Press release: Experian acquires NeuroIDLearn more

Make confident, informed hiring decisions

A job application or an interview can provide a partial picture of an applicant, while an employment credit check can fill in the blanks with insight into an applicant’s integrity and responsibility toward his or her financial obligations. Once an offer has been made, Employment Insight helps you make better hiring decisions by quickly and cost-effectively providing objective and factual consumer identification, employment history and credit information on prospective employees.

Enhance traditional employment decision-making tools

Minimize friction

Quickly verify information you receive from applicants and other sources.

Increase efficiency

Access an easy-to-read employment credit report in seconds online or using inexpensive software.

Gain deeper insights

Leverage insights that may have an impact on job performance.

Strengthen your employment decisions

Leverage the most current, comprehensive and accurate information available on your applicants via an employment credit report

Our employment credit checks include:

  • Consumer identification, including Social Security number 
  • Address information, including length of time at current and previous addresses
  • Employment information, providing insight into an applicant's previous work history
  • Other names used, such as maiden names and aliases
  • Public record information, including bankruptcies
  • Credit history, providing an objective overview of how financial obligations were handled
Let's talk

Gain an objective picture of each applicant

To learn more about our solutions, please fill out the form below.

We are unable to address personal credit report and/or membership inquiries via this business form. Visit or call 888-397-3742 for consumer assistance.

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