Book review: Live Wire by Harlan Coben

LIVE WIRE sees Myron Bolitar, Harlan Coben’s sport agent-cumlawyer- cum-gumshoe-cum-knight in shining armour, investigating a mystery straight out of his own closet: the fate of his little brother.

Live Wire by Harlan Coben 4/5

Following an explosive row, the siblings have been estranged for the past 15 years.

His brother’s story is also entangled with the disappearance of Lex Ryder, the less charismatic half of successful rock band HorsePower. Ryder, on the brink of fatherhood for the fi rst time, has vanished after somebody posted an internet message questioning his unborn child’s true paternity.

As Coben has Bolitar pull at the threads of this story, a tale of intrigue and chicanery emerges. As ever, Bolitar and his vibrant team are the true stars.

There is the disarmingly named Windsor Horne Lockwood III, Esperanza, the glamour girl of Flow (the Fabulous Ladies Of Wrestling) and Big Cindi, who defi es description other than to say: only in America.


The opening feels a lot like running in deep snow as Coben lays out the Bolitar family history for new readers but they should persevere and there’s no need to start with Deal Breaker, the first Bolitar book, to enjoy Live Wire. Once the story landscape is established, the narrative starts moving at Usain Bolt pace.

So Coben does not disappoint even if his ending leaves Bolitar’s future unclear. Of late, two writers have displayed the curious combination of cruelty and kindness required to kill off a much-loved character in a bestselling series.

First Ian Rankin retired Rebus from active service and Henning Mankell quietly drew a curtain across Wallander’s final years.

Their decisions were cruel because they deprived those customers, whose hard-earned and carefully spent pounds have enriched them, of hours of new reading pleasures; kind because if the authorial well of inspiration later runs dry then readers are saved the disappointment of dashed expectations. So I can only conclude that Harlan Coben must be a sadistic brute.

By the end of Live Wire his loyal band of readers are left suspended, uncertain whether they will enjoy another entertaining episode or whether this is the last of Bolitar and his colourful support crew.


There isn’t any other set of characters in this genre out there like them. You will be loath to return to black-and-white once you have experienced Technicolor. . 

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