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Srimat Bhagwat Puran: In English rhymed
Vishnu Maha Puran: In English rhyme
Shiv Maha Puran: In English Rhyme
Ebook series17 titles

Puran in English rhyme Series

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About this series

In cosmic tales, the Brahmand Puran unfolds,
Ancient wisdom, its stories told.
From the cosmic egg, the universe began,
Creation’s secrets, in divine plan.
Sage Vyasa’s verses, profound and deep,
In myths and legends, truths we keep.
The Adhyatma Ramayana, a spiritual quest,
In Rama’s devotion, we find our best.
Lalita Sahasranama, a hymn of praise,
In divine names, our spirits raise.
Kalpas and Manvantaras, cycles of time,
In cosmic rhythms, life’s sublime.
From Jambudvipa to the stars above,
A map of heavens, in cosmic love.
Shiva’s tales and Rudra’s birth,
In sacred lore, we find our worth.

Release dateJul 20, 2024
Srimat Bhagwat Puran: In English rhymed
Vishnu Maha Puran: In English rhyme
Shiv Maha Puran: In English Rhyme

Titles in the series (17)

  • Shiv Maha Puran: In English Rhyme


    Shiv Maha Puran: In English Rhyme
    Shiv Maha Puran: In English Rhyme

    The Shiv Maha Puran, a tale divine, Of Lord Shiv, in verses fine. It speaks of creation, the cosmic design, Of Shiv's power, that does shine. A tale of Sati and Parvati sublime, The Shiv Shakti ever so divine. Sati the emotional in Shiv love be, Parvati, loving and worshipping clearly. It grows on Shiv’s consort, Parvati kind, Their love and devotion, we surely find. The birth of their sons, to mankind, Ganesh and Kartikeya, in the storyline. It narrates tales of Shiv's might, His dance of destruction, in the night. The sacred mantras, a spiritual light, In the Shiv Maha Puran, take flight.

  • Srimat Bhagwat Puran: In English rhymed


    Srimat Bhagwat Puran: In English rhymed
    Srimat Bhagwat Puran: In English rhymed

    The Srimad Bhagwat Puran, a divine narration, Unfolds cosmic creation, preservation, cessation. Speaks of the Supreme, the eternal foundation, The cause of all, the source of salvation. It speaks of Narayan, the primal source, And Prakriti, the creative force, on course. From His navel, Brahma did rush, The universe from illusions, in a gush. Depicts the plays of Lord Krishna, so divine, In human hearts, His tales shine. Through devotion, the soul does align, In the last moments, His remembrance, the lifeline. It narrates the virtues of God, infinite and grand, His various incarnations, across the land. By listening, reciting, remembering, we understand, The divine plays of God, like grains of sand.

  • Vishnu Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Vishnu Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Vishnu Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    The Vishnu Maha Puran, a tale of grace, Of Vishnu’s deeds, in time and space. From creation’s dawn to cosmic end, His avatars descend, to mend and defend. Lakshmi by his side, the goddess fair, In every story, love and care. Devotion and dharma, it does impart, In Vishnu’s lore, wisdom’s heart.

  • Bhavishya Puran: In English rhyme


    Bhavishya Puran: In English rhyme
    Bhavishya Puran: In English rhyme

    In Bhavishya Maha Puran, futures are told, Prophecies of wisdom, in verses bold. From ages past to times ahead, Its sacred words are widely spread. Guiding souls through life’s vast sea, With tales of what is yet to be. In every line, a truth profound, The Bhavishya’s wisdom does abound.

  • Linga Puran: In English rhyme


    Linga Puran: In English rhyme
    Linga Puran: In English rhyme

    The Linga Maha Puran, a tale profound, Of Shiva’s linga, in lore renowned. From creation’s dawn to cosmic end, In Shiva’s form, all truths blend. Tales of sages, gods, and kings, In Linga’s verses, wisdom springs. Devotion and duty, it does extol, In Shiva’s embrace, find the soul.

  • Markandeya Puran: In English rhyme


    Markandeya Puran: In English rhyme
    Markandeya Puran: In English rhyme

    The Markandeya Puran, a tale profound, Of sage Markandeya, wisdom unbound. Stories of Devi, the goddess’s might, Her battles with demons, in cosmic fight. Tales of dharma, devotion’s call, In every verse, lessons for all. From creation’s start to end of time, Markandeya’s wisdom, in every rhyme.

  • Matsya Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Matsya Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Matsya Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    In the Matsya Purana, tales unfold, Vishnu as Matsya, in waters cold. A great deluge, the world submerged, Vishnu’s avatar, chaos purged. King Satyavrata, a fish did find, Vishnu’s guidance, to humankind. Saving the Vedas, wisdom’s lore, In the Matsya Purana, forevermore.

  • Brahma Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Brahma Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Brahma Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    The Brahma Maha Puran, a tale of creation, Of Brahma’s wisdom, and cosmic foundation. From the universe’s birth to dharma’s spread, In every story, divine threads are led. Tales of gods, sages, and sacred lore, In Brahma’s verses, knowledge galore. Devotion and duty, it does impart, In Brahma’s teachings, find the heart.

