Mitch Winehouse: It sickens me that Amy is up for an Oscar

A NEW film about the singer who died at only 27 has infuriated her dad Mitch who is portrayed in a less than flattering light. Here, he seeks to put the record straight

Mitch Winehouse and 'Amy' film posterGETTY

Mitch Winehouse is not happy with his portrayal in the film Amy

MITCH WINEHOUSE is well aware that he divides opinion. Some people think he is an opportunistic attention-seeker who just can’t or won’t shut up about his daughter while others… actually, he doesn’t much care either way. 

“They can say what they like about me. I have made records and sung all over the world and it is all because of Amy and I admit I love it,” he says. “But I’m a big boy whereas Amy isn’t here to speak for herself.” 

Amy is of course Amy Winehouse, the brilliantly talented but selfdestructive singer-songwriter who died in July 2011 aged 27. The reason for springing to her defence now is Amy, a documentary directed by Asif Kapadia, who made a much-praised fi lm about the racing driver Ayrton Senna. 

Amy premiered in Cannes last year, was shown on television here earlier this month and has now been nominated for an Oscar in the Best Documentary Feature category. To Mitch however the film is a travesty.

“It sickens me that it is up for an Oscar,” he says. “Because he [Kapadia] is getting all these accolades, people will think his version of Amy’s life is the defi nitive one. It is anything but. 

“It doesn’t show that for the last three years of her life she was clean of drugs. The chronology jumps from 2008 when she was still taking drugs to 2011 when she died but it doesn’t show that for those last three years she was clean of drugs. 

“It does not mention that she was coming off alcohol too. She didn’t drink at all for more than five weeks before she passed away. She was in a lovely relationship with her boyfriend Reg Traviss but that barely gets a mention. 

“You don’t see the Amy who was hysterically funny and witty and kind. The message of the film could have been, ‘Drugs are bad but Amy dealt with her addiction’. Instead it says nothing positive about Amy.”

Mitch and Amy Winehouse togetherGETTY

The film suggests Mitch enjoys basking in his daughter's reflected glory

It sickens me that it [Amy] is up for an Oscar

Mitch Winehouse

There is also little positive in the fi lm about Mitch who comes across as someone who enjoys basking in his talented daughter’s reflected glory rather too much. He is shown arriving in St Lucia – where Amy is on an extended recuperative break – with a film crew to her evident dismay. 

Then he chastises her for a comment made to two fans who ask for a photo. “Amy knew I was making my own documentary for Channel 4 about families coping with addiction and I had her permission to bring a fi lm crew – which, by the way, was just one cameraman and a producer,” says Mitch.

“Yes, I did tell her off because she was rude to those people on the beach but there were hours and hours of footage of us laughing together but all they show is the argument.” 

What has hurt and angered him most is the assertion – made by several of Amy’s friends – that he failed to get her into treatment early enough. A long-time user of cannabis, Amy was introduced to crack cocaine and heroin by Blake Fielder-Civil who became her husband.

In the documentary two of Amy’s old school friends and her former manager Nick Shymansky all state they begged Mitch to get Amy into a rehab clinic but that he said she didn’t need it. The line, “My daddy says I’m fine” found its way into Amy’s hit song Rehab.

Amy WinehouseGETTY

The talented singer died in 2011 aged 27

But Mitch says: “What I actually said was I didn’t think she needed to go at this time but they chopped off the end of the sentence. If the rest of the film is misleading isn’t the rest is tainted?” 

From his bag Mitch produces a stack of papers at least four inches thick, all letters from doctors, including some who are quoted in Kapadia’s fi lm relating to medical treatment Amy received. 

He goes on: “Those friends they quote had hardly seen Amy since 2007. They couldn’t handle her any more so they cut her off. So they wouldn’t know about all the interventions our family did. 

“We tried getting her sectioned but by the time the necessary professionals got there Amy had cleaned herself up and was kissing everyone, making tea and talking about the future. 

“I had many fights with drug dealers trying to keep them away. That is what eventually made Amy decide to get off drugs. She said, ‘I can’t keep putting you in this position, dad.’ In August 2008 she said she was quitting.”

Director Asif KapadiaGETTY

Asif Kapadia directed the film 'Senna' before 'Amy'

The Winehouse family has rebuffed many requests from other film-makers but were won over by Asif Kapadia after watching his film on Senna. “I thought it was brilliant. I thought we were in good hands,” says Mitch. But the first edit left him horrified. “I was shouting and I told Kapadia he should be ashamed of himself.” 

Mitch demanded and got some changes but now wishes he had not bothered. “We should have let that first edit go out because it was so preposterous that no one would have taken it seriously.” 

The film-makers state they interviewed about 100 people for the documentary but Mitch claims: “They asked to interview 100 people and some of them walked away when they realised there was an agenda. Amy’s assistants Petra and Jevan, her stylist Naomi and other friends who were closest to her did not want to get involved.” 

However one segment shows a jarring disparity between Mitch and Amy’s view of the same event. Mitch left his first wife, Amy’s mother Janis, when Amy was nine. According to Mitch, Amy “got over it pretty quick”.

Yet in almost the next frame of the film a young Amy asserts that nine was the age when she began to go off the rails. Was she really as untouched by her father leaving as Mitch believes? 

“I might have got it wrong. It definitely had an adverse effect on my son Alex who was 14 but it wasn’t apparent in Amy. I was never an absent father, though. I was there every day and at weekends to the extent that Janis asked me to step back because my being around so much was stopping her moving on. 

“There was never any period of estrangement from Amy. Yes, we would have rows and then she would send me a picture of her holding a ‘best dad in the world’ mug and I would be back round there. That is how we were but they don’t show that.

"There is no mention of the work we do through the Amy Winehouse Foundation helping disadvantaged kids in St Lucia, Jamaica, Rio de Janeiro, New Orleans, Brooklyn, New York as well as the UK with music therapy.

Amy Winehouse and her fatherGETTY

Mitch stressed the importance of just celebrating the real Amy

“We feed 65 homeless kids every day around London’s Euston station. Through the Amy Winehouse Resilience programme we have reached 140,000 kids and their parents. When Amy was in the clinic she would go round with the nurses and chat to everyone. None of the positive side is in the film.” 

In his youth Mitch was a jazz singer before he became a cabbie. Now he, Janis and his second wife Jane all work for the Amy Winehouse Foundation. As heirs to Amy’s estate (estimated at £5million) and her royalties – no doubt boosted by her recent nomination for a Brit award – they don’t need to draw a salary. 

Mitch even lives in Amy’s old fl at in Camden, north London. He has addressed a Commons Select Committee on addiction, recorded two jazz albums and performed at fundraising concerts. It is hard to dismiss the nagging suspicion that being Amy’s father has enabled Mitch to fulfil his own thwarted dreams.

“It has given me a platform but it’s for a purpose,” he says. He pauses, as if unsure whether to go on. “I went to a psychic a couple of weeks ago. I believe in life after death. Amy came through so powerfully. I asked her what I should do about all this upset. She said: ‘Shut up!’ I said: ‘It’s all right for you.’ 

“She was probably right but I just want the world to celebrate the real Amy. I can’t not talk about her.” 

Sneak peek of intimate footage from Amy Winehouse biopic

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