Bono pleased with Bloody Sunday report

U2 frontman BONO has praised the government's inquiry into the Bloody Sunday shootings, insisting the newly-published report on the tragedy will help the victims' families "heal".

Thirteen civilians in Northern Ireland were shot dead by British paratroopers on 30 January, 1972 during a civil rights march, and the results of a 12-year-long investigation into the massacre were published last week (15Jun10).

Prime Minister David Cameron apologised for the shootings on behalf of the Government as he delivered the long-awaited Saville report.

Rocker Bono, who wrote U2's anthem Sunday Bloody Sunday about the incident, believes the report's publication marks an "extraordinary day" for his native Ireland.

In a column for the New York Times, he writes, "One of the most extraordinary days in the mottled history of the island of Ireland was witnessed on both sides of the border last Tuesday...

"Healing is kind of a corny word but it's peculiarly appropriate here; wounds don't easily heal if they are not out in the open. The Saville report brought openness - clarity - because at its core, it accorded all the people involved in the calamity their proper role."

Bono has also praised Cameron for addressing the painful issues, writing, "Thirty-eight years did not disappear in an 11-minute speech - how could they, no matter how eloquent or heartfelt the words?

"But they changed and morphed, as did David Cameron, who suddenly looked like the leader he believed he would be. From prime minister to statesman."

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