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Through Our Fathers Eyes
Through Our Fathers Eyes
Through Our Fathers Eyes
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Through Our Fathers Eyes

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The book is about social, religious, educational and class system in America and throughout the world and more. The book is for adults but can be read by anyone including the youth.
Release dateSep 11, 2020
Through Our Fathers Eyes

Saladin Shabazz Allah

Born September 27, 1951 in Brooklyn New York. I have lived through very violent and evil times, but todays times are purely diabolical. Raised under the Jim Crow Act where dark people were deprived of owner ship, education, inspiration and self-importance. This is clearly seen today where black lives, mean absolutely nothing amongst themselves. The truth of this melt down is never address by religion, politics or any other means. The entire world population or at least ninety percent, is kept deft dumb and blind. Living according to some religious document that keeps the mass of people, suffering, slavery and eventually death. I have chosen to tell the truth and name the culprits behind this and how religions ae use as weapon against the world population. I am not out to please any one group, organization or religion I am speaking and telling the truth. If anyone is offended by what I am saying I don’t care because this truth must and will be told.

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    Through Our Fathers Eyes - Saladin Shabazz Allah

    © 2020 Saladin Shabazz-Allah. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 07/31/2020

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6860-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-6859-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2020913816

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    Chapter 1 Alpha

    Chapter 2 Omega

    Chapter 3 The Deceived

    Chapter 4 Betrayal

    Chapter 5 Out Of The Box

    Chapter 6 The Pursuit Of Happiness

    Chapter 7 The Love For Self And Unity Amongst Ourselves

    Chapter 8 Destruction

    Chapter 9 The Healing Comes From Within Ourselves My People

    Chapter 10 Love For Self First

    Chapter 11 Proper Education Of Self And Love For Our Sons Is A Must Black Man

    Chapter 12 The Enemies With In And Amongst Us

    Chapter 13 The Vanguards

    Chapter 14 The Forgotten People

    Chapter 15 The Sins Of The World For The Past 6,600 Atlas

    Chapter 16 The Struggle Within

    Chapter 17 The Absolute Horrors That Were Predicted To Come And Are Now Here

    Chapter 18 Economical And Financial Tyranny

    Chapter 19 The Deceit Within

    Chapter 20 The Abbes

    Chapter 21 The Traitors We All Must Be Aware Of That Lives Amongst Us

    Chapter 22 The Original Asiatic Black Patriarch Mentality and Our Superior Physical Strength

    Chapter 23 The Most Wonderful And Most Merciful Strange And His Defender Of Truth

    Chapter 24 The Conclusion

    About the Author


    About the Author Mr. Saladin Shabazz-Allah

    Black men have been completely cut out of this American Society with very little hope, of ever becoming viable. For us to regain our self-respect we must separate ourselves from everything that’s in, opposition to our rise as people also as Black men.

    This society, government also people have failed black men as well as black people completely. This society, government also people will continue to fail black men as well as black people. We have been going about things wrong black people; we have been looking at things through the eyes of open enemies. We have been using the methods also approach that our enemies set up for us, knowing that this will only bring about the complete destruction of black men, as well as black people.

    Look throughout America my brothers look at your fate for looking, also approaching your life, through the eyes of the enemies that work day also night, in destroying us all. Examine how you have accomplished absolutely nothing in regaining your heritage thus you aren’t able to provide a haven for our women our children as well as our seniors amongst us. Look my brothers everywhere throughout America black men young as well as old are being murdered or imprisoned, by our enemies. Look my brothers everywhere throughout America black men families are being ripped away from them; in many cases children don’t know their fathers, in many cases they have no love for their fathers.

    We must take a completely new as well as different approach my brothers as well as black people. We must begin to turn back to our fathers; not the enemies of our fathers. Through Our Fathers Eyes we must search for how we can best accomplish this task as we weld ourselves together, as one people. I pray that Allah our Holy Savior in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom all holy praises are due forever; guide me through this undertaking. I thank Allah for raising up from amongst us His last also greatest Messenger the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad/Muhammad RasulAllah.


