Ricky Gervais offers Oscars host Chris Rock advice amid boycott pressure

FOLLOWING his role as host at this year’s Golden Globe Awards, Ricky Gervais has offered advice to Chris Rock who is set to host the Oscars as he faces pressure to boycott the ceremony.

Ricky Gervais and Chris RockGETTY

Ricky Gervais has offered Oscars host Chris Rock advice as he is pressured to boycott

The controversial star tweeted: “If I were @chrisrock, I wouldn’t be considering boycotting the Oscars. I’d be thinking ’this s*** is live. I can do some serious damage’.”

Chris is facing increasing pressure to bow out of his duties as host for the 88th annual Oscars as a response to the lack of diversity among the nominees.

The comedian has yet to comment on Ricky’s advice but did mention the lack of diversity on Twitter himself.

He wrote: “The #Oscars. The White BET Awards.”

Ricky Gervais GETTY

Ricky presented this year's Golden Globes

Chris Rock GETTY

Chris is set to host this year's Oscars but is facing pressure to boycott

Dave Boone, who has written nine Oscar telecasts said he doubted the star would boycott the event.

He said: “I don’t think Chris would bail - if anything, this gives him the world’s biggest platform and an excellent area for jokes that only he can do.”

Yesterday, George Clooney spoke out about the #OscarsSoWhite debate stating that he believed the awards were “moving in the wrong direction”.

Ricky presenting the Golden GlobesGETTY

Ricky advised Chris not to boycott and think 'this is live. I can do some serious damage'

He told Variety: “If you think back 10 years ago, the Academy was doing a better job. Think about how many more African Americans were nominated.”

Earlier this week, honorary Oscar winner, director Spike Lee and actress Jada Pinkett-Smith announced that they would be boycotting the awards.

Spike shared a lengthy posts on Facebook asking: “How is it possible for the 2nd consecutive year all 20 contenders under the actor category are white? And let’s not even get into the other branches.

“40 white actors in 2 years and no lava at all. We can’t act?! WTF!!”

Will and Jada Pinkett-SmithGETTY

Jada announced that she will boycotting this year's Oscars

Jada Pinkett Smith to boycott Oscars

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