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The Computers That Made Britain: The Home Computer Revolution of the 1980s
The Computers That Made Britain: The Home Computer Revolution of the 1980s
The Computers That Made Britain: The Home Computer Revolution of the 1980s
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The Computers That Made Britain: The Home Computer Revolution of the 1980s

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The home computer boom of the 1980s brought with it now-iconic machines such as the ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, and Commodore 64. Those machines would inspire a generation and foster the creation of a booming British software industry that continues to this day.

With the help of hefty government discounts, computers worked their way into primary and secondary schools around the country. Millions more computers appeared in living rooms and bedrooms around the country. For once, Britain was ahead of the world, helping to create a golden generation of British programmers.

The Computers That Made Britain tells the story of 19 of those computers, and what happened behind the scenes. This book is as much a story about each computer's creation as it is about the people that created them.

Through dozens of interviews with the people who were there, discover the tales of missed deadlines, technical faults, business interference, and the unheralded geniuses who brought to the UK everything from the Dragon 32 and ZX81, to the Amstrad CPC 464 and Commodore Amiga. This book closes with the story of the Acorn Archimedes, which introduced the revolutionary ARM processor that powers smart watches, laptops, routers, mobile phones, and the Raspberry Pi to this day.

Release dateMay 28, 2021
The Computers That Made Britain: The Home Computer Revolution of the 1980s

Tim Danton

Tim Danton is author of The Computers That Made Britain, a Raspberry Pi book, and editor-in-chief of the British technology magazine PC Pro. He has also helped to launch several technology websites, most recently, where he is a senior editor.

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    The Computers That Made Britain - Tim Danton


    The 1980s was, categorically, the best decade ever. Not just because it gave us Duran Duran and E.T., not even because of the Sony Walkman. It was because the 1980s saw the rise of the personal computer.

    With the help of hefty government discounts, computers inveigled their way into primary and secondary schools around the country – even if teachers didn’t always know what to do with them. Millions more computers appeared in living rooms and bedrooms around the country. For once, Britain was ahead of the world, helping to create a golden generation of British programmers. Sure, far more of us were destined to spend hours playing Elite and Chuckie Egg rather than creating games of our own, but the combination of C64s, Spectrum 48Ks, and BBC Micros directly led to the creation of a booming British software industry that continues to this day.

    The question that inspired this book, though, is how did these computers come to be? There was no cookie-cutter template to follow. Companies were genuinely making things up as they went along, often to brilliant effect. Every computer you read about here has a story that surprises, and it’s almost always down to the people involved. That’s why, as much as this book is a story about each computer’s creation, it’s also a story about the people that created them. Many of them British, many of them geniuses.

    With billions of pounds up for grabs in this nascent industry, not everyone was on their best behaviour. Ego battled ego in a quest for fame and wealth, leading to betrayals, lost fortunes, and too many shattered dreams to count. Think J.R. and Dallas, but with silicon instead of oil. And the fens of England rather than the sunbaked plains of Texas.

    This book tells the stories of 19 computers that each had an impact on Britain. I apologise if your favourite is missing – I would love to have covered Apricot’s machines, the NewBrain, the Oric-1, the Jupiter Ace, and the Cambridge Z88, for instance, but those will have to wait their turn.

    While I fully expect people to jump straight to the computers they owned, this book has been designed to be read in any order. You can choose to start your journey in the late 1970s with the Commodore PET and end with the Acorn Archimedes in 1987; you can trace the stunning rise of Amstrad, which ultimately led to its swallowing Sinclair’s Spectrum business whole. It’s entirely up to you.

    My final note is on accuracy. These computers were built two generations ago, which has given rumours and half-truths plenty of time to gather respectability. Wherever possible, I have gone straight to the source: that means listening to oral histories, reading interviews, ploughing through historic documents, and referring to previously written books. But most of all I have, wherever possible, spoken to the people involved.

    The result is as close to ‘truth’ as I can get, and if that means slaying myths that have no root in reality then all the better.

    In fairness, these are stories that need no exaggeration to make them fascinating. I hope you enjoy reading them.

    Tim Danton

    A photograph of a microcomputer called Research Machines 380 Z. The primary unit of the Research Machines 380 Z is housed in a rectangular metal or plastic casing. A built-in monochrome C R T monitor is positioned above the main unit casing.