    Once again, I must let everyone know that I couldn’t do this work without the help also input of my brothers also sister. This is a great task in which many things must be covered this is such a great feat here in America no one person can do this by his or herself. I’m thankful to Allah to have my brothers at my side always in these undertakings. My brothers also sister have been my constant companions always bring to me wise advisement, information, technical skills as well as just company. Their presence is worth its weight in platinum. I forever extend my thanks also appreciation to them all they believed in what I began doing from the very beginning to the very end.

    The world around us is being destroy there is absolutely nothing anyone can do to stop or advert this most deadly destruction, that is here. You read about these deadly plagues that will overtake this world my people, well these plagues are here. All the insanity that is taking place in America as well as throughout the world are the plagues sent upon this world also society, by Allah Almighty Himself. One Hundred Percent Dissatisfaction rules today times; one hundred percent insanity rules today’s times. President Trump is totally insane and a pure insane Nazi thus a complete change is taking place so my people, we must look at things differently. We must have a different view of everything happening around us. We can no longer afford to walk around blindly not knowing or understanding what’s really happening.

    The enemies have absolutely no answers to what’s happening they will only lie to us, as they all have done as well as continue to do. Our enemies my people it matters not what our enemies call themselves or what religion they may ascribe to; they are all here to support Americas along with her allies; their new version of White Supremacy as well as White Nationalism. Don’t be fool my people by President Trumps Speech he is a liar, they have absolutely no solution, also they can’t win any war ever again; their time is up. The reason why they have no solution is due to their time being up. In the Holy Quran and the Sura entitle By the Time. The question we should be asking ourselves What Time, is the Holy Quran speaking about; the Time of the Judgement, in which we are now living in my people. The time of the Destruction, in which we are now living in. We are living the time of the destruction of Yakub’s Civilization, as well as the world he had made.

    My people; there isn’t any mystery god by any name has the power to stop what’s happening. There isn’t any religion that will not face this destruction due to the lies about Allah; they all teach black people, too keep us under their cruel also evil spells. When you examine these interlopers all of them they all mean black people, no good at all. All these interlopers are here to support advocate also spread America’s brand of White Supremacy as well as America’s brand of White Nationalism. They have embraced Americas plan to destroy black people; to keep black people disenfranchise as well as keep black people a prisoner, at the bottom of the well. None of these people are the friends of black people they are all our open enemies, my people.

    People are always sending me pictures or some other correspondence without any solutions just problems. The problems are known how about working on solutions instead of focusing on the problems. These problems began once we boarded these slave ships. These problems have continued as well as escalated since the Jamestown landing in 1555, aboard the Slave Ship Jesus also Grace as well as other slave ships. Time has shown me that these cowards aren’t going to do anything at all as they walk around in suits, bowties as well as phony newspaper, calling it Muhammad Speaks; when in truth it’s no one speaks; even bean pies without any ingredients on the pie or label. They are even afraid to come out of the devil name so when they are in the black communities they have righteous names; when they are at work on all their government papers, these phonies use their slave masters name. You must keep your eyes on these as well they offer no tangible solution reason being is that they are concentrating on sucking your hard earn money, from you, this is their primary goal. Them projecting themselves as false ministers or leaders my people this is exactly what they are, false so-called ministers as well as false leader, that have absolutely no solution for black or Indian people.

    We need results physical results nothing else is acceptable by anyone at all. My people we have allow all type of charlatans to come amongst us to do nothing more than rob us, as they cast us deeper into Americas bottomless pit of despair. We have for the past 450 plus years have been looking at things through the eyes of our many, open enemies. They our open enemies smile in our face, they pretend to like us, they our open enemies pretend to care for us, they are very skillful at deceiving black people, since they all have been doing this for the past 6,000 years. We my brothers along with our women also children have been deceived be everyone including this Orthodox so-called Islam. We must trust only ourselves; we must do for ourselves as we keep our enemies, from coming amongst us. We don’t need anyone coming amongst us making suggestions reason being is that their suggestions are evil in firm resolutions meaning they are very convincing, to mislead us all away from our salvation.

