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Internal Audit Checklists: Guide to Effective Auditing
Internal Audit Checklists: Guide to Effective Auditing
Internal Audit Checklists: Guide to Effective Auditing
Ebook215 pages1 hour

Internal Audit Checklists: Guide to Effective Auditing

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Internal audits are critical for any organization, as they help identify potential areas of risk and opportunities for improvement. However, conducting internal audits can be a daunting task, especially for those who are new to the process. An effective way to simplify the internal audit process is through the use of checklists.

Internal audit checklists provide a systematic approach to conducting internal audits by outlining the steps to follow and the items to be reviewed. They ensure that all relevant areas are covered, and they serve as a guide to the auditors throughout the process. By using a well-designed internal audit checklist, an organization can streamline the audit process, increase efficiency, and reduce the risk of errors.

This book, "Internal Audit Checklists: Guide to Effective Auditing," is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of internal audit checklists and how they can be used to conduct effective internal audits. It covers the different types of departments and functions, including the purpose and objectives of audits.

Whether you are new to internal auditing or an experienced auditor, this book is a valuable resource for improving the quality and effectiveness of your internal audits. By following the guidance provided in this book, you can ask the right questions to the auditees and the counterparts. This will help you identify risks and opportunities for improvement, while also ensuring that your audits are conducted in a consistent and efficient manner.

Release dateMar 24, 2023
Internal Audit Checklists: Guide to Effective Auditing


Salih Ahmed Islam is a leading expert on internal audit, internal control, risk management and fraud prevention. He has several books, articles, webinars, and courses.   He has worked in multiple industries as an internal audit professional for more than 25 years.  He started his career as an auditor at Arthur Andersen, then, he worked in Turkey's dominant sectors such as textile, iron and steel, construction and petroleum. He also worked in a non-audit position as a CFO at one of the biggest FMCG companies in Egypt.  He has been working in the audit department of a large retail group operating all over the world in a global sense for the last 12 years.  He has gained experience in many sectors and different locations in the world in his career.   He has been sharing his knowledge through eBooks, webinars, online and face to face trainings. 

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    Internal Audit Checklists - SALIH AHMED ISLAM


    Human resources (HR) is one of the important functions within any organization, as it is responsible for managing the most important asset of any company: its employees. The HR department is responsible for hiring, onboarding, training, performance management, benefits administration, employee relations, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. As such, an internal audit of HR is essential to ensure that the HR department is operating effectively and efficiently, and that it is meeting the needs of the organization.

    An internal audit of HR provides many benefits, including ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. HR departments must comply with numerous local, state, and federal laws and regulations related to employment, such as equal opportunity employment, minimum wage and overtime laws, and workplace safety regulations. An HR audit helps to identify areas where the organization may be non-compliant and provides an opportunity to correct these issues before they become more significant problems. An HR audit also ensures that the organization is meeting industry standards and best practices.

    An HR audit helps to identify areas for improvement. HR practices are constantly evolving, and an audit helps organizations stay current and responsive to changing trends. An audit can help identify areas where HR policies and procedures are outdated, ineffective, or no longer relevant to the organization's needs. The audit also provides valuable data and feedback that can be used to make informed decisions and improve overall HR practices. This can lead to increased efficiency, better communication, and more effective talent management.

    An HR audit also helps to enhance employee satisfaction and engagement. Employees are the most important asset of any organization, and a well-functioning HR department plays a critical role in attracting, retaining, and engaging employees. An audit helps identify areas where HR can improve communication, employee development, and benefits programs, among other things. By addressing these areas, organizations can create a more positive and engaging workplace culture, leading to increased employee satisfaction and productivity.

    Finally, an HR audit helps to mitigate risks. HR departments manage significant risks, such as employee lawsuits, data breaches, and workplace safety issues. An audit identifies areas of risk and helps to create strategies to mitigate those risks. This helps organizations to reduce the potential for costly legal and financial liabilities, protecting their reputation and financial well-being.

    To conduct an effective HR audit, organizations should consider some best practices. Firstly, the audit should have a clear scope and objectives, outlining what the audit will cover and the expected outcomes. The audit should include a thorough review of HR policies and procedures, including hiring and onboarding practices, performance management, compensation and benefits, and employee relations. The audit should also review HR data, including turnover rates, employee satisfaction surveys, and compliance records. This data provides valuable insights into the effectiveness of current HR practices. Finally, organizations should establish a plan for addressing any issues identified in the audit and should monitor progress over time to ensure continuous improvement.

    Thus, an internal audit of HR is an essential aspect of any organization's success. It ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, identifies areas for improvement, enhances employee satisfaction and engagement, and mitigates risks. By conducting regular HR audits and following best practices, organizations can ensure that their HR department is operating effectively and efficiently, and that it is meeting the needs of the organization. This leads to a more positive and engaging workplace culture, increased productivity, and better business outcomes.



    •  Are job descriptions up to date and accurately reflect the position's responsibilities and requirements?

    •  Have job descriptions been reviewed and updated within the past year?

    •  Are job descriptions written in clear, concise language?

    •  Do job descriptions include necessary qualifications, skills, and experience required for the position?

    •  Are recruitment policies and procedures in place and followed consistently?

    •  Are all open positions advertised to a wide pool of candidates?

    •  Are hiring managers trained on best practices for conducting interviews and making hiring decisions?

    •  Is the recruitment process conducted in a timely manner?