    Research Machines 380Z

    A niche in which to survive

    Too small to rival IBM; ambitions too big to remain a supplier of components. Those were the forces that drove two entrepreneurial Oxbridge graduates to create their first computer for schools.

    To trace the story of the Research Machines 380Z, we need to travel back in time to 1973. This was the embryonic age of computing, when companies were selling electronics in kit form. (An era, incidentally, that was reborn by the Raspberry Pi 40 years later.) It was a time when ambitious British entrepreneurs could hold a conversation in the pub about starting an electronics business without being ridiculed.

    As normal, though, there is no straight line between idea and finished product. Mike Fischer and Mike O’Regan started their first business together after building a brain wave analyser for rats. You did not read that incorrectly. ‘I was working as a contract electrician for a company called Roussel Laboratories, a drug company,’ says Fischer. ‘They wanted a special piece of scientific equipment built, and they knew I could do that sort of thing. So I got the contract to build it. It was a rat’s brain wave analyser.’ He laughs at the memory. ‘It was not a large market.’

    With the rat money safely in the bank, the two Mikes decided to create a new company called Research Machines Limited. It was, on the face of it, a triumph of hope over reality: neither Mike had any business experience, with only £200 cash and a German typewriter between them (the pound sign achieved, O’Regan explains, by typing capital L, backspace, hyphen).

    O’Regan remembers Fischer saying, ‘There’s this company IBM, which stands for International Business Machines. It’s hugely successful. Maybe we can be the equivalent in the scientific market.’ This was also the reason behind the slightly archaic name Research Machines.

    However, much to Intel’s annoyance, they traded using the name Sintel; O’Regan recalls a threatening letter from Intel’s solicitors that accused Sintel of ‘passing off’ as Intel by instructing its staff to answer the phone, ‘Good morning, it’S intel.’ ‘Needless to say, that was not the case,’ says O’Regan, ‘and our tiny business was not even in the same market as theirs. I can’t remember if we replied or not, but anyway we didn’t hear any more from the solicitors, though it was a bit scary for us startup innocents to receive such a letter.’

    The two companies could hardly have been any different. Where Intel was already a world-renowned chip maker, having created the revolutionary 4004 microprocessor in 1971, Sintel started life as a mail-order business selling components via small ads in electronics magazines. Fischer’s enthusiasm for tinkering meant it wasn’t long before it was advertising project kits too; if you wanted to build your own digital clock back in the early 1970s, Sintel was the place to go.

    There was only so much money to be made from selling kits, and the pair wanted to build ‘something’ more substantial. When Fischer read about the new Zilog Z80 microprocessor, he realised that thing was a computer. ‘It was the 1st of April 1976,’ says Fischer, ‘which I remember because it was April Fool’s Day. We decided that we would have a go at making a computer based on the Z80.’

    They had enough money in the bank to buy parts for 250 computers and, in a bold move, that’s exactly what they did. ‘We realised that microcomputers were going to become mainstream in the business world. And I thought that there was an opportunity to get in there before the big people, but that opportunity wouldn’t last,’ says Fischer, adding that he was realistic enough to know that the likes of DEC, HP, and IBM would soon trample on them – although in reality it took IBM five years to catch up. ‘Our plan was to go into that market for a few years and then go and do something else, something derivative.’

    However, fate was to take a different turn when two advisors from the Berkshire County Council approached Sintel asking for advice on how to build a microcomputer for education. ‘We freely gave them lots of advice, and then suggested Why don’t we build a computer and you see whether it’s appropriate?.’

    The two Mikes soon realised that education was a niche they could attack. ‘We thought we’ll survive a little bit longer if we specialise in one market and do some software for that market as well,’ recalls Fischer. ‘So for the first few years, we spent a lot of time at exhibitions explaining to people why we wouldn’t sell them a computer.’

    First, though, they had a system to build. Time to start prototyping. Where Apple had a garage, Research Machines had Fischer and his wife’s bedroom. ‘Our bed was a double mattress on the floor, so we pushed the bed up against the wall during the day and pulled out the wallpaper trestle table.’ He then set to work assembling a working system using a wire wrap model: ‘It’s essentially a breadboard with billions of wires coming out of it. You could literally build what you wanted, debug it, and then get a circuit board printed.’

