Theatre review: Nell Gwynn at the Globe


BRIGHT SPARK: Gugu Mbatha-Raw is effervescent as Nell Gwynn

JESSICA Swale’s play about the theatre orange seller who became an actress and subsequently King Charles II’s mistress manages to be bawdily entertaining while using Nell Gwynn’s robust character to champion the cause of today’s actresses.

4 / 5 stars
Nell Gwynn

Like Shakespeare In Love, which it occasionally resembles, the sparks of wit are struck by the collision of two worlds: the 17th century Restoration era and our own.


Nell Gwynn: Bawdily entertaining

“I love it when you talk defence strategy,” is a typical exchange between Charles and his mistress Lady Castlemaine (Sasha Waddell).


'The sparks of wit are struck by the collision of two worlds'

This is the perfect play for The Globe as the actors roam in and out of the audience as if at a theatre of the era.

At one point, Sarah Woodward as Nell’s gin-sodden but stylish mother plucks a plastic mug full of beer from a “groundling”, an audience member in the pit, and drains the lot much to the delight of the audience.


'This is the perfect play for The Globe'
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And the arrival of a real King Charles Spaniel in the arms of David Sturzaker’s amiably pragmatic monarch naturally brings the house down. At the centre of it all is Gugu Mbatha-Raw’s effervescent Nell, witty and sharp, intelligent and realistic, pushing the playwright John Dryden to write better parts for women now they are allowed on to the stage: “If you are writing for real women they won’t have to be so feminine any more.”

Director Christopher Luscombe brings a touch of Carry On to the torrential innuendo and good-natured ribaldry and keeps the action flowing. The musical interludes from the quartet in the gallery are relatively anonymous though the semi-contemporary songs are performed with gusto. Swale is particularly good at exposing the artifice of acting while playing with the whole idea of theatricality.


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She lays on her feminist agenda with a trowel in the second half (more roles for women), which seems unnecessary as the issue is embedded in the play from the start. But the enjoyable performances from all – Anneika Rose as Nell’s sister Rose and Amanda Lawrence’s Nancy are both memorable – sweeten the didactic medicine.