    All our lives my black also Indian people since the Caucasian Race landed on the shores of the Northern part of the Western Hemisphere, we have endured nothing but absolute hell, even from black people from the Motherland, calling themselves Africans as well. We my people must look to ourselves there is no one else that is going to help us, we must turn to ourselves there is no other people for us to rely on, cause none of them care about us black people in America; who was kidnapped made a slave, our language stolen from us; our god also heritage stolen from us, since 1555. We are fools to continue this path, of death for us all. There will be nothing of good ever to come to us trusting these other people, they love America the Accursed Devil. Check out how the Arab women are now dressing they have on the head piece, but they are no longer in Hajji. The Arab women are flaunting as much behinds as every other disbelieving Christian or Zionist woman, in America.

    We my people must not trust or have any belief in such people they all came to America to die it’s written in the history. In fact; my people they all deserve to die women also children included. The scout planes aboard the Mother Plain are already releasing their deadly bombs, upon America. There is no amount of prayers from anyone that can stop or prevent the awesome destruction, that’s happening right now. Your Agreement with Hell Will Not Stand. I’m speaking about all the immigrants that has come to America also that believes, in America; there is a very high price you must pay, for the goods that you all have purchase. You all have come here not to put an end to evil but to help evil flourish as well as to help also aid America, in murdering as many black people as you can.

    You cowards how disgraceful you all are instead of building up your own countries as you help to benefit everyone in your countries, no you cowards would rather run here as you steal from others who have been sacrificing their lives for over 450 years. You all deserve to die with America, your families included. I have absolutely no sympathy or empathy for any of you disgraceful cowards I don’t care what your religion maybe; you are all disgraceful cowards may Allah punish you all harshly also without any mercy; none of you deserve any mercy at all. You come to America bring your brand of evil as well then you all partnered up with America to make a bigger even greater evil against Black also Indian People. You aren’t Muslims you are all nothing but devils trying to disguise yourselves as Muslims. I wouldn’t give anyone of you two cents, for what you have to say or what you worship. None of you immigrants are on the side of the true also living god whose proper name is Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. None of you immigrants are on the side of Allah’s last also greatest Messenger the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad/Muhammad RasulAllah. How can I possible call or consider any of you my Brother or Sister, when all of you are the open enemies of Allah as well as His Holy Messenger. My people we must all be careful these are our enemies I pray for the death of our enemies; I have no love for our enemies they have absolutely no love for us. We my people must stop being so merciful also caring for our enemies they are only trying to blood suck your knowledge, then turn on you this is what they all do to black people. While these immigrants are amongst Caucasian people they confess their hatred of us, the ex-slave of America who has given more to America than anyone else.

    We my people must come to grips with the truth of the times in which we are living in. We must come to grips with the reality that these immigrants as well as American people are our open as well as secret enemies. America the Accursed Devil has given these cowards all sorts of benefits, housing, food -stamps, Medicaid jobs, as they place us black people in concentration camps all throughout America. As you sit back still praying to this devil, you are silly enough to call Jesus. Christianity as well as Sunnah so called Islam are the very enemies, of Black as well as Indian people, here in America. We can’t trust any of them my people Sunnah so-called Islam is just as poisonous to black people as Christianity. We will always be slaves of a mental death also power following either one of these doctrines, none of this will save black people.