    Having settled on the core hardware, there was the small matter of writing the firmware to ensure the computer actually worked. This was beyond even Fischer, who drafted in David Small: neurology researcher at the University of Oxford by day, gifted programmer by night. In fact, Fischer describes Small as ‘the best programmer I’ve ever come across’.

    ‘I was like Steve Jobs to his Wozniak,’ adds Fischer. ‘I gave David a vision of what I wanted the BIOS to do and how to do it, and David went off and wrote it.’

    This was only possible because Small had access to a PDP-8 minicomputer. ‘David found a piece of software on the PDP-8 that allows you to write machine code. But he couldn’t test it; to do that, he had to bring it to us. He wrote 4kB of machine code and it had about five bugs in it,’ recalls Fischer. ‘He was just a brilliant programmer.’ So brilliant, in fact, that the two Mikes gave Small a third share of the company (this later caused problems when they fell out over his role in the company, with Fischer and O’Regan eventually buying Small out).

    Fischer’s other University of Oxford links came in handy too, with a brilliant young Physics postgraduate called Bob Jarnot building an EPROM programming machine to burn the read-only memory onto the chips – a machine they couldn’t afford to buy.

    At the same time, their education momentum was building. Those two Berkshire Council advisors introduced them to other school IT advisors, who became Research Machines’ first major customers. In particular, Fischer flags the importance of Bill Tagg in Hertfordshire, who had been championing the importance of computers in schools since the 1960s; indeed, Maths pupils of Tagg at Hatfield School had access to an Elliot 803 since 1963 [1].

    ‘Our second big breakthrough was a guy called Derek Esterson from the Inner London Education Authority. And those were the leading IT people in schools in Britain, in those days. And so the fact they bought from us meant that lots of other local authorities felt it was safe to buy from us.’

    With a working prototype built, Research Machines Limited was ready to find buyers. The summer of 1977 would have found either Mike behind a stand in an exhibition, hoping to find a school or university willing to take the gamble. And they did. ‘We sold one to a lovely, trusting young man from Bournville College. He bought our first one, which we delivered on time in September 1977,’ says Fischer.

    The other thing Fischer could sell was a vision. ‘I understood the key things when microprocessors arrived, which is that they were only ever going to get better because of Moore’s law.’ This law dates back to 1965, when Intel co-founder Gordon Moore predicted that the number of components (and transistors in particular) on integrated circuits would continue to double each year for the next decade.

    Fischer seized on this idea to help guide his development process. ‘I understood that when you design something that you wanted to have a several-year product life, and particularly a computer, you should take into account the fact that DRAMs would get cheaper and bigger, and everything would get cheaper, so expandability was a key issue.’

    This foresight is one of the main reasons why the 380Z had such longevity: Fischer chose expensive components from the start, on the basis that they were costly now but would be ‘exactly the right thing two years later. So although we shipped the first one in 1977, even in 1979 we had a machine which was more or less optimal for the market. We had a graphics card, we had disk drives, we had a large amount of memory, and we had 80 characters.’

    Reviewers were also fans of the Research Machines 380Z, with Mike Dennis describing the boards as a ‘work of art’ in his review of the computer in the very first issue of legendary computer magazine Personal Computer World [2]. While not without criticisms – he describes the ‘general standard of construction’ as ‘more adequate than elegant’ – his upbeat verdict ended by saying the ‘monitor ROM and software backup are excellent’.

    But it was expensive: if you chose the fully loaded 380Z with 32kB of memory and a floppy disk drive, then you would pay £1,787 (plus 8% VAT). A more basic system with 16kB of RAM and the keyboard still cost £965, which translates to around £6,000 in 2020. No wonder that Dennis suggested those on a budget should buy the 280Z for £400: this version simply consisted of the CPU board and VDU board, ‘fully built and tested’. However, it only included 4kB of RAM and a 1kB ROM.

    By late 1977, the two Mikes had honed their sales pitch, as is clear from adverts of the time. Pitched as ‘the tool for research and education’, and with universities firmly in its sights, the advert promised: ‘Having your own 380Z means an end to fighting the central operating system, immediate feedback of program bugs, no queueing, and a virtually unlimited computing budget.’ [3]

    The two Mikes also wanted to lure schools and colleges, promising that a 380Z ‘is ideal for teaching BASIC and Cesil [the Computer Education in Schools Language created by ICL]. For A Level machine language instruction, the 380Z has the best software panel of any computer.’ A bold claim, but the company didn’t stop there. ‘This enables a teacher to single-step through programs and observe the effects on registers and memory, using a single keystroke.’ The ‘integral VDU’ was another big selling point, along with the fact that it could display graphics alongside both upper- and lower-case characters.

