A Budget to lead us out of the red

GEORGE Osborne yesterday unveiled the most far-reaching austerity programme Britain has seen for more than half a century.

He was right to do so. In an emergency Budget that he acknowledged was “asking so much of so many” the Chancellor announced several tax increases as well as signalling deep cuts in public-sector spending.

Labour responded predictably by accusing him of sacrificing jobs, seeking to “entrench unfairness” and penalising the poorest in our society.

In their approach Labour MPs demonstrated why they are ideally equipped for the sound and fury of opposition. In his approach Mr Osborne demonstrated why he and his party are well equipped for the more onerous demands of government.

For, as the Chancellor said at the start of his Budget statement, cutbacks had become “unavoidable” because of the extent of Labour’s past overspending. The price of not getting to grips with the deficit would have been a crisis of international confidence over Britain’s ability to service its debts.


That would have meant soaring interest rates and much greater economic damage and higher unemployment in the long run. Any tax rises are regrettable. But most people will find bearing them as part of a credible overall plan to get the nation’s books back into balance vastly preferable to suffering them in the name of untrammelled state profligacy as was the case under Gordon Brown.

Under Mr Osborne’s austerity package almost four-fifths of the deficit reduction effort will come from public spending cuts and only a little over one-fifth from tax increases.

His most contentious announcement was a rise in VAT to 20 per cent. That will indeed be painful to retailers as well as to consumers. But it will do the productive economy far less damage than an equivalent increase in direct taxation would have done.

Even where he was increasing the tax burden Mr Osborne showed a sound ethical underpinning to his measures that should greatly reassure readers of this newspaper. The group who will lose out least are hardworking people on modest incomes. In everything he has done the Chancellor has sought to improve their position in relation to those who could work but choose not to.

So he has exempted those on the state payroll who earn less than £21,000 from a two-year publicsector pay freeze and increased the personal allowance for basic rate taxpayers by £1,000 to £7,475, taking nearly 900,000 low-paid workers out of income tax altogether.


Those whose main source of income is the state pension have also been protected through the re-linking of it with earnings. At the same time Mr Osborne announced plans to make life far tougher for the workshy. There will be a long overdue crackdown on housing benefit with measures including a cap of £400 a week on the maximum pay-out. Benefits will be uprated only in line with the Consumer Prices Index which tends to come out lower than the Retail Price Index.

Lone parents on benefits will be required to seek work as soon as their youngest child starts school rather than reaching age 12 as at present, while maternity grants for mothers on welfare will be limited to the first child. And there will be a new medical test for recipients of disability living allowance. Given the publicity that preceded this Budget many among the middle classes will feel the package unveiled by Mr Osborne could have been a lot worse.

Plenty of families, for instance, expected child benefit to be abolished for them rather than merely frozen for a few years. But make no mistake it is still going to hurt. Those on salaries above £45,000 will be squeezed by a combination of higher national insurance, less favourable treatment of pension contributions, higher capital gains tax on any assets sold and the freezing of the threshold for 40 per cent tax.

And that is before the coalition has unveiled its plans for parents whose children are off to university in the next few years Middle Britain is right to feel that it is too often treated as a milch cow by governments of all political complexions. But this time belt-tightening is more fairly distributed with higher-paid workers in the public sector asked to share the pain and bankers targeted for a specific levy.

Details of the public spending cuts that will account for the bulk of the deficit reduction will not be known until October when the Chancellor spells out what will happen to individual departmental budgets. But nobody can doubt that reductions of 25 per cent across the board – apart from in the NHS and Third World aid, foolishly exempted on grounds of political correctness – are hugely ambitious.

The true test of the coalition will be how much money it can save by eliminating waste rather than reducing front-line services such as policing, schools and transport. A pay freeze and reform of occupational pensions in much of the public sector will help protect service levels. But other savings will require an extremely hard-headed assessment of priorities.

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On the evidence of yesterday, Mr Osborne is well-placed to deliver on that score. Once he has completed the grisly task of clearing Labour’s mess this newspaper will be first in the queue of those pressing him to give the hardworking and enterprising people of Britain some more of their own money back.

But until the nation reaches that happy juncture Mr Osborne’s austerity measures deserve the support of all who believe in sound money and self-reliance.