Only one in 100 people can spot error in mind-boggling brain teaser

A new picture puzzle is sweeping the internet and it is leaving people scratching their heads. The challenge is to find the error in the image - can you spot it?

Only 1 out of 100 observant people can spot the error in this image within eight seconds. (Image: brightside)

Calling all sharp-eyed detectives - get ready to test your skills with a fast-paced puzzle that hides a sneaky error.


Research shows that the more you challenge your brain with tough puzzles, the smarter you become. Optical illusions and brain teasers offer fascinating insights into how our brains function.

A typical human brain can view things or images from different perspectives, forming unique perceptions from each angle. Often, certain combinations of colour, light, and patterns can trick our minds into seeing something that isn't there.

Scroll down to see if you're up for solving this picture puzzle. It's also a great challenge to involve your friends or family. It will test your observation skills, requiring creative thinking and logical deduction.

Only one out of 100 observant people can spot the mistake within eight seconds or less in the image. Can you? The answer is below.

Only one in 100 people can spot the mistake in this tricky brain teaser. (Image: brightside)

The scene depicts a woman sitting on a city bench, a playful dog, and a couple walking. You need to scrutinise the scene with laser focus to identify what's wrong with the image.

The error is well-hidden and blends in with the other details, making it hard to spot at first glance. Have you found it?

If you look closely at the girl sitting on the bench with her backpack - the magazine is upside down.

If you managed to spot the mistake within the given time, it shows that you have a keen eye for detail.