Ann Widdecombe

Ann Widdecombe is a renowned author and British politician, serving as a Conservative Party MP from 1987 to 2010. She is also known for her appearances on reality TV shows like Strictly Come Dancing.

Brown doesn't have a clue on MP's expenses

GORDON BROWN shows about as much grip on reality with his proposals to resolve the question of MPs expenses as he has shown with running the economy.

GORDON BROWN: No clue on expenses

It is hardly surprising that he has been forced into a u turn but the greater worry is that we now have a PM who has comprehensively parted company with logical thought.

The fool in all seriousness proposed that MPs be paid a daily allowance, without the need for any receipts, which would add up to approximately the same as we can now claim for second homes. It is breathtaking in its stupidity and David Cameron was right to resist it.

It is reported that the Prime Minister shouted at the other leaders “we have to get this sorted”. Yes, but we will only “get it sorted” if we put in place a system which is both transparent and respectable and the Prime Minister’s proposal was neither.

Governments of both parties have a habit of legislating in haste and repenting at leisure, usually because they have felt pressured into premature and ill-thought action by a media outcry and public concern.


As usual our PM’s instinct is to fleece the taxpayer while parading prudence.

There was the Dangerous Dogs Act where the intention was to keep the more aggressive breeds under control but which resulted in docile family pets being seized, including one case where the owner had removed the animal’s muzzle to allow it to be sick.

Then there was gun law. I had the unenviable task of taking a ludicrous piece of legislation through the House of Commons which prevented some British shooters from taking part in international competitions but did nothing to stop the spread of illegal weapons.

We all knew it was silly but the pressure to “do something” after the Dunblane massacre was too great to be resisted.

Now Gordon Brown feels he must “do something” so he will do anything at all as long as it is quick. Under his daft proposals I and plenty of other MPs who do not currently claim for a second home would suddenly become entitled to claim some £20,000 above our salaries. As usual our PM’s instinct is to fleece the taxpayer while parading prudence.

Second, if we are to be paid just for turning up, what happens when we do not turn up for perfectly legitimate reasons such as being on Select Committee visits or carrying out engagements in our constituencies? What happens if we do turn up and then disappear for the rest of the day?


Supposing we are ill but nevertheless still working as remote technology allows us to do? Why does he think so expensive and ill- controlled a system will work for us when it has caused scandal in the European Parliament?

It is a minefield and we need to think our way through this one not just blunder about among the explosives. What should now happen is for the Parties to agree some very basic principles, eg that we do not want to return to the days when the only people who could afford to sit in Parliament were privately wealthy Conservatives and trade union- sponsored Labourites.

Therefore MPs must be able to function properly in splitting their time between Westminster and the Constituencies , but the mechanism by which this is achieved must be one that enables them to do their job rather than be a source of conscienceless profit.

Then, having handed that problem over to a completely independent review, as we have done to Sir Christopher Kelly, we must wait for its outcome and have the guts to ignore the pressure to act in advance of it.

If the PM cannot manage Parliament’s own affairs in so straightforward a fashion then he had better give up right now trying to manage those of the nation.

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