    The adverts also worked hard to convince readers that the 380Z would deliver a real return on investment: ‘Microcomputers are extremely good value,’ they began. ‘The outright purchase price of a 380Z installation… is about the same as the annual maintenance cost of a typical laboratory minicomputer. It is worth thinking about!’

    While the ads were shouting about immediate benefits, Fischer had a long-term vision for the computer in education. ‘People had the magic view that microcomputers would be magic for education, but I could do the math. I could see that there was no way, for a long, long time, that there will be enough computer access and tools to use them in the curriculum.’ Instead, Fischer wanted to give children access to the tools that they would one day use in their jobs.

    In subsequent products from RM (as the company was later known), that would lead to Fischer negotiating a deal directly with Microsoft’s Scott Oki, then in charge of the company’s international operations, to bundle MS-DOS and Microsoft’s early word processor and spreadsheet applications with RM’s computers for ‘nearly nothing’. In return, Fischer’s argument went, Microsoft would have a strategic advantage: as each new generation of workers entered the workplace, it was Microsoft’s software they would want to use. It’s an argument that continues to hold force even now, although Google is doing its best to disrupt it with Google Docs.

    Even at the launch of the 380Z, Fischer was determined to think about the whole package rather than just providing hardware. ‘We went to great lengths to give what was a fairly unique thing at the time called the software front panel, which allowed you to single-step in a beautiful way through machine code and really understand how the computer was going.’

    Another early advantage for RM is that it produced a cheaper, network workstation version of the 380Z, called the 480Z. ‘In schools, there’s no way that they could afford ten computers, each with disk drives,’ says Fischer. ‘So we had designed an Ethernet-like network, but using the Zilog communications chip. It was like a one megabit per second Ethernet. And we got that into schools.’ As a result, a secondary school could afford a 380Z with disk drives, and then share those resources around a class via a series of 480Z workstations.

    Despite the fact the first 380Z shipped in 1977, it was still a regular sight in British schools throughout the 1980s. Indeed, only RM and Acorn were officially sanctioned for use in schools for many years – which brings us to the thorny topic of the BBC Micro. ‘We were approached by the BBC to bid for their concept of a BBC computer,’ reveals Fischer, ‘but we felt the timescales and price they had in mind weren’t achievable.’

    As is well documented, that contract was eventually won by Acorn for its BBC Micro – see its full story, starting on page 92 – and that caused big problems for RM. ‘It could have bankrupted us,’ says Fischer, so it’s little wonder that he resented competing with the BBC name at the time. However, he was full of admiration for what Acorn achieved. ‘The guys at Acorn did some pretty neat work with what was a very early gate array chip, to keep the chip count down. They deserved the success they had for a while.’

    Although the majority of 380Z sales went to education, O’Regan points out that significant sales also went to commercial customers. ‘The 50th 380Z was sold to IBM itself,’ he says, ‘with a front-page article in Computer Weekly coyly referring to the customer as a leading multinational mainframe manufacturer.’ Another early adopter was British Aerospace and, later, sales of over a hundred each went to the GPO (the Post Office as was) and to the Department of Education itself.

    And it’s in the education sector where the Research Machines name lives on. Following the 380Z range, RM produced a series of personal computers in 1985, badged the RM Nimbus, with Microsoft Windows and networking optimisation being key differentiators from Acorn’s offering. For many years, RM maintained a market share of over 30% in schools (both primary and secondary).

    Indeed, the company that the two Mikes founded back in 1973 continues to flourish in the education sector and is the only British computer ‘manufacturer’ that still exists – even if it stopped making hardware several years ago, instead focusing on the software and services side of the market.

    If you were to count the number of British schoolchildren that had touched Research Machines hardware, and continue to use its services, over the course of the past four decades, it would be well into the tens of millions. That, as a legacy, is hard to argue with.

    What came next

    The RM 380Z is unusual in that it doesn’t have a list of direct descendants. The RM 280Z was actually launched at the same time, while the RM Link 480Z was designed to be an accompanying system.

