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Nothing About Us Without Us
Nothing About Us Without Us
Nothing About Us Without Us
Ebook271 pages4 hours

Nothing About Us Without Us

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Animated cartoon characters. Many are beloved, yes. But many more are simply ignored, filed away and destroyed when they are no longer needed. Until now. This is their story.

Release dateJan 15, 2024
Nothing About Us Without Us

David Perlmutter

David Perlmutter is a freelance writer based in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He is the author of two books on animation history: America ‘Toons In: A History of Television Animation (McFarland and Co.) and The Encyclopedia Of American Animated Television Shows (Rowman and Littlefield), as well as essays and works of speculative fiction. .  

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    Nothing About Us Without Us - David Perlmutter

    Previous Publications

    Video Diary Of A Tall Soldier was first published in Cup of Joe (Wicked East Press, 2010.)

    On My Honor was first published in Project Mayhem (Mouldwarp Press, 2013.)

    Nothing About Us Without Us was first published in Weird City (Static Movement, 2011.)

    Up To Me was first published in Weird City 2 (Static Movement, 2011.)

    Sisters Of Mercy was first published in Fall Shudders (Static Movement, 2011.)

    The Milwaukee Incident was first published in Daily Flash 2011 (Pill Hill Press, 2011.)

    A Small Betrayal was first published at Digital SF (2014)

    And The Cartoon Girls Go ‘Do Da Doo Da Doo’ was first published in Polychrome Ink 1 (2014)

    I’m New Here and Certain Private Conversations... were first published in Certain Private Conversations and Other Stories (Aurora Publishing, 2015.)

    Cadmium and the Cops was first published in Robbed of Sleep 5 (2016)

    All other stories are original to this collection.

    Some stories have mild content alterations from their original versions.

    ON MY HONOUR  (The CRA Oath) 

    The following words were found written on a number of strips of paper found in the chamber of the Capitol Building on the morning following the bomb explosion that accompanied the Cartoon Republican Army’s take-over of the U.S. Senate chamber in June 2—-. It provides a unique insight into the beliefs and activities of this secretive organization:

    On my honour, as a duly deputized member of the Cartoon Republican Army, I promise that I will:

    -Act in accordance with, and possibly redeem, the good name of the cartoon race.

    -Protect, at all times, myself and my colleagues from harm, even to the point of risking my own life.

    -Never allow myself to surrender to any of the temptations offered me by the human beings.

    -Use whatever physical and mental aptitude I possess to advance the cause of the Cartoon Republican Army in any and all ways possible.

    In addition, I swear that I will never:

    -Reveal, in any way, the origins of the cartoon race, nor the secrets of our abilities to defy mortality, physics and other limitations of the mortal world to anyone except my colleagues, on pain of chastisement or death on my part.

    -Provoke human beings into a confrontation with the CRA unless it is entirely and purposefully justified.

    -Leave myself or any of my colleagues open to defilement, defacement, disfigurement or paralysis without first attempting to defend myself and/or them from such disgrace.

    -Allow the human beings to enslave or conquer myself or my colleagues, as they have done to so many other cartoon characters in the past.

    Above all, I will not rest or waiver in my attempts to make the human beings of the world understand, comply with and respect the need, the desire and the right of all animated cartoon characters to be regarded as their equals under the law and within the society of the United States of America and the world at large. Not until that day will the Cartoon Republican Army achieve its aims.

    This I do solemnly swear, on my honour and my existence as an animated cartoon character.

    [Place inductee’s signature here]



    Contrary to popular belief, the word alien does not apply exclusively to beings from outer space. The truth is, it originally applied to anyone who was somewhat foreign to the normative standards of a nation, be it in dress, speech, language, social customs, behavior, or any of a million other biased and narrowly structured devices designed to separate the people who mattered from those who supposedly did not matter. And that doesn’t mean just those who assume human form. There’s a whole race of beings, who you know rather pedantically as cartoon characters, who have been entertaining you for over a century, and they’ve been treated like crap and manipulated by people to make money and careers of their own for nearly that long. That especially applies to the uniquely gifted and talented beings of television animation, the exclusive population and racist target of that rotten Orthicon enterprise. Well, not anymore, pal! After we got back from Orthicon, that interplanetary hellhole we got exiled to by a totally and completely unsympathetic U.S. government, we formed the Cartoon Republican Army to get control of their own rights and affairs. Hey, it worked for the Irish, didn’t it?

