Vanessa Feltz

Vanessa Feltz is a British television presenter, radio host, and journalist, associated with several popular broadcasts. Feltz was the first female columnist for The Jewish Chronicle in the 1990s and later joined the Daily Mirror and Daily Express.

Posh people don't always get the job, says VANESSA FELTZ


Every employer represents their own glass ceiling

BLEEDIN' 'eck, mate, would you Adam 'n' Eve it? Apparently, thousands of "working class" people are missing out on jobs at elite companies because they are quite simply insufficiently posh.

Whizzing straight back in time to Professor Henry Higgins and his protégée Eliza Doolittle, employers are said to be judging potential candidates on the cut— glass nature of their accents, the schools and universities they attended and for all we know whether or not they crook their little fingers when daintily holding a porcelain cup of Rosie Lea.

Before you get your silk cami-knickers in a twist over this inflammatory tale of snobbery, one-upmanship and jobs for the boys, let's all calm down and reflect upon our own personal experience.


I hail from the Jewish mercantile classes. Translate that into plain English and I come from a family in which my Dad ran a one-man band underwear business from small premises in London's less than top drawer Bounds Green.

It was a struggle, but he managed to send me to a direct grant school where fees were heavily subsidised. My mother, who was the first girl in her family to go to university, was a housewife. I fell in love with a swot, was inspired to slog like a dog so that I could follow him to Cambridge University and ended up reading English Literature at Trinity College.

I don't have an accent like Topol's in Fiddler On The Roof or Maureen Lipman's Beattie talking about having an "ology", but I don't sound as if my family hunts, shoots and fishes while putting Hudson, Mrs Bridges, Carson and Mrs Patmore through their paces.

At past job interviews I have encountered a pugnacious salt-of-the-earth Northern boss with a highly developed prejudice against Southern toffs, a militant feminist boss with a violent antipathy to married women, an ostentatious and boastful boss too busy blowing his own trumpet to give me a chance to toot mine and a variety of individuals each with personal preferences, likes and dislikes that frequently disqualified me for the post the moment my buttocks made contact with the chair in front of them.

Every employer represents their own, highly peculiar, eccentric and unique glass ceiling

ONE man's posh is another man's lower middle class. I might consider a young graduate to be "fraightfully, fraightfully" aristocratic.

A true blue might dismiss her as a wannabe Hyacinth Bucket. An Oxbridge degree can be a magnet to one employer and a dart to the heart of a thwarted CEO who ended up at a polytechnic after failing to win a place amid the dreaming spires. A tweed jacket is a Hugh Grant-ian turn on to one, an antediluvian old boys' club talisman to another.

In other words, every employer represents their own, highly peculiar, eccentric and unique glass ceiling. The secret of continued employment is to suss out their prejudices and simply be so winsome, charming and above all highly qualified that notwithstanding the fact that they detested you on sight, they have no choice but to give you the damn job.


• WE ADORE Prince George in the Feltz household. He's only a few months older than the worshipped grand— baby and we identify like crazy. Our Zekey breaks out a special enamoured grin when shown a picture of little George and we are thrilled to love him unconditionally.


Looking at the pictures of Prince George and his mum Kate larking about on the grass at the Gloucestershire Festival of Polo though, I couldn't help thinking how formally dressed the heir to the heir to the heir to the throne is for such a relaxed occasion.

His mother is appropriately kitted out in a striped nautical style top and denim jeans, but George is sporting a boardroom-ready shirt with a starched collar, a button through cardigan, linen shorts held up with a belt and a pair of rather nifty shoes that appear to be a cross between pumps and trainers. Nothing appears amiss until an unnamed baby from the crowd toddles over to make friends.

Frankly, the non-royal reveller looks like a normal kid. He is in a hoodie, jeans and trainers. Suddenly Georgie's attire resembles David Cameron's beach wear, oddly constricting, old-fashioned and just a tad weird. Buy the child a tracksuit and let the tot relax for once.


Impossible not to feel sympathy sympathy for mum on the run 

WE ARE not party to the precise details of why custody of three— year— old Ethan has been taken from his mother Rebecca Minnock and awarded to his father Roger Williams instead. We hear that a judge accuses Rebecca, who turned herself in after her own mother was imprisoned for lying to the police, of "playing the press".

Yet every parent reading about Rebecca's days on the run with her son, while deploring her decision to flout the law, could not fail to put him/herself in her shoes and ache with sympathy. The idea of having your child snatched from your grasp by a court is downright unbearable.

Never mind the thought of not being there to soothe his fever, feed him the year's first strawberry or dry his tears when he falls.

We may not know what Rebecca has done to bring this state of affairs about, but we know that life under an enforced yoke of separation from our own flesh and blood would barely be worth living.


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Prince George, right, and his mother Kate Middleton at the Gloucestershire Festival of Polo

• AN INSPIRED idea has originated in Antwerp and should be adopted here with all musterable speed. The Belgians have installed lanes specifically for people glued to their iPhones. Designated texting lanes will ensure that inveterate phone gazers pose no threat to themselves or passing traffic. If they wish to pootle along, necks cricked, being outrun by snails, other citizens will be saved from possible fall— out.

Hey presto! — sanity and order restored.


Vile Rolf feels no remorse 

WHEN Rolf Harris was found guilty on 12 counts and sent to prison for a string of sex attacks on girls as young as eight you might have wondered how he managed to square his vile behaviour to himself? How on earth could he look himself in the eye knowing the unspeakable suffering he has caused? The answer, now that lyrics he penned have come to light, is that he doesn't need to.

Harris evidently doesn't believe he did anything wrong and blames the girls and women he abused for their appalling fate, not himself. His words are heavy with the stench of hatred, misogyny and self-pity.

He calls his victims "slimy little woodworm", accuses them of "making loads of dough" by "clapping eyes on a rich celebrity" and "making the b****** dance". His chorus with a heartbreaking lack of irony is "Go baby go".


Hooray for the men who cook

WHAT'S the perfect Fathers' Day gift for the dad who has everything? No, it's not golf tees or socks. These days the ideal pressie for dads is the oven glove. Prosaic, you might think? Forsooth.

A gentleman wielding an oven glove is, to most harassed multi— tasking women, a more invigorating and erotic sight than Mr Darcy emerging, shirt soaking, from a duckpond.

The Man Who Cooks is in my humble opinion surpassed in desirability only by the Man Who Ravages You Passionately Then Whips Out His Dryer And Expertly Straightens Your Frizz With A Superlative Blow— dry.

You've seen saved from Hey order Warren Beatty in "Shampoo". Allegedly such superheroes do exist.