Top 10 World War I movies of all time ranked and Lawrence of Arabia missed out on No 1

The Top 10 World War I movies of all time have been ranked on IMDb and Lawrence of Arabia missed out on No 1.

By George Simpson, Senior Film and Arts Reporter

lawrence in shock

Top 10 World War I movies of all time ranked and Lawrence of Arabia missed out on No 1

(Image: GETTY)

The First World War was one of the deadliest conflicts in human history resulting in the deaths of millions.

Hundreds of movies focused on different aspects of World War I have been made over the last century.

And film fan database IMDb has ranked the very best, but Lawrence of Arabia missed out on No 1 to another classic.

Check out the full Top 10 list below, which features two adaptations of the same novel.

soldiers with guns

10. All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)

The third adaptation of the 1929 anti-war novel follows the life of an idealistic young German soldier. Hungry for adventure, he enlists in the German Army at the outbreak of the conflict. However, it’s not long before he faces the true horrors of war and does all he can to survive. The German-language movie was nominated for 14 BAFTAs, winning seven including Best Film and received nine Oscars nods taking home four including Best International Feature.

(Image: NETFLIX)


9. The Big Parade (1925)

Written by World War I veteran Laurence Stallings, the film follows an idle rich young American who fights in the trenches of France and falls in love with a local girl. Considered on the greatest First World War movies, this silent-era classic is praised for its realistic depictions of warfare and had a great influence on the original All Quiet on the Western Front.

(Image: GETTY)

soldiers on tank

8. The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp (1943)

Powell and Pressburger’s romantic drama follows the various wartime flashbacks of a senior commander in the Home Guard. Considered one of the greatest British films of all time, Winston Churchill blocked Laurence Olivier from starring in the classic and tried to have the film banned.


soldiers marching

7. The Great War (1959)

This Italian comedy-drama focuses on an odd couple of army friends during the horrors of trench warfare. Winner of the Golden Lion at the Venice Film Festival, the movie was also Oscar-nominated for Best Foreign Film.


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