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Ändern Sie
Ebook343 pages7 hours

Ändern Sie

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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Alphas are male, they come from well established generations of Alpha wolves. Females are considered the Luna of the pack. Ariel is an ordinary wolf with a loving family. The most special thing about her is that she's the only girl to have ever been born into her father's large family tree.

Her change doesn't go as planned though. Ariel's wolf has different ideas. Being pack is amazing, but this wolf will only submit to the Alpha couple because she wants to be part of the pack. She refuses to bow down to anyone else. Ariel will have to be introduced to the Elders as a new Alpha line. Sounds easy but the problem is… New Alpha lines are, almost without fail, killed on introduction.

They have a year to get her ready for the introduction. Losing will cost her her life, winning means that she gets everything the challenger owned, including the Alpha position.

Ariel will face many challenges in her new position while also dealing with a temperamental Elder who she hasn't even met yet… a man with a dangerous reputation, who has taken an intense interest in her.

Who's ready for a Change?

Release dateSep 5, 2023
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Gabriëlle Monego

Hello,Thank you for your interest in my books and myself.Between work, school and taking care of my beautiful humans, a cranky, little bird and a decisive, big German Shepherd, I write. Most of what I write is fantasy fiction, based in Australia. We live in Queensland, Australia, the sunshine state.Ever since I was little I have loved writing. I was talked into publishing my first book, Australian Magic but I enjoyed publishing my other stories to the world (and I am still learning). The feedback (and constructive comments from readers) has been amazing.I will be publishing several more books this year. Keep an eye out for Supernatural Medicine, Change and Accidental Assassin.Thank you for looking me up and enjoy.(and if you have some spare time let me know what you thought)GM

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Rating: 3.6666666666666665 out of 5 stars

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Loved the book! Just not the ending I was expecting. Will there be another coming?
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Absolutely loved the book just don't like the fact it ended without a ending
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    I loved the sassy female alpha putting others in their place. Unfortunately I was surprised to see the errors from the wattpad version havent been corrected. Wrong word use, incorrect spellings, tenses and punctuation. I hope this gets another proofread and edit, especially if it's going to print.
    Again, great lead and a perfect reason to have an alpha of a pack so young!

Book preview

Change - Gabriëlle Monego


Iknew it was going to happen, yet as the last rays of the sun disappeared over the horizon, it hit me like a ton of bricks. My birthday last week. Full moon today. My first shift.

In the back of my mind, I heard the whine of my wolf, she'd been getting stronger for months now. Even those of us born and raised in the pack had to do this alone, that was alright. What scared me was that not everyone made it home the next morning. Some managed to change but didn't get their wolf under control, they were hunted down by the Alpha and died in battle. Then there were others that just didn't manage the change. They lost the battle before it began, their bodies giving out during the shift from human to wolf.

My fear stemmed from that group. I'd seen it, the end result of an unsuccessful change, something that could happen to me. Tonight. There were two others in the woods changing for the first time with me though they had spread us far apart in the forest. There would be no fighting between the newest wolves of our pack. In some packs they let the new wolves all change together and the ones that made it out alive were initiated to the pack when they returned. I knew we would be watched by two warriors each, they would escort us to the pack if we managed the change and control of our beast. I shivered and again there was an eerie howl only I could hear.

I could feel the moon well before I caught the first glimpse of it over the trees. My back against the biggest tree I could find I waited while my body heated up. I kept my clothes on as long as I could but by the time I saw the moon, sweat was pouring down my face and I stripped to my underwear. Like everyone raised in a pack of shifters I respected nudity but somehow, alone in the woods, knowing there were people watching me, I felt ridiculously uncomfortable.

Returning to my seat against the tree I softly started singing to myself. A feeling of acceptance almost drowned me and my words faltered. My wolf was slowly taking control, my emotions weren't just mine anymore. At least she was happy with me, the human counterpart to her wolf. I started an old hunting song my grandfather had taught me when I was little, and acceptance turned to a pleased humming. The voice was gruff as it startled me. 'I like your music.'

'So I guess this is it?' I asked the voice in my head.

'It is but the beginning.'

'I've been told.' I replied as the first twinges of pain shot through my muscles.

'We are strong.' She reassured me. It felt good to hear her comfort me and I nodded despite knowing she was in me.

