Public demand grows for a way to freedom - EXPRESS COMMENT

The Omicron variant of Covid-19 has turned the festive period into a bleak midwinter (Image: GETTY)

IT may be the season to be jolly but for the second year in a row there is a distinct lack of jolliness so far this Christmas.

Covid: What are the restrictions over the Christmas period?

As with Alpha this time last year, the Omicron variant of Covid-19 has turned the festive period into a bleak midwinter with its frosty winds moaning through the empty pubs, restaurants, hotels and shops in what is turning into a lockdown in all but name.


Too many silent nights in Britain's hostelries and not enough merry gentlemen will see many businesses go bust without help.

Another icy blow to the country's economy. And despite the vast majority of the country getting the vaccine and the booster jab roll out growing apace, the Government is leaving everything on the table - including an official "circuit breaker" lockdown in the New Year.

No wonder the hospitality industry is begging for help - which it should receive - and Conservative MPs, hot from one major rebellion last week, are threatening another in January over further restrictions.

The 100,000 signatures for a petition demanding a referendum on emergency powers and the protests in Parliament Square are signs that there is now a wider desire for a new approach among the general public about restrictions after all the sacrifices.

Unless the Government can demonstrate that Omicron poses a genuine risk to life there cannot be a return to the harsh lockdown policies of the recent past.


However, for all the criticism, we have to remember that Boris Johnson's government has had one of the lighter touches among western democracies in dealing with this pandemic.

We have not seen the enforced vaccinations of Austria and New Zealand or the more draconian lockdowns of Italy, France, Holland and Australia.

Nor have we seen the dramatic polarisation on both extremes that has happened in America under Joe Biden's clumsy leadership.

But as we approach the new year and look forward in the Christian calendar to the arrival of the Wise Men, we should hope that world leaders will take stock of what they are doing and reflect on a need for change.

There is a collective failure that is causing damage to economies, societies and public services.

Perpetual lockdowns cannot be the way forward. At some point soon, a line needs to be drawn on the restrictions, with a return to normality and freedoms for the people in this country and around the world.

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Spend Christmas with the people you love

AS THIS is the last edition of the Sunday Express before Christmas Day we would like to wish our readers the very merriest time in the festivities this coming week.

Everyone needs to be careful in terms of ensuring the virus does not spread but let us hope that as many of us as possible are able to spend the day with the people we love most.