    These so-called African people are just as hateful to the ex-slave of America as well. These so-called Africans demonstrate a complete hatred for Black as well as Indian people. Those that have come to America have more love for the devil, than they do their own people in which they themselves have sold into slavery. They also are getting food stamps, wick, medicate rent being paid as they don’t care that black people are being placed into concentration camps. The foolish Negroes that are married to them are also disgusting cowards as they shut their eyes, to the evil that these so-called Africans are doing to black people here in America. If these traitors feel they are getting over to hell with us all, they allow these so-called Africans to rob us.

    We my people must turn to ourselves rely upon ourselves stop patronizing these people you are only making them rich, as they spit on black people here in America. When I say Through Our Father’s Eyes I’m not speaking about these disgusting cowards; we have absolutely no use of them either. Through Our Father Eyes I will reveal to everyone who I am speaking about; I will tell you this I’m not speaking about any of these cowardly traitors as well or their Negro lackeys.

    There is something I must say also acknowledge my ex-wife Juliana Ruth Anderson she has been there for me even after our divorce. We have a son together name Ibn-Saladin Shabazz-Allah more important is her devotion towards helping me. I am forever grateful for her help always as well as thank her for everything she has done.

    Black also Indian People must wake up in order that they may see exactly what is happening also taking place here, in America. America stole our [Black People} language, our heritage our way of life; we want it all back in fact we demand that you America give it all back, to the descendants of our fathers in which you stole, it all from. We my people must have back that which will solidified us once again as a people this is our language, my people. Since we are no longer speaking our language; since we no longer serve our heritage; since we no longer practice our way of life; we are just like the moon absent of water; dead also lifeless. For ever having to reflect the light of someone else this describe black people perfectly calling themselves Americans; as they live this filthy American way of life; always at the mercy of everyone who hates us; always at the beck also whim of our open enemies.


    I Saladin Shabazz-Allah contribute this manuscript to all the fallen soldiers who have fought for the freedom, of our people. This has been a long very hard-fought battle with many causalities on our behalf. These fallen soldiers’ male also female America has tried to write them off as criminals my people none of them are criminals. These fallen soldiers were fighting against the criminals this Zionist/Christian/Arab/Asian American Government, of Global Terrorist.

    So many; of our people were murdered by this American CIA, FBI. Local Gestapo Police so-called departments throughout America from the twenties, this is when America murdered our beautiful brother Noble Drew Ali. Our beautiful brother Marcus Mosiah Garvey they were destroyed for coming to help his brothers also sisters, by our enemies. We must remember my people the American Government along with the American people had instituted the Jim Crow Laws that were enforced, by this American Zionist/Christian Government of Global Terrorist.

    We my people have absolutely nothing to be proud of by calling ourselves Americans or African Americans. We do ourselves a great injustice by calling ourselves by this disgraceful terminology African American. This is another method of our former slave masters clamming black people as their personnel property. We are the personal prosperity of Allah in the person of Master Fard Muhammad, to whom praises are due forever. We my people must begin to understand that we have absolutely no time for fighting amongst ourselves, especially on these enemy controlled social media. This is just plain stupidity that our enemies are watching also monitoring, as they laugh at your unimaginable foolishness.

    Through these false also grafted teachings by these magicians of Pharaoh/America our enemies have been able to keep black people destabilized, as well as disenfranchised. In fact, my people this is the 21st Century modified version, of Jim Crow Laws against we the ex-slave of America. The tentacles of America/Satan the Accursed Devil have penetrated deep into the very moral fabric of black people due to these false teachings, of America’s Magicians; misleading you away from the only teachings that will lead us all, into heaven at once. We must examine my people any doctrine that can’t take us into a physical heaven while we live; any doctrine no matter what it maybe label that can’t produce an immediate change in our conditions, then it isn’t worth having at all.