Another shot of pain hit my muscles and my skin rippled before settling down. I glanced at the moon which was quickly rising to it rightful place above us. She took control of my mouth and howled in pleasure, but it was cut short as another bout of pain hit my body. It was so much worse than the last. My grandfather had told me something when he told me the song. He'd told me that control wasn't important. My father had heard and yelled at me to go to my room but I'd listened as he verbally ripped my mother's father to bits. The old man had just stood there, taking it all without a word.

After my father had left for work, my grandfather found me and told me it wasn't about control, it was all about trust. My trust in the wolf to let her do what she knew best. Her trust in me to let her have a say if I needed to rely on my instincts over logic.

'Sit on your knees.' She told me. I didn't hesitate and barely turned before my whole body spasmed. Bones broke. My scream cut off before it fully formed as my face started to reshape.

On my knees with my hands in the dirt I noticed the change in the world around me when the pain drew back. I could see clearer. I could hear more.

Yet my body was once again human. Sweat pouring in my eyes, blood running down my arms where the bones had broken through the skin.

The moon continued as I tried to relax, let it happen, ride the pain like my big brothers told me to do.

'Do you trust me?' She asked as I panted, trying to just survive the agony of being alive. My eyes were closed, it hurt to see so much. My response didn't need thought.


'Good.' Was the pleased reply. 'I will be as fast as I can.' She told me as my body started to boil from the inside out. The image of someone dead between forms had been burned into my brain when I was twelve and it surfaced now.

'That is not us!' She snapped, clear through the fog of pain that consumed me.

The image disappeared and was replaced with the image of my pack. The wolves that waited for me, for us. It took hold as the pain consumed every part of me.

I knew the loud cracks were my bones breaking. I knew that the sweat was mingled with my blood and I knew the millions of needles that stabbed me everywhere was her hair. I knew that but all I could see was the pack. Every breath hurt and any thought I had of given up was roughly pushed aside by the same picture.

They were mostly brown to black wolves. The alpha stood proud at the front in his human form as he had sent us off for our first shift. Our Luna giving us one last hug, one last comfort, the last whisper that we could do this, to trust the moon goddess. His auburn hair a hint of his wolf, her blond hair hinting at a lighter wolf like my mother.

As my face elongated my world started to darken at the edges. The pain was too much.

'Nothing is too much!' She snapped again as her form replaced mine. The human body I had been in charge of for eighteen years was no more. She opened my eyes and showed our arms, now legs. Paws instead of hands forming before my eyes.

This was real.

Her form pushed mine out and with it another scream that had been cut off before it fully escaped. A snout formed; she was sharing my pain. She howled. It was a howl of agony. But it turned into a howl of joy even as our body sank to the forest floor. She had felt the pain of her body forming for the first time as I'd lost mine. Our minds now in the body of a wolf, I was supposed to assert my control as soon as possible.

I opened an eye. She let me.

I looked at our paw and turned to look over our new reality. She purred as she felt my happiness at how we looked. Dark, shiny fur with black socks, I looked like my dad and my brothers.

And I remembered my grandfather... 'If there is trust a relationship works. If it starts with trust, given freely on the believe that the moon goddess knows best... love grows faster, stronger. If one half is controlled by the other, it is harder to love each other. I know the new ways are supposed to be better, child... but they are wrong. The strongest warriors, the best Alphas and the smartest trackers, they all have one thing in common...They trust their wolves. You heed my words little pup. Trust your wolf.'

'He was wise. I would have liked to meet him.' A sad voice told me as I moved, piece by piece, in the unfamiliar body.

'Well, I’ll do my best to show you all my memories of him, so you'll know him.'

Our eyes closed as the last pain died down in our tired body. We slept until the sound of a breaking twig snapped us to alert in an instant. I let her take control without fighting and she was on her feet in a flash, her head turning to the sound. A deep breath, focused eyes and two wolves became clear as they slowly approached us.

They were positioned the most nonthreatening way they could have been, face low to the ground, making soft whining sounds. They meant me no harm. She could smell pack. I assured her that they were the warriors here to oversee our change and she glanced from one to the other before sitting down with a huff. I giggled in our head. Mum always said I was too cocky and short tempered for my own good but it seemed that my wolf was very alike as she told me. 'They're lucky I didn't kill them, amateurs.'

