And now we join Radio 4 to watch the real world go Sailing By...

AND now it’s time for Thought for the Day, with the Very Reverend Michael Buerk, Metropolitan Bishop of Smug and Twee...

Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke Taylor Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor

Good morning. You may have read and heard a few things recently about cuts at the BBC. Wild stories have been circulating about the demise of the national’s cultural heartbeat, the end of civilisation as we know it, the forces of globalised philistinism bearing down on the upholders of truth and decency (John Humphrys and Jenni Murray) and all that.

It’s true that a few ticklish googlies have slipped past the bat in recent times. Earlier this year, the BBC’s unique World Service ceased broadcasting in seven languages and shed 650 jobs.

Now a further 2,000 people will lose their jobs as the BBC relocates wholesale from its traditional home in west London.

The Chelsea Flower Show Live is under threat and BBC2 will largely be repeats. However, worry not, dear listeners, for though the hurly burly of the 21st-century media scrum may inflict the odd bruise, the essentials do not change.

The glories of our heritage rest inviolate. That’s right. Radio 4 is safe, by Cromarty, Humber and German Bight!

Woman’s Hour, The Moral Maze and the Round Britain Quiz have been preserved for the nation. Andrew Marr, Bob Flowerdew and Jonathan Dimbleby live to fight another day. The Archers remains.

There are those who say that Radio 4, or Radio 4 Ever as we like to call it here, is just a club of well-heeled, well-meaning, middleclass chatterers whose idea of daring is to pretend there really is a game called Mornington Crescent, people who think listening to Start the Week means you never have to read a book again.

To these people I say: I’m not sure you really belong here, do you? There’s Radio 5 for the likes of you (what’s left of it) or Radio 1 (may the gods spare us).

For those who get it, there is a place that is forever England, a place where matrons still cycle to vespers and village greens still hum with the gentle thwack of willow on leather. That place is Radio 4.

Everywhere you look at the Radio 4 schedule, there are enduring classics that have not so much stood the test of time as wrestled time to the ground and left it bleeding helpless in the corner. Blessedly, every one of them is repeated that same night.

Here we still pick records for our desert islands, even though we all have iPods in real life. On Brain of Britain the listener whose question defeats the contestants still gets their book token and we still play the national anthem at the end of every night, like a Christmas variety show at the Weston-super-Mare Pavilion, circa 1950.

On Radio 4, no issue is too sensitive that it cannot be corralled into harmless banality by the soothing tones of concern of a Woman’s Hour phone-in.

No political debate is too controversial that it cannot be lulled into docility by the dulcet urbanities of an Ed Stourton.

No quantum theory or German philosophy is too difficult that it cannot be reduced to a harmless bluffer’s guide by Melvyn Bragg and some tame dons.

The Archers, our jewel in the crown, an everyday tale of rural gentry, boasts just one working-class family. The Grundys are treated by the rest of the village with the sort of patrician disdain that Justin Webb reserves for his interviews with trade unionists on the Today programme.

On Today, the incisive interviewing skills of John Humphrys are counterbalanced by Evan “plain English” Davies, a man who takes complex economic subjects and turns them into Ladybird stories, and by James Naughtie, a classical music buff whose job is to conduct 90-second interviews but who cannot get a question out that’s less than three paragraphs long. National treasures all.

Today is the sort of programme where you can hear one BBC employee interview another about the corporation’s new visual branding without anyone asking the one question anyone actually wants to hear: why have you spent millions of pounds of our money on a gaggle of dancing hippos?

Then, after a segment in which a climate change scientist will be forced to explain global warming in half a minute (without deviation, repetition or hesitation) it will be time for Thought for the Day in which the leader of a religious community will explain why Christ is very much, in a sense, like a polar ice cap.

THE SCHEDULE is unchanging and the inhabitants of the great Borsetshire of the mind to which Radio 4 appeals revel in its every regularity.


agricultural workers arise at 6.30am, as is well known, in time to hear Farming Today, just as all Radio 4 listeners are tucked up under the duvet in time for A Book at Bedtime and all mariners tune in at 12.48am for the Shipping Forecast.

After Today, you get things like Start the Week or Midweek, in which Libby Purves effortlessly stitches together a conversation between a round-the-world yachtsman, a blues drummer and a victim of torture (“...and speaking of hitting things very hard...”).

Mid-morning is when the schedule gets really experimental. It’s the sort of slot where a fading stand-up gets to retrace the footsteps of a favourite folk singer or we get a history of cheese in 124 parts.

I’ve never managed to make it through an entire Afternoon Play yet but they always seem to involve a doctor who isn’t what he seems or a desperate housewife who discovers you can do the right thing for the wrong reason, the whole drama smoothed over with those impeccable RADA voices and the full panoply of radiophonic effects.

After the pleasingly sarcastic PM, and honey still for tea, you get the hit-and-miss comedy slot at 6.30pm and then all the morning’s programmes again.

Before you know it it’s Book at Bedtime and the Shipping Forecast. The cocoa is drained, the doors are locked, the children are safe in prep school.

A brush of the teeth, a quick prayer that Sarah Montague’s alarm will go off and it’s off to the land of Nod. Cue Sailing By and a world that never changes. Absolutely uncuttable, every last minute of it.

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