    The fallen soldiers did not sacrifice their lives also freedom for us to be fools or to still be second class citizens, in as well as to America. Here we are still trapped by these religious pimps’ insane teachings taking us all further and further away, from what any intelligent people should be doing for themselves as well are doing for themselves. We can’t rise with all these different conflicting doctrines also concepts that are plaguing black people, while none of these doctrines or concepts produces anything positive, for black people. Just a bunch of want to be Rosters, walking around with their chest sticking out believing they are doing something when in truth they are doing absolutely nothing tangible, for black people only feeding their own self inflated egos. This is fine with this Zionist/Christian/Arab/Asian American Government of Global Terrorist; the Wizards of this American government understand the necessity of these foolish traders, so they even aid these fools. Now if these foolish so-called leaders; don’t try to lead black people across the River Jordan; in which these fools have absolutely no intentions on doing nor do they know how to cross the River Jordan anyway.

    This is the reason why we must look Through Our Father’s Eyes as we stop looking through our enemy’s eyes. We must stop embracing what our enemies have to say or think. We must look towards ourselves my people we must examine our own beyond rich lustrous history that reaches all the way to eternity. This work in which I am venturing on is to bring some understanding to you my people, how also why we must change our direction, methods as well as objectives. The path that we are following will as well as has led us to absolute destruction, mentally as well as physical. We owe it to our fallen brothers also sisters that sacrificed their lives as well as freedom, so that we may achieve also enjoy real freedom, justice as well as equality.

    The list is endless my people of the many black lives that were lost as well as we still are losing black lives, till this very day. We must my people not allow ourselves to become involved with America’s insanity they have started, with North Korea. We black people as well as Indian People have absolutely nothing to do with America’s insanity as well as America’s Insane President Donald Trump; he President Trump is totally insane drunk with power, as he leads America to destruction. We my Black as well as Indian People have absolutely nothing to do with this insanity as well as we have absolutely nothing to gain from America’s insanity. We aren’t Americans we are the victims of America as well as American People. Let those who are benefitting from being an American fight also die for America we Black also Indian People shouldn’t lift a finger to help protect America ever again; no, my people we should only lift our fingers to protect also help ourselves also our kind.

    We must take a stand my people we must not ever lift our hands to aid America in her quest of continuing, to be the Global Terrorist America is. Fight for ourselves my people let other than ourselves fight for themselves, we are no longer aiding our enemies in anything they do domestically or globally. Through Our Fathers Eyes not through the eyes of our open enemies ever again it is time we demonstrate Black Pride; it is time we demonstrate Black Intelligent; it is time we demonstrate Black Ingenuity; it is time we stand up to do something for ourselves; it is time we weld ourselves together as a nation of people, in order that we may prevent any more looting, raping, murdering, injustices amongst us as well as from any of these interlopers, called immigrants in which they are now calling themselves Americans.

    You my brothers you my sisters that are living in these concentration camps/shelters all throughout America I dedicate these writings to you reason being, is that you are all the fallen. You my brothers also sisters locked away in these American Prisons I dedicate these writings to you, reason being, is that you are the fallen. I dedicate these writings to all my people that suffered from as well as under the diabolically cruel hands, policies, laws of America/Satan the Accurse Devil.

    My people the time has come for us to end the arguing; the bickering, the distrust; the lack of corporation; and the self-hate; all of this must come to an end right now my people. My Indian People I am of you as well I bring to you as our Holy Messenger of Allah taught me to bring to all people, the truth. I revealed in my previous writings the truth of who Grand Father is. If you didn’t see it then I will say it again Master Fard Muhammad is the Almighty that the world has been waiting for, for the past 2,000 thousand years. My Indian People you have been waiting for over 16,000 years, for this Mighty One. Prayer is better than sleep, as the Holy Quran states; nevertheless, the Remembrance of Allah is the Greatest Force the Holy Quran states this also. I remember who Allah is and I also remember His name, his name is Master Fard Muhammad Allah Almighty Himself. I’m forever grateful to Allah for raising up from amongst us; the nineteen million original people, in North America; His last also greatest Messenger the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad/Muhammad RasulAllah.