They waited as she took her time assessing them.

She approached and sniffed every part of them while I complained about her doing it, her amusement was clear in our mind as she continued at a leisure inspection. They were way bigger than us. Warriors. They looked strong and healthy. Finally, she stood before them and they rose to their full height, towering over us.

We cocked our head to the side deciding they were no challenge we sat down again with another huff. Only then did she give me full control over the body.

They peered into my eyes before one walked away. Some cracks and rustles indicated that he'd changed. Our youngest beta walked out. I hadn't realized it was him and sunk down lowering our eyes. She scuffed and pulled us back up almost instantly.

You are in control?

I smiled, my tongue lolling out and shook my head 'No.'

The other wolf chuffed like he was laughing. Can you control your wolf? The beta asked again sternly.

She wanted to bite him, nothing lethal just something to stop him from asking stupid questions. I chose to use our paw. She conceded easily. It was hard but I managed to write down...'We are one!'

He was clearly impressed as he nodded. You were faster to change than any other pup.

He held out his hand and we nuzzled it contently.

You will be a strong addition to our pack.

She agreed and with a small nip at the other wolf asking for a game we bounced into the forest to play before joining the pack.


My first change had been spectacular. The Beta and the warrior had led me back towards the pack after I had let my wolf play a game with them. She had bitten the warrior and as she took us away we'd heard the Beta change. It didn't take long to have both wolves on our tail and my human self was worried about getting caught. My wolf side had been insane with happiness and much to my surprise our feeling were dominated by her, my worry bled away quickly. We managed to stay ahead of them when the Beta suddenly disappeared. We were smaller and, surprisingly, faster. The warrior came in on my left and I moved into the undergrowth to the right.

We were headed to the creek and he had led us closer to where the pack was waiting for us so I didn't mind. My wolf wanted to join the pack. Until I submitted to the Alpha, I was unable to link to the pack. Our need to join the pack was the reason that I never knew that they had set me up. The Beta shot out of the bush ahead on nailed me to the forest floor with his teeth gently at my neck. My wolf didn't mind and as a human I recognized the playful glint in his eyes. The warrior trotted up to us and nipped my leg like I'd done to him. I remained motionless but that also meant I wasn't submitting. My wolf refused to submit no matter how much I explained.

The warrior chuffed. I think he was laughing. The Beta clamped down a tiny bit firmer. We growled but refused to move. Again, the other wolf laughed. He used the link because the Beta nodded with my throat in his mouth and the other guy trotted away. The Beta flopped down with one leg on my chest and my neck in his mouth. He made his intentions clear; he would wait for me to submit no matter how long it took. My wolf smiled; she liked him.

I didn't know much about our leaders. He was probably seven years older than me. He was the nephew of the current Alpha and he was cute in human form. My wolf said he looked better as a wolf and shifted to make herself comfy. He tightened his grip on my throat and moved but when he realized that we were just changing position a bit he dropped back, half covering us with an annoyed growl.

There was a rustle in the forest, footsteps coming this way, but he didn't move so I didn't think I needed to.

Matthew. I heard the voice of our alpha and shifted my eyes in his direction. Mitch told me you have a small issue on your hands? He was now standing above us. To me he was upside down. My wolf chuffed at his words. 'Small problem my tail.'

Let her up, Matt. The Alpha said. Matt tightened his jaws and growled at the Alpha. My wolf struck quick as lightning turning her head, snapping our jaw at him and turning our body in protest. He let us go with a growl and sat beside the Alpha.

Ariel, is it? He asked looking down at us. We nodded confirmation.

Do you understand the reason to submit? My wolf chuffed, it sounded like a derogatory cough, then we nodded yes as we dropped down on our belly and whimpered. Eyes on the ground we slunk over to the Alpha's feet and turned on our back in full submission. He laughed, said something in a strange language and bend down to his knees.

You are a beautiful wolf. As your human side is a beautiful young woman. Your father was worried it was you when Mitch came to say that the Beta had a problem with a pup.

I rolled our eyes and saw that the Beta had seen this, he sported a large Wolfy grin. Idiot rolled his eyes back in silent communication.