    •  Are background checks and reference checks conducted for all potential employees?

    •  Are background and reference checks conducted consistently for all employees?

    •  Are background checks conducted in compliance with state and federal laws?

    •  Are the results of background checks and reference checks properly documented and stored?

    •  Is there a diversity and inclusion strategy in place to attract and retain diverse candidates?

    •  Is the company committed to increasing diversity and inclusion in the workplace?

    •  Are job postings written in inclusive language and advertised in a diverse range of venues?

    •  Are diverse candidates represented in the recruitment and hiring process?

    •  Are selection processes objective and based on merit?

    •  Are interview questions focused on job-related skills and qualifications?

    •  Are hiring decisions made based on objective criteria, such as experience and education?


    a)  Onboarding process:

    Is there a formal onboarding process in place?

    Are new employees provided with a detailed orientation program?

    Are employees introduced to the company culture, values, and mission?

    Is there a standard onboarding checklist that covers all important areas?

    Is there a review of relevant policies and procedures?

    Are new employees provided with access to necessary systems and tools?

    Are new employees given a clear understanding of their job responsibilities?

    b)  Training and development:

    Is there a formal training program in place?

    Are training needs assessed regularly?

    Are training programs aligned with business goals and objectives?

    Are training programs relevant and up-to-date?

    Is there a budget allocated for training and development?

    Are training records maintained and regularly reviewed?

    Are training feedback mechanisms in place?

    Are employees provided with opportunities for career development?

    c)  Compliance:

    Are all necessary compliance-related trainings provided to employees?

    Are compliance-related policies and procedures regularly reviewed and updated?

    Are employees trained on data privacy, safety, and security?

    Are employees trained on ethical and legal standards?

    Is compliance training mandatory for all employees?

    Are compliance training records maintained and regularly reviewed?

    d)  Performance management:

    Is there a formal performance management process in place?

    Are employees provided with regular feedback on their performance?

    Are goals and expectations communicated clearly to employees?

    Are performance metrics clearly defined and tracked?

    Is there a process for identifying and addressing performance gaps?

    Are performance reviews conducted regularly and consistently?

    Are performance reviews used to identify training and development needs?

    e)  Communication:

    Is there a clear communication plan in place for onboarding and training?

    Are employees provided with regular updates on training opportunities?

    Is there a feedback mechanism for employees to provide feedback on training programs?

    Is communication with employees transparent and open?

    f)  Evaluation:

    Is there a process in place to evaluate the effectiveness of onboarding and training programs?

    Are evaluation metrics defined and tracked?

    Are evaluation results used to improve training and development programs?


    •  Are employee relations policies and procedures in place and followed consistently?

    •  Are policies and procedures clearly communicated to employees?

    •  Are employees trained on policies and procedures related to employee relations?

    •  Are employees given the opportunity to provide feedback on policies and procedures?

    •  Is there an effective communication strategy in place to keep employees informed about the company's goals and objectives?

    •  Are employees informed of company goals and objectives on a regular basis?

    •  Is communication between management and employees open and transparent?

    •  Are employees given the opportunity to provide feedback on company goals and objectives?

    •  Are conflicts between employees or with management addressed promptly and effectively?

    •  Are employees encouraged to report conflicts to management?

    •  Is conflict resolution handled in a confidential and respectful manner?

    •  Are policies and procedures in place to prevent and address harassment and discrimination?

    •  Are employee safety and health concerns adequately addressed and managed?

    •  Is there a comprehensive safety and health program in place?

    •  Are safety and health policies and procedures communicated effectively to employees?

    •  Are safety and health concerns addressed promptly and effectively?


    a)  Compensation Philosophy and Strategy:

    •  Is the compensation philosophy and strategy aligned with the organization's goals and values?

    •  Are the compensation policies and practices transparent, fair, and equitable?

    •  Is the compensation strategy competitive in the market, and does it attract and retain top talent?

    •  Does the compensation strategy comply with legal and regulatory requirements?

    b)  Compensation Structure:

    •  Is the compensation structure consistent across departments and job roles?

    •  Is the compensation structure regularly reviewed and updated to ensure competitiveness and fairness?

    •  Are there clear guidelines for salary increases, promotions, bonuses, and other incentives?

    •  Is there a clear and transparent process for determining compensation levels and ranges?

    c)  Employee Benefits:

    •  Are employee benefits consistent with industry standards and competitive in the market?

    •  Are employees informed about their benefits options and how to enroll?

    •  Are the benefits cost-effective, and is the organization getting a good return on investment?

    •  Is there a process for regularly reviewing and updating the benefits package to ensure relevance and competitiveness?

    d)  Compliance:

    •  Are compensation and benefits policies and practices compliant with relevant laws and regulations?

    •  Are there adequate controls in place to ensure compliance with compensation and benefits policies and procedures?

    •  Are there any instances of non-compliance or potential areas of risk, and what corrective actions have been taken?

    e)  Communication:

    •  Are employees informed about compensation and benefits policies, practices, and changes?

    •  Is there clear and consistent communication about how compensation and benefits decisions are made?

    •  Is there an effective system for addressing employee questions, concerns, and feedback related to compensation and benefits?

    f)  Records and Documentation:

    •  Are compensation and benefits records accurate, complete, and up-to-date?

    •  Is there a clear and consistent process for maintaining and storing compensation and benefits records?

    •  Are there any

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