    Now, you must be wondering how I, a seemingly innocent, twelve-year old looking girl, know about all of this. First of all, I am a voracious reader and possess a photographic memory, which is both a blessing and a curse for me in different ways. And second, and most importantly, I’m one of ‘em! But you probably figured that out already when you dragged me out of the Capitol building after what happened today. And now you want to know the truth, huh? All right- I’ll tell you....


    After we got back from Orthicon and the CRA got started up, I organized a battalion of the girls in my neighborhood and got commissioned as a Lieutenant, which is my current rank. No guys, you say? Well, honestly, most of ‘em aren’t nearly as smart as I am. Besides, the one boy bosom buddy I had, the one who came closest to being a real partner for me, as it were, had gotten himself killed in a race riot just after we got back, and I have difficulties being around them ever since, including the ones I command, but that’s another story. You might think that most of the ‘toons are out west, in Hollywood, but that’s not entirely the truth. A lot of ‘em are there ‘cause that’s where the films are at, but there’s just as much action for us out in the East and North, where I’m from, as there are in the South and West like you’d expect. So many out East, in fact, that we were able to form two nearly equal units from the two geographic units, united under the common banner of the Cartoon Republican Army. What we want is simple: control over our social, economic and political destinies, without any further input from the artists who supposedly brought us to life or the business interests that keep us hamstrung and unable to control our destinies. We want a role and voice in how we do things, the fact that we are merely fictional characters BE DAMNED! Hence our slogan and watchword: Nothing about us without us.

    But you want me to be more specific about what happened today, don’t you? Okay, I can do that. The truth really starts a few hours ago, before all the chaos got started....


    I got word through the Internet that the GOP, our chief enemies, were planning to ram a cartoon regulation bill through both houses of Congress, in which, as you know, they now possess a stone-cold majority (of course, if we ‘toons could vote...). Immediately, I helped to spread the word through the electronic grapevine about this, and, in return, promptly got a host of curse-filled, indignant responses and forwarded messages. The gist of it was that the CRA was going to march to Washington from our various geographic centers of origination and surround the Capitol on all sides, in case they decided to make a break for it before or after the vote took place. After we plotted a strategy, I rallied my troops and we were off on the march. War is so much easier to do now with the Internet, Google and MapQuest, don’t you think?

    Anyway, my regiment and I were encamped in Chevy Chase, Maryland, just north of here, when I got the message on my video communicator, this thing here on my wrist. It’s kind of like the two-way radios that Dick Tracy used to use to communicate with his colleagues, except that it’s used to transmit picture images rather than sounds, using the same data inscription process that they use for digital television. It’s a device developed in our ‘toon lab (Patent Pending!) that we’re all equipped with in the CRA to ease the communication barriers when we can’t get to a computer console. Since most of us are too young and/or poor to afford more sophisticated electronic gadgetry, it has to do.

    We had just made camp on a reasonably sized traffic island in the road when I heard a crackling sound emanate from the communicator. There are two buttons on the side, one to bring up images from outside, the other to transmit images to other receivers. I pressed the reception button, and the screen on my communicator was immediately filled with the image of Colonel Finster, my commander, in all of her red-haired, black-eyed, lantern-jawed glory.

    Thrid, I said laconically, ID’ing myself.

    Thank God! the Colonel exclaimed. "The thing actually works! You in position, Third?"

    Just reached Chevy Chase this morning, ma’am, I said. Depending on whether I can get the laggards moving again, we should reach the Capitol whenever we’re needed.

    You better get the laggards", whatever that is, into town as soon as you can, Finster answered. Totino’s already got his California troops encamped around the Washington Monument, and the motor pool and I are due to get there as soon as we can find our way off the Beltway. I had no idea that it was going to be this goddamn long!"

    "Well, it does cover the entire D.C. area, plus stretching out into outlying areas of Virginia and Maryland...."

    "Thank you, Ms. Encyclopedia! the Colonel retorted, with an irritated edge only she is capable of producing. You know, just ‘cause you have that photographic memory doesn’t mean you have to show it off all the time, Third! Between you and General Stinson, I feel like I’m stuck at a MENSA meeting half the time! For Cripes’ sake, I wasn’t nearly a quarter as smart as you are when I was your age! So can you lay off showing me up for a while, please?"

    Sorry, ma’am, I said. It just comes out of me, and...