You are assigned two watchers because you can't be taken to the pack unless we know you aren't a threat to the weaker members. I slowly turned and raised myself, then I turned so that I was almost beside the Alpha, he looked on with amusement and curiosity as I wrote once again with my paw. 'We are one.' Then I continued and painfully slowly wrote. 'You are Alpha.'

His hand was fast as a bullet as he suddenly had me by the neck. We didn't struggle, I needed to become pack. His voice entered my mind. 'Will you, Ariel Gemma Wilson, submit to my rule?' I nodded yes even as I thought it with my whole being, eyes firmly down from his penetrating gaze. 'Be part of our pack and respect pack law?' Same reply. 'Respect and protect those weaker than yourself and your wolf?' Yes Sir! 'You will be a good addition to our pack, Ariel. Just curious... before I finish this... will you submit to my Betas?' Hell No! I accidentally looked in disgust at the Alpha as I vigorously shook my head no. He laughed and Matt the Beta growled.

A bit unconventional but as you won't submit to any others, I will introduce you to the pack properly later. His nails grew into my skin and I felt them draw blood. They went deeper. It hurt; I remained still. He raised his other claw as he let my neck go. My blood dripped down his fingers and he sliced a nail through his palm. Our blood mixed. I felt the first hint of magic spring to life. I'd heard of this from my family but hearing it didn't come close to feeling magic. He put his hand back on my neck and I felt the blood of our Alpha. My wounds healed, as did his and when he told me ‘Welcome to the pack' my mind exploded into the pack link.

It was so loud. So much. I felt the Alpha before me like a beacon and looked at him. 'Welcome home, Ariel Gemma Wilson' My mind went dark as I heard my mother in my head. 'Stubborn like the rest of us, that's my baby girl.' I could feel her pride in me and sank to the forest floor with a smile, letting the darkness take me.

I should have known. People that were initiated into the pack were always immediately taken by their family. First the change from human to wolf, then the addition of a pack into your was too much and they usually collapsed while the pack celebrated. Dumbchip, I cursed myself. As my head pounded with stray thoughts of others.

'Hey, don't be too hard on yourself, girl.' Said a smooth familiar voice in my head.

'Oh God, I have to learn to block my thoughts!'

That would be a good idea, sweetheart. The voice said out loud.

I slowly forced my eyes open. I was still in the forest. Probably in the same place the Alpha had initiated me. I groaned and closed my eyes again as everything came back to me. I felt a blanket around my legs and halfway up my back. A cool breeze caressed my back and I moaned in delight at natures soft touch. I settled my face more comfortably on my arms.

I've missed everything, babysitting you. The voice told me, amused.

Hmmm, sorry. I mumbled while sleep tugged at my mind and I wondered why I didn't sleep in the forest more often. This breeze was amazing. Everything smelled fresh here with just a hint of copper, probably my blood from last night. That was alright, now my family couldn't hide conversations in the mind link anymore. Finally, pack, I was content.

Pretend you're in a bubble. The voice told me gently. Come on, girl. A bubble with enough space to smell and feel the wind but a space for just you.

A small part that hadn't drifted off asked why this lovely voice kept me awake, maybe if I let it join me in a bubble it would feel just as good as me and go to sleep with me.

I couldn't imagine the voice's owner as I tried to make my bubble.

The bubble is just for you, sweetheart. It told me with a laugh. A picture of me sitting against a tree fully clothed as the moon came up followed quickly by one of my wolf, somehow I knew it was me. That picture was replaced by one of me with another wolf beside me as my paw scratched 'we are one' and then I was on the ground under a paw.

My mind supplied the answer as sleep drew back a bit. Matthew?

Good girl. He purred with a smile in voice, it sounded like he was closer now.

I like your voice. I smiled.

Make a bubble, everyone can hear your thoughts until you learn to close your mind.

I now had his face clear in my mind and tried to make the bubble with him in it. I pictured the man who had stood over my wolf and the wolf version as well. I could feel him clearly. The bubble formed and he laughed in my head. 'You're strong, sweetheart. It normally takes a while to make personal connections.'

Did that work? I mumbled.

You put me in your mind when you blocked the pack link.

Good. Now lemme sleep. I let go and drifted off to the lovely sound of Matthew's laughter.

