Leo McKinstry

Leo McKinstry is a British author and journalist, noted for his extensive coverage of British and Irish history and best-selling sporting biographies. Since 2005 he has been a columnist for the Daily Express.

Starmer and Sunak both off to bad starts - you'll have to do better if you want our votes

Parties indulging in frivolity is not what we need, writes Leo McKinstry

Starmer and Sunak will both have to do better if they want votes (Image: Hannah McKay/PA Wire)

The scale of the challenges facing Britain is enormous but that has not been reflected in the start of the General Election campaign. In place of seriousness about our national destiny, the two main parties have indulged in frivolity.


Over the weekend, the tone set by the politicians failed to match the requirements of the moment, as both party leaders focused on their contrasting policies for young people.

On Saturday, Sir Keir Starmer called for 16 and 17-year-olds to be given the vote, claiming that such a measure would revitalise our democracy.

Then Rishi Sunak set out his plan to bring back National Service, whereby all 18-yearolds will be compelled to join the military or undertake regular voluntary work with organisations like the fire brigades or charities. According to the Tory party, this new scheme is vital for "fostering a sense of duty".

But neither proposal deserves to be cloaked in idealistic rhetoric. Each is driven by the crude quest for party advantage.

Labour thinks large numbers of votes can be harvested by marching young people into the polling booths.

The Tories believe that by marching young people into the barracks they can shore up their support among older voters who hark back to a mythical golden past when National Service was a feature of life.

In effect, Labour's policy mixes sentimentality about the young with opportunism and cynicism, while the Tories' combines rigour towards the young with desperation and nostalgia. But neither initiative will do Britain any good.

Labour's extension of the franchise will subvert our democracy, just as the Tories' return of National Service will be an expensive distraction.

Already, the proposal is starting to unravel. The Home Secretary James Cleverly was forced yesterday to downplay the "military element" of the plan, claiming the 30,000 placements for 18-year-olds in the Armed Forces will amount to just 10 per cent of the service.

But if the military side is so insignificant, what is the point? We already have a large number of voluntary programmes for young people, like the Duke of Edinburgh's Award and the National Citizen Service, launched by the Tory-led Coalition as part of David Cameron's vision of the "Big Society".

More than 750,000 people have participated in its activities since then. Rather than reinventing the wheel, why not expand on this work?


Nor does the military side of National Service seem a wise use of public money. The cost could be £2.5billion-a-year, a sum that would be far better spent on new equipment or professional recruitment.

It should be remembered that the original National Service was abolished in 1960 because the Army found it too great a burden. Altogether, more than two million young men did National Service after the Second World War. No fewer than 395 were killed in action, in places like Malaya and Korea, a casualty rate that would be regarded as intolerable today.

The entire Tory scheme has an air of unreality and gimmickry. It is meant to promote unity, yet division will be stoked between paid military personnel and civic volunteers who will receive nothing.

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Even the terminology is phoney. If someone is forced by law to undertake a service, they can hardly be described as a volunteer. Similarly, the Tories claim National Service is needed to nurture "our shared culture", but far more would be achieved in that direction by cracking down on the woke agenda and mass migration.

But if the Tory proposal is flawed, Labour's widening of the franchise is dangerous.

Labour backs this measure purely because 16 and 17-year-olds - whose political self-righteousness is untainted by experience of the real world - tend to be overwhelmingly Left-wing. So Sir Keir's party hopes these youngsters will constitute a permanent socialist bloc.

But the concept of votes for the young is without logic or morality. At that age, young people are deemed too immature to be allowed to buy alcohol, take out a mortgage or a credit card, get married or have a tattoo. Given those sensible restrictions, why should they have a say in our governance?

Sir Keir claimed under-18s have to pay tax on their income if they work, but actually there is no minimum age for taxation, so his is a spurious argument.

As such, criticism could be applied to the antics of both parties. At this vital hour, our nation deserves better than gesture politics and attempted gerrymandering.

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