Freddie Mercury: Queen’s nerves touring South America in 1981 – ‘It took some balls’ WATCH

FREDDIE MERCURY and Queen famously toured South America in 1981, as explored in the latest episode of Queen the Greatest which can be watched here.

By George Simpson, Senior Film and Arts Reporter

Live Aid: Freddie Mercury warms up the crowd in 1985

It was 40 years ago that , Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon took Queen down to South America. Freddie famously once quipped: “They wouldn’t let us into Russia; they thought we’d corrupt the youth or something… so we went to Latin America. We wanted to play where rock music had never been played before.”

In this week’s episode of Queen the Greatest below, Brian May remembered: “South America reared its head, and we heard rumours that we were the biggest thing ever in Argentina and Brazil, and they started to ask us to go down there.  

“And they were saying, ‘You can play football stadiums down there’ and we went ‘Oh, you’re joking!’”

Of course, in 1981 Argentina was under a dictatorship and Queen manager Jim Beach had to negotiate with an Army General who said: “How can I possibly allow 50,000 young people into a stadium when I can’t control them?

“What happens if somebody suddenly shouts out ‘Viva Perón’ in the middle of a Queen concert, and I have a riot on my hands?”

READ MORE: Freddie Mercury and Maradona: Brian May on ‘inspirational’ meeting

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queen in argentina

Freddie Mercury: Queen’s nerves touring South America in 1981 – ‘It took some balls’ WATCH (Image: GETTY)

Jim said: “And I tried to explain to him that, rather like gladiatorial matches in Rome, this was panacea to the people. They never ever had this before, this would be an extraordinary experience.”

While Brian shared that once the whole South America tour was organised, they had a fleet of jumbo jets fly down their equipment.

Roger said: “The travel arrangements were very scary, with, you know, driving the wrong way along a raised motorway with outriders, with guys in big jeeps waving their big guns and getting the cars coming straight towards them to pull over.”

Meanwhile, Freddie was taking it all rather casually. When an interviewer asked him how it felt to play and sing before 200,000, he deadpanned followed by a smirk: “Haven’t done it yet.”

queen performing in south america

Queen performing in South America (Image: NEAL PRESTON/QUEEN PRODUCTIONS LTD)

Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballé perform 'Barcelona' in 1988

Roger shared: “I can remember being nervous the first night, the top tier alone took 80,000, and we were in this sort of dugout which, I guess, the football teams would normally be in. 

“ All the windows were broken and I remember thinking ‘Hmm, this is, this is going to take some balls to walk out there.’

While John shared how there was concern over the pitches being damaged at the football stadiums where Queen performed.

The bassist said: “It’s their sort of hallowed ground, the football turf. And we came up with this idea, covering it with plastic grass, and they agreed to it, because that was something we really wanted was to have a lot of people on the pitch.”

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John added: “We set the stage up down one end. They were quite happy to have people in the stands, but we insisted that we must have people on the pitch as well to give a good atmosphere for the show.

“Oh it was marvellous, it was the closest really to ever actually going to a football match, it was that sort of reaction.

“They were tremendously enthusiastic, I mean they were quite ecstatic, and they were singing along in English as well, and doing ‘Woh, woh, woh, woh’, all the chants and everything.”

Next week’s episode of Queen the Greatest will examine David Bowie’s involvement in Under Pressure.

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