    RM 280Z

    Release 1977   Price £400

    In the late 1970s computers tended to be self-assembled, which is why Research Machines felt comfortable to release a version that consisted of the CPU board and video board on their own. Buyers would then assemble the rest of the components, from RAM to keyboard.

    RM 480Z

    Release 1982   Price from around £480

    While the RM 480Z could be used on its own – it included a 4MHz Z80A processor and up to 256kB of memory – its full name of Link 480Z gives away RM’s intentions. Thanks to its networking technology, a bunch of cheaper RM 480Z computers could access the disk space on a linked 380Z and effectively turn it into a file server. Perfect for classrooms and shared work.


    Interviews with Mike Fischer and Mike O’Regan.

    1. Peter Excell, A Pioneer Initiative in School Computing, Resurrection : The Bulletin of the Computer Conservation Society, Issue 6, Summer 1993

    2. Mike Dennis, Research Machines 380Z, Personal Computer World, Volume 1 Issue 1, 1978, page 47

    3. Research Machines advert, Personal Computer World, June 1979, page 39

    A photograph of a PET 2001 personal computer, featuring a built-in monitor, full-sized keyboard, and cassette tape drive. The metal casing has a distinctive wedge-like shape, tapering towards the monitor. The Commodore logo is displayed on the front panel.

    Commodore PET 2001

    The computer that changed the world

    You’re on a TV quiz show. With a million pounds at stake, you have ten seconds to name the ‘father of personal computing’. Who do you reach for? Steve Wozniak? Steve Jobs? Bill Gates? Jack Tramiel? Whoever you decide upon, chances are that you don’t say Chuck Peddle. By the end of the story behind the Commodore PET, you may well change your mind.

    One thing is impossible to contest: Peddle was a genius. But like many geniuses, he often found it difficult to persuade those in authority to see things his way. Nor was he the most diplomatic of men, on one occasion ripping off the arm of a chair in his determination to make a demo happen as he intended. If he had written a CV detailing his 1970s career, it would be full of high-ranking positions at three of the biggest tech companies – Apple, Commodore, Motorola – but marked by short or interrupted tenures at each.

    Fortunately for the development of computing, that combination of brain power, passion, and visionary thinking led directly to the creation of the Commodore PET. And with it, the first mainstream microcomputer.

    Had history followed a smoother course, that computer would have been built by Motorola. Peddle joined the company in 1973, hired to help develop the 6800 microprocessor. In particular, together with engineer Bill Mensch he created the crucial input/output interface that turned the 6800 into something genuinely useful. Peddle then became the 6800’s key salesman, demoing and selling it to Hewlett-Packard, Ford Motor Company, and Remington among many others.

    He kept on hitting a hurdle during those demos: value for money. While the companies loved the 6800 and the capabilities it provided, they weren’t so fond of its $300 price. Peddle listened to the complaints and started to work on a low-cost version of the 6800, but this move was not greeted with wild enthusiasm by his employers: ‘I got a formal letter [from Motorola] saying you have to stop work on your low-cost microprocessor,’ Peddle told the Computer History Museum in 2014 [1].

    Rather than meekly turn the other cheek, Peddle responded with fire. ‘I wrote a letter back to Motorola and said, that’s called project abandonment. So all of the work I’ve done up until now belongs to me, and I will not do any more development work for you… I’m going to go do it for myself.’

    Peddle stayed on at Motorola, spending his time teaching companies how to use the 6800 while simultaneously hunting out funding for his pet project. One chance meeting later and he found himself visiting a small semiconductor manufacturer based in rural Pennsylvania: MOS Technology. At that point, MOS made its living by designing and fabricating calculator chips, but its president John Paivinen needed little persuasion that microprocessors were the future. He invited Peddle to set up his own team within MOS.

    Peddle resigned from Motorola, and brought some of the key engineers from the 6800 team with him – including Bill Mensch. To say Motorola was displeased is an understatement, and it would soon launch a lawsuit against Peddle and his band of CPU refugees. Just to add a bit more spice, MOS called its two new processors the 6501 and 6502, with the 6501 being a drop-in replacement for the 6800.

    It’s important to note that Peddle claimed the processors took no DNA from the 6800. He instructed everyone not to take any paperwork with them when they left Motorola; this chip would be effectively designed from scratch (unfortunately, one engineer would disobey this instruction and give added weight to the Motorola lawyers’ later arguments). If anything, Peddle said, the 6502 owes more to the processor architecture of the highly successful PDP-11 minicomputer.

