani Ching, Kaden James Makakoa Ching, Jazlyn Kaohinani Cabatbat-Naehu, Tiera Talia Asuncion, and Dayton Kainoa Asuncion (eternal treasures forever prized by me)as well as the answer to many of my prayers for hope for future generations. It is my prayer that all of them will always seek first the kingdom of Akua God and His righteousness that He may fill their lives with every good and perfect gift from above. Also, much mahalo to my home church, Sure Foundation (Puna), Pastor Lorin Carmichael, his wife Patty, and their children, Pastor Evan, Shannon, and Candace who have shown the unconditional love of the Lord to me as well as to all they embrace in their ministries in Puna by their heartfelt example of aloha, expressed to our community in ways too numerous to list on paper. God bless you all for all you do.

    May Akua’s hand of love continue to guide you in all your endeavors as you strive to serve the Most High God . . .

    Heavenly warriors sent from above . . .

    to pursue; to route; to vanquish—

    the enemies of the Most High God . . .

    Undetected in the night

    they wrap themselves in their armor of light,

    fearing nothing . . .

    To please their King and Master

    they travel into realms of darkness . . .

    causing the hordes of demons to flee

              before them . . .

    Accomplishing feats man cannot perform—

    pulling down strongholds of bondage . . .

    Guiding man along the paths of destiny—

    determined by the hand of God . . .

    Until they reach with unfettered certainty

    that place of reassuring peace . . .

    and abiding tranquility created with man in mind—

    Heaven . . . the gift of eternity designed by God.


    The Calling

    RUMBLES OF THUNDER and flashes of lightning had been emanating from God’s throne room for days.

    Those sounds, blending with thousands upon thousands of angelic voices singing songs of praise to the King could only mean one thing. They were being summoned for assignment. Then, a commanding blast from the shofar sounded and they all stood at attention. In a matter of minutes the thunder subsided and on the north wall of the gates of heaven appeared a dazzling angel—sword in one hand and scroll in the other.

    It was Azuria, leader of the Seven Servants, the angelic elite who coordinated earthly missions and prepared the angelic host for battle against the demonic hordes of powers, principalities and legions of fallen angels that continuously sought to undermine God’s will and cause destruction on the earth.

    Azuria was fearsome yet beautiful to behold. His skin was dark bronze and his hair pale gold, falling around his face in perfect order. His eyes were dark and bold. He wore a coat of mail and a breastplate of twelve multi-colored transparent stones—designed after the gems set in the twelve foundation walls of heaven (Revelation 21:14). Azuria, endowed with numerous heavenly gifts and known for his special powers over the elements, overcame natural disasters of all kinds, such as thick fog, hurricane, tornadoes and fire.

    The tips of his wings, coated with the same gold that pave the streets of gold in heaven,(Revelation 21:21) shone brilliantly in the sun, dazzling and blinding any demonic force he encountered. A magnificent warrior, he had never been defeated in battle. He hovered steadily over the northern wall as he called out the names of his angelic co-warriors who would be heading to earth with him shortly to accomplish the mission for which they had been summoned.

    Tribatar, the first angel called after Azuria, well known as the comforting angel, had the gift of helping those in distressing situations.

    The moment his fellow angels heard his name called, they began actively praying for the mission to come. God had gifted Tribatar with the ability to inspire those in distress with the desire to move on with God’s plans for them. He was very experienced in turning distressing situations into triumphant outcomes; all who encountered him were changed. He wore white garments inlaid with gold embroidered olive branches, a symbol of peace, representing his true nature. All angels have the capacity for compassion and also for war. Tribatar routed God’s enemies with warlike ferocity but his co warriors knew him best as an angel of comfort.

    On assignment, all angels arrived prepared for battle. All carried swords, shields, and shofars, the heavenly battle horn used to warn of enemy attack, to gather the angelic warriors to battle, and to announce victory over demonic principalities.

    A glimmering golden band encircled Tribatar’s equally golden, short, wavy hair, When used to bind unruly demons, it caused them to tell the truth for a brief time. Thus, he interrogated demons and forced them to reveal the strategies they had used on the humans they were trying to torment or ruin. The demons feared this device and on first sight of Tribatar or the band, they fled.

    Azuria next called Wordimas, the third angel, for assignment. A highly brave and intelligent angel, The King rewarded Wordimas for these angelic traits in a special way. He was given secret code words that evil spirits fear. In ages past, when Lucifer, also known as Satan, or the devil, was expelled from heaven, Michael the archangel had explosively proclaimed these words, driving Satan from heaven’s gates.

    Wordimas was strikingly handsome. His dark brown hair and fair skin contrasted with his soulful, deep-set, grayish—green eyes which appeared to have the ability to see through his enemies, discerning their evil intentions. His facial expression and demeanor would change at the blink of an eye from loving and compassionate to courageous and fearlesss. Demons did not stand a chance in the presence of Wordimas.

    His heavenly attire reflected his favored colors, green and blue—royal robes absorbing the rays of sunlight and producing reflections of color as beautiful and iridescent as the shades in a dragonfly’s wing. The heavenly shades of blue signified to all in

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