Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe is a renowned author and British politician, serving as a Conservative Party MP from 1987 to 2010. She is also known for her appearances on reality TV shows like Strictly Come Dancing.

Sex offences and appeals

THE uproar about sex offenders having the right to appeal against inclusion on the register is hysterical and misplaced.

There is no penalty which should not attract a right of appeal

There is no penalty from a parking fine to a life sentence which should not attract a right of appeal because that is basic justice.

Anyone would think that all offenders were going to be de-registered overnight or that it will be sufficient to ask for a review to guarantee removal or that every last sex offender is a paedophile.

Sex offences cover a vast range including a young man having intercourse with a girl he genuinely thought was of age or rape where both parties were drunk and consent was afterwards said not to be forthcoming.

Innocent until proved guilty, the right to a fair trial no matter how serious the alleged offence, establishing guilt beyond all reasonable doubt, the right to appeal against both conviction and sentence.


These are the essentials of our justice system and must be accessible by any accused citizen. Entry on the register is an automatic part of the sentence and must therefore be subject to appeal.

What is revolutionary about that?

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