The Saturday Briefing: Knowledge is power, your questions answered

IS THERE anything you are desperately yearning to know? Are there any pressing factual disputes you would like us to help resolve? We shall do our best to answer any questions you throw at us, whatever the subject.

onion being peeledGETTY

The European Patent Office lists 61 inventions with "onion peeler" in the title a

Q: I've just been peeling onions for pickling and I wonder if there's a machine to do this now.

Kath Finch, Market Harborough, Leicestershire

A: The European Patent Office lists 61 inventions with "onion peeler" in the title and another 75 with "onion peeling".

The earliest model I can find dates back to 1966 and introduces the invention with the words, "Peeling onions is a difficult and odious job because of the inherent nature of the onion".

How true. If only we all had one it would save many tears.

The industrial models generally have a moving blade to top and tail the onion, then a blast of compressed air to take the skin off. They can peel more than 100 onions a minute.

woman crying after peeling onionGETTY

An onion peeling machine would save millions of tears

Q: My friends and I have been wondering how Boxing Day got its name. Can you enlighten us?

Graham Roe, Penzance, Cornwall

A: Most sources say the name of Boxing Day came from a common practice of giving servants a box of rewards for their year's work when they returned on December 26 from the Christmas Day holiday.

That may be partly the answer but there is clearly more to it.

The problem is that the practice of giving such gifts to servants flourished in the 18th century or earlier but had faded away before the first recorded use of the term "Boxing Day" which the Oxford English Dictionary gives as 1833.

The term "Christmas box" is at least a century older so linking the "Boxing Day" name directly with giving gifts to servants seems unlikely.

Another idea is that it came from the "poor box" in churches, from which gifts to the poor were given at Christmas.

Finally, there is a suggestion that it is the day when people throw out the boxes Christmas presents came in but there is not any evidence for that.


The name of Boxing Day came from a common practice of giving servants a box of rewards

Q: Is Prince Charles a Freemason?

D Healey, Wigston, Leicestershire 

A: I believe that Freemasons take a vow not to reveal their membership nor that of others, so your question is not easy to answer and would be even more difficult if I were a Freemason.

But it has widely been reported that fellow royal, Prince Michael of Kent, is Grand Master of a Freemason's lodge.

Prince Philip too has been a Freemason for more than 60 years but does not participate in any of their proceedings.

It has been reported that Prince Charles was indeed invited to join the Freemasons but declined to do so.

Q: I used to enjoy watching a TV programme called Stuart Burrows Sings featuring the great Welsh tenor of that name.

Can you let me know what happened to him?

Colin Cashman, Newport, Wales

A: I remember that too. He had a wonderful voice and was specially praised for his renditions of Mozart.

He performed at most of the world's great opera houses, including the Royal Opera House, for more than 20 years.

He made his Stuart Burrows Sings programmes for eight years in the 1970s and 1980s, including both opera and Victorian songs and folk songs, which makes him one of the very first crossover singers.

Most remarkably, he decided to follow a singing career only after first working as a teacher and then turning down an offer of a contract from the then Leeds Rugby League Football Club.

Now in his 80s and retired, he lives in Cardiff and in recent years has devoted his time to charity work and occasionally sitting on judging panels in international singing competitions.

You can find out more about him by visiting his official website:

Elvis PresleyGETTY

Elvis toyed with the idea of acting

Q: Many years ago I saw a TV interview in which Elvis Presley was asked about rumours that he was going into acting and films.

Elvis replied that he was due to appear in a film called The Rainmaker with Burt Lancaster and Katharine Hepburn.

I have seen that film, which also stars Lloyd Bridges and Wendell Corey, but there is no sign of Elvis. Why didn't he appear?

Peter Steele, Malvern, Worcestershire

A: In March 1956, Elvis was toying with the idea of purely acting roles and auditioned with Paramount for a supporting role in The Rainmaker but he wasn't chosen for the part, which went to Earl Holliman.

Later the same year Elvis starred in his first movie, Love Me Tender, and the rest, as they say, is history.

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