Ireland's shameful Palestine move shows terrorism works

The move by Ireland, Norway and Spain to recognise the state of Palestine shows Hamas the rewards of their bloodlust, writes Angela Epstein.

March For Palestine In Dublin. (Image: Getty)

So, terrorism works. Nearly eight months after Hamas stormed Israel's border and, in spasms of unimaginable blood lust, slaughtered over 1200 people including children and babies, the reward is clear.


The reward is clear at least from Norway, Spain and Ireland, who today announced the forthcoming recognition of a Palestinian state.

Forget that of the 253 kidnapped on that terrible day, over 100 hostages – if they are still alive – remain unaccounted for. The devil, in this case, is not in the detail.

Crime, it seems - not least rape, beheading, burning and brutalising - does pay. For if the monsters of Hamas hadn`t committed such unspeakable atrocities, would this shameless trio of nations, whose ambassadors to Israel have now been recalled, be making such a move?

But everything is warped and distorted in our post-October 7 universe. We are in a place in time when antisemitism, ugly prejudice, and naked hatred have upended every moral code.

Let`s be clear. In taking such a stance, Norway, Ireland, and Spain are gifting Hamas and their Iranian backers the bone-shaking symbolism of suggesting an equivalence between Israel and the terrorists who threaten its destruction.

This is a despicable act of ignorant crowd-pleasing or something darker against the world`s only Jewish state.

Israel is a sovereign nation that is entitled to defend itself following an unprovoked attack on its citizens.

Surely the Irish, the Norwegians and the Spanish would expect their Governments to do this if, god forbid, their countries were subjected to a similar and heinous offensive.

But Israel, as we know, is always the subject of double standards. Never mind that Israel’s enemy in this unwanted war is not the ordinary and innocent people of Gaza.


Never mind that warnings are given to those on the ground ahead of military offensives. Or that if Hamas would lay down their arms and return the hostages there would be scope for a meaningful ceasefire.

In the worthy world of the blinkered, such devilish detail has no currency.

Anyway, what do these three nations think a Palestinian state will look like – since Gaza has been governed under a reign of terror by Hamas since 2007?

Do Norway, Ireland and Spain cheer a death cult whose abhorrent tactics involve using its own citizens as human shields by hiding weapons and Hamas headquarters in schools and hospitals?

Have the three countries wondered why Hamas disregarded the probability of reprisal for its citizens when launching a day of slaughter on October 7?

Have they wondered why it doesn`t stop sending rockets into Israel, even when they misfire and fall on people in Gaza?

Or is it just that when it comes to Israel - and dare I say, the Jews - the moral algorithm fails?

What`s more, the notion that their move will pave the way for peace is nothing more than hand-wringing gesture politics.

This is not about a two-state solution - Hamas and other militant groups have no interest in such a resolution to the conflict given that their charter is to wipe Israel off the map. (As well as an avowed intention to repeat October 7th again and again.)

Perhaps Norway, Spain and Ireland haven't had a chance to study the history books. Had they done so they`d known that, regrettably, every time Israel has agreed to surrender land for peace the Palestinian Arabs have rejected the offer. This is a saddening loop that goes back to the time of the Peel Commission in 1937 when the British agreed to create a two-state solution which would involve the establishment of an independent State of Palestine alongside the State of Israel. Even though it offered Palestinian Arabs 80 percent of the disputed territory, their answer was no.

Anyone with a shred of decency wants this war to end – every innocent life lost is one too many.

But official recognition by Spain, Ireland and Norway of an independent Palestinian state is not the way forward.

Instead, it will endure as a shameful episode in the history of these three nations. Quite literally they have blood on their hands.

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