    Let us my brothers also sisters let us look Through Our Fathers Eyes let us see the great over whelming greatness, in comparison, to the history of our open enemies; to the absolute lies of our open enemies; to the despair that we all have suffered through also from our open enemies; let us my people take a different look opposite of what all our enemies, have presented to us they are all liars. They our open enemies have always worked together for their common goal my people; all of these interlopers have been working together, here in America to steal from black also Indian people; they do this with smiles; as they follow their maker Yakub rules, regulations as well as all laws, of destroying the original people; called Birth Control; we have never been included in or apart of Yakub’s plan; We are the target of Yakub’s designated plan, to kill the original people at birth. We are living in the day of decision my people I hope you make the right decision As-Salaam Alaikum.




    We can’t put a beginning to our beginning due to the very fact that the very first one, who created Himself from the Atom of Life, wasn’t able to record his beginning; as Allah Almighty Himself taught His last also greatest Messenger the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad/Muhammad RasulAllah. You can read chapter 11 in Our Savior Has Arrived THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD HIMSELF This speech was delivered on Savior’s Day 1969 by the Holy Apostle Himself. So, when we say Through Our Father’s Eyes we are speaking infinity my people this is what has been stolen from you/us. Our history is so vast that in every Caucasian Museums throughout the world are filled with our stolen heritage also legacy. Stolen by these Caucasian Grave Robbers they called themselves Archeologist in which they have robbed many of our Ancestors tombs; claimed their coffins as well as all the riches these Great Kings, Emperors Sultans. If you don’t understand this, then you can never see Through Our Fathers Eyes; thus, forever being trapped, looking through the eyes of our open as well as secret enemies, never giving yourself a chance, to know or understand yourself, or how truly great you are.

    Our open enemies have convinced you black woman that a black young male is dangerous, to us all. Young black men imitating their mothers is a sin where as young black men looking like their mothers; walking like their mothers; talking like their mothers; dressing like their mothers; even acting like their mothers; What a shame. Instead of looking through their father eyes, these young lost black souls are looking through the eyes of the evilest people ever birth, on our planet. Young Black Men are lost due to them not knowing or having love for their fathers or themselves for over 450 years. Black people here in America have absolutely no love for themselves at all, you measure love by the material, you have may obtained. This isn’t love this isn’t even respect this is following the ways also actions, of our enemies.

    We are still living as well as searching through the eyes also mind set of our enemies who have absolutely no love or concern, for any of us. Yet you my people fashion also conduct yourselves just like our enemies. By you conducting yourself like your enemies you are giving them the power, over you, your women also children as well. You are under the belief that you are an American also you believe that you are entitled, to full rights that Americans have. You aren’t included in these American rights due to the fact, that you aren’t an American. These are the lies that our enemies have been feeding us for many, many years as these enemies of ours, are flooding America getting more rights than we, black people, have ever had. Why is this happening? It’s happening due to you believing also trusting our enemies. This is continuing due you are believing in America; this is happening due your total ignorance of the times in which you are living in.

    You believe that being a great basketball player, a football player, baseball player, tennis player or on these Wizards other Blood Sports that you are in engaged in, make you an American. No, it doesn’t my people it just makes you property of these enemies who own these professional teams. We don’t any of these teams, so you are going to tell me about Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson owning professional teams, these are only front men, for our enemies helping to keep them rich. None of them Michael Jordan or Magic Johnson are concerned about how many jobs are distributed to black people in fact they don’t even care if black people, have any work at all. All the jobs are going to other people other than black people. Other people are enjoying the fruits of America everyone except black as well as Indian people. People who have done far less than black people also Indian people are living the American dream while Black also Indian people are living the American Nightmare.