    "...and another thing! she interrupted. Will you please knock off that military bullshit? Not to mention that ma’am nonsense? In the first place, we are an army in name only. We don’t have basic training, maneuvers, or heavily muscled assholes in green uniforms with yellow chevrons on the side shouting ’ten-hut! loud enough to be heard in Mexico! We are a free-form military and political alliance among beings of all ages and biological originations, magically gifted or not, whose sole and often only joint place of common ground is the fact that we were given birth to on drawing boards, sketchpads, notebook paper or a computer screen instead of by Caesarian section on an operating table in a hospital! There is nothing remotely militaristic about us: we steal no territory from indigenous peoples, we do not help ethnic minorities resolve differences between them only they truly understand, and we will never exist as an economic Rock of Gibraltar between the U.S. Government and the education and well-being of its most needy citizens (including us!). Anyone with delusions of becoming the next MacArthur gets turfed immediately! Can you get to all of that, Thrid?"

    I can, ma’am, I answered. And I agree with all of what you said. I’ve never had any of those sort of urges or desires in my life....

    "There you go again!" She cut me off once again.

    What do you mean, ma’am?

    She made that universal oooooohhhh sound that is a universal sound of an upcoming emotional explosion among us ‘toons, along with the accompanying facial and arm movements that solidify this.

    THAT’S JUST WHAT I MEAN! she exploded. That  MA’AM garbage!

    But, I said, trying to evade her wrath, "it’s supposed to be a sign of respect!"

    "Respect? Yeah- for OLD PEOPLE! she snapped. I’m only twenty years old, Thrid! TWENTY! You think I like being called ma’am all the time, you little brat? Half the goddamn grunts in this outfit are younger than me, not to mention the NCOs like you! I don’t need to be called ma’am to be reminded about how OLD I AM, but you just keep RUBBING IT IN with that condescending language of yours!"

    "Well, what should I call you then, Colonel?" I responded

    Colonel’s fine, she said, seemingly sobering up, but, as it turned out, not entirely. "Or maybe ‘Frankie’. That is my name! Or even ‘Frances’! God, I hate that version of my name, but it sounds a helluva lot better than ma’am! Or maybe you could find some way of combining the two...."

    The Colonel was on the verge of collapsing into hysterics, so I figured it was best to sign off at that point.

    We’ll be at the Capitol ASAP, Colonel! I said to sign off. And don’t worry. You’ll find a way off the Beltway soon.

    You do that, she said. And thanks. Finster out.


    Once we signed off, I headed towards the southern tip of the island, where my unit had stashed themselves for the purposes of relaxing while I reported in. Just as I made my way towards the unit, Corporal Reckless, my self-appointed adjutant, shook her mane of red hair, not to mention the rest of her, as she began commanding attention by waving her toy bayonet in the air as I made my approach.

    "On your feet, you mugs! Daring snapped as I made myself visible behind her, working herself into a frenzy with delusions of power. The Lieutenant’s coming back, and she’s not gonna want you standing around here like a bunch of idiots...."

    But the only idiot around there in the bunch was her. Evidently, Colonel Finster’s reprimand to me had never been filtered down to the grunts, many of which still act as if this is a real army and not simply the para-military organization which me and most of the higher-ups want it to be. For that reason, I harrumphed violently at Daring as soon as I got into position behind her. That cut her off in time to halt her delusions as well as making her shut up, which was my intention.

    Reckless! I snapped at her. "What did I tell you about being militant? You want the forces to rebel against us?"

    "Come on, Lieutenant! she pleaded. How can I instill respect in the troops if you keep undercutting me like this...."

    Respect? I shot back. "For what? The fact that you constantly make mountains out of molehills? It’s exactly those kinds of blind dictator tactics that got America into so much trouble in the first place, and I won’t have it here!"

    I hate to disagree with you, Lieutenant, she growled disrespectfully at me, "but wars are not parlor games fought to please some sort of primal urges you might have! I don’t suppose you’re familiar with The Art Of War, or you’d understand why we need discipline...."

    I grabbed both of her wrists with my hands and squeezed them tightly as I prepared to give her what I hoped would be a firm talking-to. It was exactly that, and more.

    "Let’s get one thing perfectly clear, sister! I snapped. This is not a military organization and it never will be! Everyone here is here for their own reasons and under their own individual jurisdiction! The fact that we happen to have common goals today does not mean that you have the right to consider yourself better than anyone else here! The whole reason the CRA got started is so that the general public will have a better sense of who we are as individuals, not as a collective bunch of trigger-happy lunatics like you! So if I ever catch you throwing your weight around with anybody ever again, I will take that bayonet of yours and stick it up your...."

