Press release: Experian acquires NeuroIDLearn more

Target and acquire the right consumers

While most bureau risk models were developed for financial industry lending, the TEC Connect™ risk model was built using unique behaviors specific to the telecommunications, energy and cable (TEC) industries. TEC Connect predicts the likelihood of a consumer becoming seriously delinquent or derogatory so you can target, acquire and retain the right consumers while minimizing your bad rate.    

Maximize your business goals

Increase revenue

Target qualified customers and identify the best customers for prescreen campaigns. 

Universe expansion

Score 99.5% of your through-the-door population, significantly more than traditional credit models.   

Maximize retention

Get alerted when existing consumers are shopping for new services or eligible for upgrades.

Enhance your decisioning strategies

Leverage the latest in TEC risk scoring

Product benefits

  • Minimize risk and increase profitability with more accurate risk assessment. 
  • Determine deposit and no deposit requirements for new accounts. 
  • Score more consumers, minimizing expensive manual review. 
  • Segment and prioritize collection accounts. 
Let's talk

Streamline your account management strategies

To learn more about our solutions, please fill out the form below.

We are unable to address personal credit report and/or membership inquiries via this business form. Visit or call 888-397-3742 for consumer assistance.

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