Elvis meeting The Beatles: Fab Four ‘disillusioned’ and ‘angry’ after meeting The King

ELVIS PRESLEY and The Beatles met only once in an encounter that left John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr "disappointed". The King came across as "a boring old fart" to the Fab Four and reacted strangely to Lennon's praise of him.

By George Simpson, Senior Film and Arts Reporter

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and are the world’s best-selling music artists of all time and the five men once hung out altogether on August 27, 1965. The incredible encounter took place at The King’s Los Angeles home on Perugia Way in Bel Air, when the Fab Four arrived around 10pm at night.

Fans of both were gathered at the gates as Elvis’ Memphis Mafia awaited anxiously for to arrive.

Yet according to Peter Guralnick’s Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley, The King wasn’t particularly excited to meet the Fab Four, watching a soundless TV on his L-shaped couch.

When , , and  arrived, he did rise up to greet them, although they were pretty speechless to be in the presence of their rock n’ roll hero.

In fact, Elvis had to break the ice, telling them he’d have to go to bed if they didn’t start having a conversation with him.

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elvis and the beatles

Elvis meeting The Beatles: Fab Four ‘disillusioned’ and ‘angry’ after meeting The King (Image: GETTY)

elvis timeline

Elvis timeline (Image: EXPRESS)

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It wasn't long before Elvis started playing a bass plugged into an amp by his TV and had Charlie Rich’s Mohair Sam come on the jukebox.

The King then began to play along to the new hit track over and over again, before Ringo started a game of pool with some of the Memphis Mafia.

Meanwhile, Harrison, who looked like he was stoned to Elvis’ guys, went outside to smoke a joint and talk about Hinduism with The King’s spiritual advisor and personal hairstylist, Larry Geller.

Additionally, Lennon and McCartney picked up a couple of guitars and began jamming with Elvis – just imagine witnessing that! – as managers Colonel Tom Parker and Brian Epstein gambled on a coffee table turned roulette wheel.

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elvis and the memphis mafia

Elvis with his Memphis Mafia (Image: GETTY)

elvis and mccartney now

Paul McCartney looks back with fondness to meeting Elvis (Image: GETTY)

Despite the fun, The Beatles were reportedly disappointed, with the famous Elvis biography recording: “Their response to Elvis was a prickly mix of anger and disillusion.”

Following the one-off meeting between the five stars, The Beatles’ press officer Tony Barrow said candidly: “To be honest, I’d describe Elvis on that showing as a boring old fart. But I do know Ringo enjoyed his game of pool.”

Nevertheless, The Beatles had invited The King and his Memphis Mafia round to where they were staying that weekend.

But Elvis almost immediately said he didn’t know what his schedule was like and declined the next day.

The Beatles: Paul McCartney on first meeting ‘posh’ John Lennon [THE BEATLES]

Elvis meeting The Beatles memories: ‘I probably shouldn’t say this’ [ELVIS AND BEATLES]
Elvis: Paul McCartney agrees with John Lennon’s view of The King [JOHN AND PAUL]

However, some of the Memphis Mafia went around to see The Beatles and Lennon told them how much the evening had meant to him and that he’d appreciate it if they could tell Elvis: “If it hadn’t been for you, I would have been nothing.”

This was reported back to The King, yet he didn’t say anything in response and just kind of smiled. 

Whatever the case, McCartney now looks back on the meeting with much fondness, telling The Adam Buxton podcast in 2020: “[Elvis] was really cool!”

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