    Fine! Reckless snapped. "Your point has been made, Lieutenant! Now, can we get on with doing this so I don’t have to look at your ugly, chalky white face ever again?"

    I slapped her hard across the face for that one.

    "One more crack like that, Daring, I said, barely keeping myself under control, and you’ll be the first member of the CRA to be dishonorably discharged. That’ll look good on your college application record, won’t it? Now, get your skinny ass to the back of the line and don’t let me hear anything else out of you for the rest of the march!"

    You can’t stop me from talking, she protested. I... 

    BACK OF THE LINE! I ordered, pointing severely. She got the message and skulked off.

    "If there are no more complaints, I said to the rest of the gang, I’ll review our plan of operations for the day, for the benefit of those who seemed to have forgotten it!"

    So I reminded them that we were to march south from our current position until we reached Constitution Avenue, on the north side of the Capitol complex. At that point, we would rendezvous with our colleagues from the south in the motor pool, headed by Colonel Finster, who would be massing around the south side of the complex from Independence Avenue. We would then be joined by our colleagues from the western division, already encamped within the grounds of the Washington Monument, as I said before. Then the Black-And-Whiters, a theatrical ‘toon fighting force from the 1930s, would advance in their novelty talking cars up East Capitol Avenue towards the complex. Having finished my review, I formally ended our rest period, and our march resumed further south into the D.C. area.

    As I marched at the front of the group, I was joined by my actual adjutants, Master Sergeant Menson and Technical Sergeant Penton, who have been my chief confidants ever since I joined the CRA.

    Good grief, Inga! said Menson. "You really blasted Daring there!"

    "Somebody’s got to remind them who’s in charge, I answered. We’re all so independent minded here that we need to remember we’re parts of a chain of command. Colonel Finster just did that with me, and so I just had to do that with Daring."

    "Hard to believe the two of you are the same age, said Penton. There’s potential for a thesis topic in there..."

    Don’t remind me! I said. "And stay focused, Penton! The thesis comes after this- if we get out of it alive!"

    She stared ruefully at me, but kept silent. 


    After we got out of the Chase and into Washington, things got a little bit smoother, and it wasn’t long before we had reached Constitution and were within spitting distance of the Capitol. But we still had to wait. Colonel Finster and the motor pool had not yet arrived, as I could hear no activity occurring on the Independence side of the complex. It was at this point that I took leave of my troops and went down there to await the eventual arrival of my commander.

    This was around the time that the Senators and Representatives began arriving for the vote, and they were all gradually filing in as I and the others began assuming our positions around the Capitol. Fortunately, they took no notice of us. Most of the ‘toons who had chosen to participate in this action were the ones who take human form entirely or exclusively for the duration of their existence, only choosing to reveal our true identity in private exchanges with other ‘toons or as an effective way of threatening our enemies if this is required. There are, however, others, like the Black and Whiters, who are more open in their display of their pride at being ‘toons, but thankfully they had not yet arrived, either. Consequently, the elected officials, as they walked inside with their overcoats, hats, briefcases, etc. took very little notice of us, if they saw us at all. We are an army with no uniforms, in keeping with our protocol; consequently, we all dress in normal civilian attire when we’re out and about, like the black dress I’m wearing right now, with our ranks only being addressed in a perfunctory, mental sense. And we’re perfectly able of establishing a system of development like that on a purely mental level. They might just have seen us as a bunch of kids playing hooky, and that was fine with us. But just ‘cause we look like kids doesn’t mean we are kids; remember that!

    As I arrived at Independence, my opposite number from California, Lieutenant Totino, was already there. We nodded acknowledgement and stood opposite each other at the bus stop on that corner.

    So, he said by way of conversation as he scratched his blond hair, you been in long?

    No, I said. Just got here. Had some trouble with one of my more eager beavers. That held us up a little bit.

    You know her?

    Not too well. But then, all the girls on Orthicon  wanted to be Queen Bee. That isn’t a conductive environment for building strong friendships. Anyway, she still bugs me even after that. Anyone in your group give you trouble?

    "Hardly. My trouble is that I know everybody too well in that bunch. Most of them are my buddies from way back."

    But surely there’d be some strange birds in there, I said. You’re from California, aren’t you?

    Yeah, he answered, "but we’re from the North. The weirdos and freaks are all in the

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