We're ready to do something special for Afghans who helped us, says ROBERT JENRICK

Afghan refugees arriving in the UK deserve our support (Image: Getty)

NOBODY watching the images coming out of Afghanistan in the past few weeks can have failed to have been distressed. The situation on the ground is unimaginable for most of us. But for our servicemen and women, it has been their daily reality.

They have been working tirelessly to support the evacuation operation in Kabul, and I know that all of us are extremely proud of their bravery. The barbaric attacks that killed British nationals, American marines and dozens of Afghans demonstrates the dangers facing those in Afghanistan and our thoughts and prayers are with the families of all those who have died. We are providing all the support possible to those based in the UK through this extremely difficult time.


Soldiers and officials have done everything that they can to offer help and support to those in Afghanistan to whom we owe a huge debt of obligation: one that we seek to honour as much as we can in these circumstances.

Many of these people have risked their lives supporting us over the last twenty years, which is why there is now a massive cross-government effort underway to ensure a comprehensive package of support awaits for Afghan interpreters and families arriving in the UK.

They worked hand in glove with British Armed Forces to fight extremists in Afghanistan and helped protect UK citizens there and here at home.

We will help to repay them by supporting them in getting a roof over their head, ensure that healthcare is provided by our fantastic NHS and coronavirus vaccines administered.

English language courses will be provided so that they can settle in straight away, learn new skills, get jobs in the country, help contribute to our society and rebuild their lives.


Afghan refugees heading to UK (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

The Government has learnt valuable lessons from the success of accommodating those who have fled Hong Kong and our support for refugees from Syria.

And as a result of our Afghan Relocations and Assistance Policy, we have already helped bring here as many people as possible who helped the UK in Afghanistan.

We are prioritising within the programme all those who are judged to be at most serious risk.

We are ready to do something special and there are dedicated teams of staff standing by to help.

This is the right thing to do, and I know that Express readers will share my determination that we all do everything we can to give a warm welcome to these brave people who now find themselves a long way from their home.

This will be a huge national effort ‑ the largest effort to welcome and resettle people in my lifetime ‑ in which many people and organisations can play a part. We’re working with faith groups, charities, and local councils to deliver it.

Small acts of kindness, such as the charities that are helping to provide children with toys, can be a ray of light in the darkness.

I want to thank all those who are working with us and for those who want to help, be it a charity, business with job opportunities or to donate items like clothes. We will create a central portal where you can register your offer of support.

We must never forget the sacrifice of our own brave Armed Forces during this conflict.

It does not make the scenes playing out on our television screens any easier to watch, or the struggle so many are facing today any more bearable.

But our troops should continue to hold their heads high and know that they did everything we asked of them and more. They were and remain the best of us.

Now, as we look towards the future, let’s work together to do everything we can to give the Afghans who stood beside them a warm welcome to the UK.

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