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Alignment, Process, Relationships: A Simple Guide to Team Management
Alignment, Process, Relationships: A Simple Guide to Team Management
Alignment, Process, Relationships: A Simple Guide to Team Management
Ebook61 pages1 hour

Alignment, Process, Relationships: A Simple Guide to Team Management

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Have you ever wondered why a group of remarkable individual performers can get together and fail as a team?

You can have all the talent in the world, but if individuals do not share common goals, coordinate their efforts, and trust one another to carry their share of the load, then you don’t have a team.

So how does a team manager bridge this divide between individual performance and team performance? It turns out they construct that bridge on three simple building blocks: team alignment, team process, and team relationships.
Release dateFeb 15, 2019
Alignment, Process, Relationships: A Simple Guide to Team Management

Steve King

Steve King is the director of executive education at the University of Wisconsin and president of the SDK Group. He formerly was the senior vice president of human resources at Hewitt Associates, and he has worked in leadership roles with Baxter Healthcare, the Bank of Montreal, and Harris Bank in Chicago.

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    Alignment, Process, Relationships - Steve King

    Copyright © 2019 Steve King.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6823-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6824-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019901528

    iUniverse rev. date: 02/15/2019


    Chapter 1 Introduction

    Chapter 2 Alignment, Process, Relationships: The Basics

    Chapter 3 Wrestling Teams and Football Teams

    Chapter 4 Team Goals: What’s Expected of Us?

    Chapter 5 Metrics, Team Behaviors, and Incentives

    Chapter 6 Roles, Responsibilities, and Decision Rights

    Chapter 7 Process Management and Team Management

    Chapter 8 Team Meetings and Assessing Team Performance

    Chapter 9 Professional Trust, Personal Trust, and Emotional Intelligence

    Chapter 10 Resolving Team Disagreement

    Chapter 11 Managing Group Dynamics

    Chapter 12 The Influence of Team Culture

    Chapter 13 When One Person Makes It Hard on the Whole Team

    Chapter 14 Some Final Thoughts


    Recommended Reading

    About the Author


    To Betsy, Lisa, and Artell, for your enduring partnership, and to Michelle, for your enduring love and encouragement




    I spend a good deal of time with frontline managers and supervisors. I make time to be with them because I find it a grounding experience. You want to know what’s going on in an organization? They know. They can tell you the real story about millennials, the impact of continuous improvement efforts, and whether corporate policies work as intended. They see productivity issues firsthad. They can make or break most change efforts.

    I wrote my first two books—Brag, Worry, Wonder, Bet and Six Conversations—with them in mind. I wanted to provide managers with simple tools and techniques to better manage their staffs.

    So when they asked for something more, I was all ears. The questions on their minds had to do with their teams. How can they better manage their teams? How can they get the most out of their teams? Can they apply the same techniques they use with individual members of the team to the team as a whole?

    Typically, I punted on these questions. I tried wedging into team situations the tools that worked in one-on-one situations. I suggested they read the Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni and The Wisdom of Teams by Jon Katzenbach and Douglas Smith. I recommend those reads to anyone interested in team development. They are classics and deserve a spot on any manager’s bookshelf. However, I felt like I was coming up short on providing the same simple, practical advice I’d offered in my earlier work.

    It turns out that that simple, practical advice was hidden in plain sight in my consulting practice.

    I am constantly being asked to work with teams. The requests often sound like one of the

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