  • Padma Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Padma Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Padma Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    The Padma Maha Puran, a tale of lore, Of Vishnu’s deeds, and much more. From creation’s bloom to dharma’s path, In every story, wisdom’s bath. Tales of sages, kings, and divine, In Padma’s verses, truths align. Devotion and virtue, it does extol, In Vishnu’s embrace, find the soul.

  • Skanda Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Skanda Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Skanda Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    The Skanda Maha Puran, a tale of might, Of Kartikeya’s valor, in battles bright. From his birth to demon’s defeat, In every story, courage replete. Tales of Shiva and Parvati’s grace, In Skanda’s journey, their love we trace. Devotion and duty, it does proclaim, In Skanda’s lore, find dharma’s flame.

  • Narad Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Narad Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Narad Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    The Narad Maha Puran, a tale of devotion, Of Narad’s wisdom, and pure emotion. From tales of gods to dharma’s call, In Narad’s stories, lessons for all. Sage Narad’s travels, spreading divine, In every verse, bhakti’s shine. Devotion and music, it does extol, In Narad’s teachings, find the soul.

  • Agni Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Agni Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Agni Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    The Agni Maha Puran, a tale of fire, Of rituals and rites, to inspire. From creation’s spark to dharma’s flame, In Agni’s lore, find wisdom’s name. Tales of gods, and sacred lore, In Agni’s verses, knowledge galore. Devotion and duty, it does impart, In Agni’s teachings, find the heart.

  • Garuda Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Garuda Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Garuda Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    The Garuda Maha Puran, a tale profound, Of Vishnu’s mount, wisdom unbound. From life and death to afterlife’s lore, In Garuda’s verses, knowledge galore. Rituals and rites, it does explain, In every story, dharma’s gain. Devotion and duty, it does impart, In Garuda’s teachings, find the heart.

  • Brahmanda Puran: In English rhyme


    Brahmanda Puran: In English rhyme
    Brahmanda Puran: In English rhyme

    In cosmic tales, the Brahmand Puran unfolds, Ancient wisdom, its stories told. From the cosmic egg, the universe began, Creation’s secrets, in divine plan. Sage Vyasa’s verses, profound and deep, In myths and legends, truths we keep. The Adhyatma Ramayana, a spiritual quest, In Rama’s devotion, we find our best. Lalita Sahasranama, a hymn of praise, In divine names, our spirits raise. Kalpas and Manvantaras, cycles of time, In cosmic rhythms, life’s sublime. From Jambudvipa to the stars above, A map of heavens, in cosmic love. Shiva’s tales and Rudra’s birth, In sacred lore, we find our worth.

  • Vaman Maha Puran: In English rhyme


    Vaman Maha Puran: In English rhyme
    Vaman Maha Puran: In English rhyme

    The Vaman Maha Puran, a tale of lore, Of Vishnu’s dwarf form, and much more. From Bali’s reign to cosmic stride, In Vaman’s tale, dharma’s guide. Tales of devotion, and virtue’s might, In Vaman’s stories, find the light. Devotion and duty, it does impart, In Vaman’s teachings, find the heart.

  • Brahma Vaivart Puran: In English rhyme


    Brahma Vaivart Puran: In English rhyme
    Brahma Vaivart Puran: In English rhyme

    Brahma Vaivart Puran, in four parts it stands, Brahma, Prakriti, Ganesh, and Shri Krishna’s lands. In Naimisharanya Tirth, Sutaji’s voice did rise, To sages like Shaunak, with wisdom in their eyes. This Puran tells of Krishna and Radha’s divine play, A source of inspiration, in every sacred way. Radha’s life, her love so pure, In this Puran, her tales endure. Brahma Khand: Creation’s birth, Narayan from Krishna, Radha’s mirth. Gopas, Gopis, cows from their grace, Animate and inanimate, the world’s embrace. Prakriti Khand: Durga’s might, Radha, Lakshmi, Saraswati’s light. Savitri-Satyavaan, tales unfold, Surabhi, Swaha, Swadha, stories told. Ganesh Khand: Ganesh’s praise, Jamadagni, Karteveerya, Parashurama’s days. Greatness of Ganesh, in every line, His tales of wisdom, so divine. Shri Krishna Khand: Krishna’s life, Braj leela, Mathura’s strife. Radha and Krishna, reunited in bliss, Gokul to Gokula, migration’s kiss. Ten features of Maha Puran, they say, Creation, preservation, Pralaya’s sway. Fostering, karma, lust’s description, Manus’ dynasties, salvation’s depiction. Virtues of Shri Hari, gods’ glory bright, In Purans and Upa Purans, these truths alight. Creation, destruction, Chandra, Surya’s line, Fourteen Manus, their stories divine.

  • Varaha Maha Puran: In Enhlish rhyme


    Varaha Maha Puran: In Enhlish rhyme
    Varaha Maha Puran: In Enhlish rhyme

    The Varaha Maha Puran, a tale of might, Of Vishnu’s boar form, in cosmic fight. From saving the Earth to dharma’s lore, In Varaha’s tale, wisdom’s core. Tales of creation, and virtue’s light, In Varaha’s stories, find insight. Devotion and duty, it does impart, In Varaha’s teachings, find the heart.

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