    Why is this happening my people? It’s happening due to you believing also looking through the eyes, of our enemies. This insane concept of loving everyone is from our enemies, which is designed for our destruction as well as the destruction of black women as well as children. This destruction has been going on since 1555 which has intensified especially into today’s times. Our enemies and we have many enemies my people all working to up hold the American lies, as they engage in the destruction of Black as well as Indian people. Black people aren’t helping themselves young men want to live at home with their mothers, as they do nothing acting more like little girls than men. These cowards love to shoot of with their mouths until things get thick, then they want to run to the police; why do they run to the police? Is because they are nothing but cowards. This is what’s happening amongst black people all of this is due to black people, looking at things also believing that they are Americans. Before these cowards fight our enemies, they will rather talk tuff to their mothers also fathers, then call our enemies. What good are these cowards to the rise of black people. These cowards living with their mothers are liars just like their Caucasian Masers cowards. They would rather live also think like black people enemies they haven’t the courage to look Through Their Fathers Eyes.

    Only by looking through our father’s eyes can we then begin to unravel this snake mentality, that we have been Raped up in, for over 450 years. Black children haven’t a clue as to what’s happening or what’s going on they don’t even care about their heritage they are only concerned about going to hell with their enemies. These foolish children care nothing about being black they care more about being a filthy cowardly American. They the young people promote more American Evil than any generation has ever done before. They have no love for themselves this is the reason why, homosexuality has flourish amongst them due to them, not doing anything to prevent or stop it. They my people don’t even realize that they are being pushed out of main stream America, as they sit back playing computer games, blogging, texting all about nothing. While the enemies sit back laughing at them reasoning being is that our enemies know, these fools are going to end up in one of their concentrations camps, due to them looking through the eyes also perception, of our enemies.

    Black young also elder men are looking through our enemy eyes. Black young women also elderly black women are looking through the eyes of our enemies. Look at the condition of black people today the majority, of black people, are living in concentration camps, with absolutely no hope of ever getting out. Young black men walking around doing nothing as they allow our enemies to walk around getting away with these diabolical crimes, they have been committing for over 450 years. You will not step up to regain your proper heritage as well as origin in this world. Through Our Fathers Eyes is the only solution to our problem my people. When you search the history my betrayed and misled people that since, we fell under the diabolical control of our enemies, we have never been the same. We are talking about nearly 500 years of pure hell. All most 500 years of being deprived until many of our people believe this is the natural order of things. Many of our people believe that black people are supposed to suffered as they live day to day. My people this is a lie we aren’t supposed to be suffering in fact no human being are supposed to suffer or be deny the basic things, that every human being, is entitled to have. The fact every life forms my people are entitle to food, clothing also shelters.

    By us not looking through our father’s eyes we have been convinced that we must conduct as well as operate, as our fathers enemies dictate to us. We can’t begin to interpret right from wrong as this society continue to present us with absolute wrong then tell us to except their insanity peacefully. We are taught by our enemies to suffer peacefully. We are taught by our enemies that America is the best place, for us to be. We are taught by our enemies not to do something for ourselves but take whatever crumbs our enemies decide to give us. If we my people continue to trust our enemies, decisions on us we are domed. We must understand these people that are in power a no friends of ours; the deck is stacked against us as well as has been stacked against us, since 1555. In fact, things have been decided for us by our enemies and the deck has been stacked against us since 1492.The life style our enemies have made for us, is nothing but a life of endless hell. A revolving door of despair as well as miseries; a revolving door of hatred for self; a revolving door pain also suffering; a revolving door of false religions that never bring the mass of black people, any relief only suffering; a revolving door of lies also false promises and then death; a revolving door without any mercy or relief, from the enemies of our fathers as well as ourselves.

