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Jeans to Things
Jeans to Things
Jeans to Things
Ebook81 pages48 minutes

Jeans to Things

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About this ebook

This book offers exciting ways to create fun and functional projects from old jeans.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateSep 25, 2015
Jeans to Things

Geri Goss

Geri has been developing her sewing skills since she was ten years old. She is creative in many ways and enjoys making her own patterns and projects come to life. Liz contributes skills of organization and clerical abilities. She enjoys creative expression with literary focus. No project is too difficult for her to put into words.

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    Jeans to Things - Geri Goss

    Copyright © 2015 Geri Goss with Liz Exner.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Balboa Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4014-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-4015-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2015914299

    Balboa Press rev. date: 9/24/2015



    Directions For….



    How To


    Baby Carrier

    Bag From Bottom of Pant Leg

    Bag With Flap

    Bag With No Flap

    Bag With Ready Made Applique

    Bottle Carrier

    Cell Phone Charger Pocket

    Christmas Stocking

    Denim Covered Book/Photo Album

    Diaper Bag

    Draw String Backpack

    Fancier Small Bag


    Messenger Bag

    Small Bag From Pant Leg

    Small Item Carrier


    Walker Bags

    Yoga Mat Cover


    Making an applique- You will need some fusible bond (sheet adhesive), some lining fabric (to match the project you are making), scissors, hot iron and clear glue or colored marker.

    Make sure iron is hot. Some say not to use steam, but I have found it doesn’t matter if the iron is on steam or dry. You might want to keep the steam minimal so you don’t burn yourself when applying the fabric to the adhesive.

    Draw a square around the picture you want to applique. Cut this out . Lay it on the edge of the fusible adhesive, keeping the paper behind the adhesive until you are ready to cut your picture out of the square.

    Press the square to the adhesive. Make sure the iron stays only on the fabric. If it hits the adhesive, the adhesive will stick to the iron and you will have to clean it off the iron. If you cannot press down the edges without touching the adhesive, then just touch the middle of the square with the iron, keep it from moving. Cut out the square, then press the rest of the square to the adhesive.

    Cut around the picture, peel off the paper from the back, press the picture to the project.

    If you want the more finished look, you can trace the outside with paint, fabric markers or permanent glue.

    Making an outside pocket- 1. Cut pocket piece out of denim. Lay the denim piece onto the lining fabric, right side together. Cut lining piece out. Stitch ¼" seam at the top of the 2 pieces as they are still right sides together. Flip the pieces to wrong sides together. Press . Lay pocket onto piece using as side of the bag, matching at bottom. Top stitch close to the edge so the pocket doesn’t move when you stitch the bag together.

    2. Cut two(squares or) rectangles out of lining fabric (or one out of denim and one out of lining), right sides together. Sew a ¼ seam around the edges of the rectangle. Leave a 1.5 opening at the top so the pocket can be turned right side out. Clip the corners and snip, not quite to the seam. Turn right sides out, pulling corners through to shape. Fold raw edges which were left at the top, inward to complete the rectangle. Stitch across the top, close (1/8") to the edge. Lay the pocket on the bag flap. Starting close to the right corner, at the top, place the needle close to the edge. At a slight angle, back stitch to the stitching at the top. Forward stitch and backstitch again. Pivot the needle. Stitch to

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