Katona mum had £46,000 in the bank

Reality TV star Kerry Katona's benefits cheat mother had £46,000 in the bank despite claiming she had no income or capital.

Kerry Katona's mother has admitted benefit fraud charged

Susan Katona, 48, claimed income support for nearly 13 years from November 1994.

The former Atomic Kitten singer's mother also claimed council tax allowance for her home in Dickenson Street, Warrington, Cheshire.

Mark Lever, prosecuting before magistrates in Runcorn, said Katona, who admitted wrongly claiming the money, was overpaid a total of £6,393.

He said: "Her bank statements show capital at its greatest in excess of £46,000. Mrs Katona failed to notify the DWP and local authority and received benefits to which she was not entitled."

Katona accrued her money through publishing deals, gifts from her daughter and from Kerry's autobiography.

Katona's solicitor, John Morris, told district judge Bridget Knight his client had already repaid £770 council tax and a further £1,000 of income support. The remainder was being paid off at £8 a week, he said.

The hearing had been adjourned from June so reports could be compiled into Katona's agoraphobia - fear of open spaces. But a report from her GP stated he could not diagnose the condition though Katona displayed symptoms of social phobia.

Mr Morris, describing Katona as "vulnerable", said she was on medication for "a depressive type illness" and "is terrified of coming to court". The district judge replied: "Lots of people have social phobia when it comes to coming before the court."

Mrs Knight ordered that an up to date medical report be drawn up for the next hearing on August 4 and for a letter to be sent to Katona spelling out that she could be arrested if she did not attend.

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