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The Glory of African Kings and Queens
The Glory of African Kings and Queens
The Glory of African Kings and Queens
Ebook66 pages

The Glory of African Kings and Queens

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"All roads to wisdom leads to Timbuktu" according to an old saying. That is Africa's legacy to the world. The 700 year-old manuscripts of Timbuktu that exist covered most areas of science,arts, law and good governance. It was within the reign of the richest man that ever lived, Emperor Mansa Musa of Mali. His university of Sankore had 25000 students in 1324 AD.
Not surprising, since the first University in the world was African; Al Karaouine of Morrocco in 859 AD, followed by Al Azhar of Egypt in 969 AD. Much later was the University of Bologna, Europe's first in 1088 AD.
The library of Alexandria, 300 year before Christ is legendary. The Queen of Sheba in all her sophistication and splendour was 1000 years before Christ. The Pyramid of Giza was 2500 years BC.
Throughout the course of history , and as one human race , the world has borrowed from one another ,imitated and improved in a cycle, and hence the development that we see today . Civilization was never, and will never be a franchise. This first volume is just the hors d'öeuvre. Bon appetit!
Release dateNov 28, 2012
The Glory of African Kings and Queens

Pusch Commey

Ghanaian-born Pusch Komiete Commey is an award-winning Author, Advocate (Lawyer) of the High Court of South Africa, and a former Associate Editor of the UK- based New African Magazine. An expert on Africa and its histories, he has made several contributions to Radio, TV, and Newspapers around the world. Pusch, as he is popularly known, lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, and still finds time to battle an AI in his favourite game – Chess.

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    Book preview

    The Glory of African Kings and Queens - Pusch Commey


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    Real African stories that inspire, motivate and empower


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    We share an African experience with the world

    Real African Publishers

    2nd Floor The Mills

    66 Carr Street

    Newtown 2001

    Johannesburg, South Africa



    [email protected]

    First published May 2012

    Copyright © James Pusch Commey

    ISBN 978-0-9780347-3-1

    Book design by Mad Cow Studio

    Copy editor: Sindile Khumalo

    Illustrations: Innocent Dembetembe

    Set in Utopia 14pt

    Printed and bound in South Africa

    All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without prior written permission of both the copyright holder and the publisher of the book.

    This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher's prior consent in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.

    To Nii Sinegugu Commey

    –The Prince


    Telling our story as Real African Publishers is not only a renaissance pilgrimage. It is a story of pride in the human race.

    Why Kings and Queens? It is because they embodied the soul of Kingdoms and Nations. The glory of monarchs reflected the glory of kingdoms. They were representatives, not only of people but of civilizations. It was within their reign. And it is for our children to be the first to know.

    In reading this beautiful work with its breathtaking illustrations I could not help thinking that perhaps adults will benefit far more than the children it was originally intended for.

    Ultimately this book is not about a wistful glorification of a lost past but rather the glorification of world knowledge and civilization. It is an exciting trajectory through time. African time.

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