Still the Government won't cut foreign aid

AMONG the long list of areas being cut by the Chancellor yesterday one was conspicuous by its absence – foreign aid.

George Osborne GETTY

George Osborne leaving the Treasury before yesterday's autumn budget review

Ever since the early days of the coalition this sacred cow has been prioritised and it is costing us dear. 

It is predicted that the Department for International Development’s budget will eclipse that of the Home Office by 2018.

Mr Osborne has demonstrated a strong commitment to delivering value for money as he tries to get Britain back living within its means. 

This is eminently sensible and has yielded great rewards. 

George OsborneREUTERS

Housing and development were the key themes from Osborne's speech

So it is all the more baffling that he has never extended this philosophy to include foreign aid.

The arbitrary target of spending 0.7 per cent of GDP on foreign aid means ministers and mandarins are judged by the amount spent rather than the outcome achieved. 

This is a recipe for pointless waste. And so it has proved. 

Since the coalition government announced its intention to meet this target in 2010 our foreign aid money has been spent on breeding fish in Madagascar, developing a game show in Ethiopia and tackling litter in Jordan. 

Some of it has even been given away to nations so wealthy they have their own space programmes. 

It is obvious that this money would be better spent here in Britain where it could fund tax cuts and help to bring down the deficit. 

Throughout his time in office Mr Osborne has implemented vital reforms that have fostered a lengthy period of economic growth. 

However, if he is serious about getting rid of waste and running a budget surplus by the end of this Parliament he cannot keep up this uncharacteristically profligate spending on foreign aid. 

David CameronAP

David Cameron met with Canada's newly elected liberal PM Justin Trudeau yesterday

WHILE the Government had a good day in Westminster yesterday trouble still looms in Brussels. 

One diplomat has said that David Cameron is prepared to drop his plans to ban EU migrants from claiming benefits until they have lived here for four years. 

Downing Street denies the claim. 

When he unveiled his renegotiation demands he was roundly deplored for his lack of ambition.

David CameronAP

David Cameron is reportedly prepared to drop his plans to ban EU migrants from claiming benefits

Yet already the Eurocrats indicate that his paltry wishlist is too much for them to stomach. 

The architects of this political project will not allow European integration to be reversed. 

The longer these supposed negotiations go on the clearer it becomes that the whole rigmarole will achieve nothing. 

We have no choice but to get out.

Cameron will use 'heart and soul' to keep Britain in EU

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