    While some people called the 6502 a RISC (reduced instruction set computer), Peddle always disputed this description. ‘It wasn’t. It was a reduced instruction set machine before that became a popular term at Stanford.’ Instead, Peddle saw it as a ‘universal solvent’. ‘It’s just enough, and it’s simple enough, and it’s cheap enough that you can use it for anything.’ Crucially, it was also fast. While the 6502 lacked some of the Intel 8080’s advanced features – for example, it didn’t support 16-bit operations – it could complete tasks just as quickly due in part to pipelining (where the chip could accept new data even while it was processing existing data).

    By June 1975 the 6502’s design was complete, manufacturing obstacles overcome, and MOS Technology unveiled the new microprocessor to the world at Wescon 75. Short for the Western Electronic Show and Convention, this was a huge deal in the nascent computing industry, and MOS Technology’s 6502 the stand-out product. With the show organisers banning sales on the show floor, attendees interested in buying the new chip – on sale for a paradigm-shifting $25 – needed to visit a suite in a nearby hotel. It was packed.

    Among the many visitors to MOS Technology’s hotel suite were two young men going by the names of Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, both of whom took home a processor and set of manuals. Peddle believed these were a big influence on Woz when designing the Apple I, although even Wozniak’s genius wasn’t enough to solve all the teething problems – Peddle later visited the famous garage where Apple was then based to troubleshoot some design issues.

    While the 6502 proved a big hit at Wescon 75, the surprise package in terms of MOS Technology’s finances was the KIM-1. This single-board computer included a calculator-style keyboard and six seven-segment LEDs for output. While it looks more like a calculator than a computer, its low price of $245 proved hugely attractive to hobbyists and development teams. MOS Technology reputedly sold over seven thousand units, adding a useful revenue line to the company.

    The money was especially useful because MOS Technology had two fights on its hands: the lawsuit from Motorola and dropping calculator revenue due to arch-rival Texas Instruments slashing its chip prices. In early 1976, the company’s financial backer – Allen-Bradley – cut its ties, and effectively handed ownership back to the three original founders of MOS. While they knew they had a hit on their hands with the 6502, they now faced a big problem: without financial backing, they couldn’t invest the huge amount of upfront cash required for a semiconductor company.

    Jack Tramiel, Commodore’s ferocious leader, sniffed an opportunity. He owed MOS Technology money for the calculator chips it had already supplied, and while that traditionally might sound like a problem, he saw it as an opportunity: it gave him leverage. What’s more, buying a chipmaker fitted in perfectly with his strategy of vertical integration. One that had been forged, in part at least, by Texas Instruments squeezing his supply of chips as it entered the calculator market itself.

    According to Tramiel, speaking at an event to mark the 25th anniversary of the Commodore 64 [2], he put in a call to MOS president John Paivinen. ‘I called him, we met, they were in very bad financial shape, they were losing $120,000 a month and they needed help, and I decided to buy this company and turn it over to become strictly a Commodore supplier.’

    What he didn’t appreciate at this point was that MOS Technology was sitting on a potential goldmine. During that same event, Tramiel describes MOS as being more interested in solving engineering problems than making money, with the result that it had ‘a hundred or two hundred jobs from different companies to develop products’. To determine which products were worth investing in, he asked people to come into his office every half hour to explain what they were doing.

    ‘Almost the last one to come in was Chuck Peddle, and he showed me a product called the KIM,’ said Tramiel. ‘The KIM was a board, a PC board; if you attach the keyboard to the television then it was actually a computer. And he told me his idea to integrate these three pieces into one box and it could be a computer.’

    Rather than dismiss the idea, Tramiel asked his technology-savvy son Leonard – then a postgraduate at New York’s Colombia University – to head to Pennsylvania and meet Peddle to suss out whether he was a man worth listening to. ‘That was one of the stranger conversations I’ve ever had,’ says Leonard Tramiel. ‘I expected to have a technical discussion about microprocessors, and how he wanted to construct this thing and what the features would be.

    ‘Instead we spoke for at least two-thirds of the discussion about a Robert Heinlein short story called The Door Into Summer, which was about a future society that was just littered with embedded microcomputers. That was the society that Chuck wanted to live in. And in order for people to

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