    Every one of our enemies, are telling us to be patience, have faith you will then go to heaven, once you die. Our enemies know full well that you aren’t going to any heaven because you didn’t create a heaven for yourself, while you were living. Our enemies have been able to keep you in a slumber due to you, looking through our enemy’s eyes. My people our enemies don’t want you to ever know the truth. Our enemies never want anyone telling or waking you up to the truth. Our enemy’s only desire is that we remain a subservient mindless fool always depending, waiting at the beck also call, of our open enemies. Our children haven’t any chance overcoming these atrocities due to them not knowing anything, about themselves or their fathers. Every other people on this planet are allowed, to enjoy their heritage except we the descendants of the slaves of America. Why should we sit back and take this evil from anyone? Why should we have to take this filthy society ways of life, as our own. We didn’t come from this filth. We didn’t come from such evil. This has absolutely nothing to do with our fathers at all. No, the time has come that we cast down our enemies’ way of life as well as their politics.

    We are an independent people we want nothing to do with American evils, lies also false promises. We demand that America let us go. We have anymore desire to play basketball, football, baseball, tennis or any other, of America’s blood sports. We created scientist, educators, inventors, mathematicians’ builders of great civilizations, with the absent of Caucasian People. Why do we need them now? I can’t find any reason why we do. I’m not impressed by anything from their world it’s all lies as well as deceit. It has never amount to any good for black or Indian people. We have been suffering so cruelly from America as well as American Caucasian People. In fact, every immigrant that comes to America it doesn’t matter where they come from, are helped also aided by America in making sure they have housing, food stamps, jobs, medical, cars everything to make them comfortable; in fact, their children even get better education also play grounds also parks, than the so-called ex-slave of America. Why are we still looking at things through the eyes of our open enemies? Why are you still calling yourself an American when absolutely no good have ever came to us, from America or American People.

    We are an independent people we don’t belong to anyone except ourselves absolutely no one has the right to tell us, what to do. Absolutely no one has the right to dictate to us policies also procedures, on how we black people should conduct our lives. We have been living under their suggestions and black people have been always living in misery. We have been living under these hateful people for hundreds of years all we have received is misery, misery, misery from America as well as American People. This treatment hasn’t stop my people look at your communities throughout America; the people who is responsible for building also defending America are the ones who have nothing in America. So, you say I got a job my people you aren’t saying anything at all, except that I am still the property of America. I say we aren’t America’s property any longer. Let us go for ourselves then every black man as well as woman would have employment, with the absent of our open enemies. There is no freedom the way we are going about things; just because you are allowing to participate in this American Foolishness, does not make everything alright. You are still in the position of servant you still don’t own the business. You are still at the mercy of another person or persons. The time has come that we as a people must become more enterprising; more aggressive in doing for self; we must become more involved in the higher levels, of management; we must become more involved in planning also designing huge projects, such as building homes for thousands of people; such as building bridges; such as how to bring life support systems, to these buildings as well as areas; such as learning how to use heavy duty equipment such as Crane Operators all the different heavy duty equipment necessary, in building something for ourselves. Through Our Father’s Eyes my people not through our enslaver’s eyes which have led us straight to hell that we have been living in, for the past 450 plus years.

    This destructive path of going to school then getting a job is another form of slavery when you should be thinking about starting your own business. You should be establishing your own international contacts as well as contracts, my people. We must understand the necessity of fishing for a mass of people is a science that every intelligent people must know, as well as have. The knowledge of agriculture also agronomy is essential to the survival, of any as well as all Nations of People. Through Our Father’s Eyes my people are where we must look my people through Our Father’s Eyes. The answers to problems have been explained to us the solution has already been given to us, as well. We must act on that which we have already received our unity is the key as well as necessary, for us to change our present conditions. This world in which we are now living is about to explode death also destruction is on the way, this can’t be stop, prevented or averted. This is the destiny of Yakub’s world the world in which we are now living in.

    By you my people not taking what is serious you aren’t preparing yourselves for the catastrophes that are surely coming, upon America as well as the American People. The Holy Messenger taught us that there is a high price, that you must pay for the goods that you have purchase. This is referring to the immigrants as well as everyone else that is, as well as has bought, into this American Nightmare. There are so much my people you should be doing to improve your condition; nothing is coming down to you from the American Government. You should be searching in a

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