I woke up with my head on a chest, a nice chest. I ran my hand down and back up sleepily appreciating the hard ridges. There was an arm around my back securing me in place. 'What a lovely way to wake up.' I thought to myself still drifting on the edge of sleep.

Glad you like it but please, don't go back to sleep. I was told as a hand grabbed mine on its way up the chest under the shirt. My eyes snapped open and I tried to sit up. I was restrained as the arms tensed, keeping all but my head down. His face was very close and he was silently laughing at me as I stared at him in shock.

You put me on a private link with you. I can still hear your thoughts.

I blushed knowing that he had heard me appreciate his body. I tried to imagine my bubble with just me and literally pushed him out of my mind. His laughter washed over my face. Suddenly he dropped his head back and released my arm and put it over his face. His other arm was still on my back as he spoke. I'm sorry I restrained you but you changed asleep, so you are only under the blanket. There are clean clothes behind our head, your mum brought them after you passed out the first time. Put them on, I won't look. His arm dropped away while my face burned. As quick as possible I put on the shirt on top just to have something on. Then I slid into the knickers and wrangled myself into my shorts. I just pulled my arms into my shirt to put on my bra beneath it when he looked right at me and winked.

He closed them again as I realized that I was still almost in his arms and shuffled away from him fastening my bra. You can open your eyes now.

He rolled over and propped his arm under his head.

So... I'm Matthew. The current first Beta of our pack and apparently in charge of your training while we find out what you are.

What?! But I... you... in charge? I'm a wolf! Why? I shut my mouth as his eyes sparkled.

Your wolf challenged a Beta and refused to submit.

We are one. I answered as my wolf said the exact same in my head.

Yes, yes, you are indeed. You are of a kind. Your parents are definitely your biological parents, your brothers looks just like you and they are all pretty average wolves. Yet here you are. Initiated in the forest because you would only submit to the Alpha of the pack. One of a kind.

What does that even mean?

It means that now that you are rested, we are going for a walk to see the Alpha. He told me to wait with you until you woke. He allowed your mother to bring your clothes and see that you were fine but you will not be going home until after we see the Alpha, so please...don't fight me on this.


He offered me a hand up and I tried to be graceful as I accepted it. He grabbed my hand tightly and led me into the forest to steer away from the pack members. He stopped twice to wait for someone to pass in the distance. We approached the Alpha's backdoor and he opened it like he lived there. I didn't know where he lived.

The Alpha was waiting when we got there.

Good afternoon, Ariel.

With my eyes to the floor I replied softly. Good morning, Alpha.

While we are in my house you have my permission to look at me while you talk to me...and you may call me Richard.

I looked up in surprise just as our Luna, his wife, rushed in. I came as fast as possible; she must be remarkable if she woke up already. I thought she be out till at least late afternoon. Her voice was light and cheery. The words came out in a rush as her eyes found me. She pushed Mathew out of the way and hugged me tightly.

Did you take care of her Matty? Are you alright dear? You caused quite a stir last night. Nobody can remember a first change ever being that fast and when Richard was called to the forest Mitch only said that the pup refused to submit to the Beta. Nobody heard but still, I was so worried.

Give the girl a chance to sit Aunt Miri. Mathew said as he ducked into the fridge and started pulling stuff out.

The most beautiful smell hit me and my stomach growled. Everybody laughed as Mathew said. I'm going as fast as I can woman, don't rush me! We sat down and a large plate heavy with sandwiched dropped on the table.

Well eat up, are you waiting for an invite? Mathew said as he dropped another plate down, sat down behind it and started eating.

The Alpha and Luna nodded with big smiles and I was soon devouring the bread like a starving man. I complemented his sandwich skills having barely swallowed my last bite and he laughed. It's an old family recipe for the roast beef, smells amazing and tastes even better. Mum taught me how to do this.

I looked up in shock. You made this?

Mum makes all men in our pack learn to cook. When my dear cousin returns here, you'll have to befriend him because she'll make him learn too.

I must have looked confused and Richard explained.

"After the pack wars of the forties new law stated that to foster relations between neighbouring packs the future Alphas are trained with another pack. My sister is Luna of the Black Claws pack next door so my son went to them and her son Mathew is trained to become Alpha under my guidance. We are lucky to be related,

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