Theatre reviews: The Winter's Tale, Harlequinade, All On Her Own

IN 1969 Judi Dench scored a notable double when she played Hermione and Perdita, mother and daughter, in Trevor Nunn’s Stratford production of The Winter’s Tale.

Judi Dench and Kenneth BranaghPH

Dame Judi Dench and Sir Kenneth Branagh in The Winter's Tale

Although it required some complex machinery to enable the two characters to share the stage in the final act, it provided a welcome opportunity for the actress to display her unparalleled emotional range and technical skill. 

I was privileged to see the production as a boy and have never forgotten her heartbreaking protestations of innocence as Hermione when her husband Leontes falsely accused her of adultery, or the beguiling exuberance of her Perdita, a pastoral queen, in a countercultural Bohemia.

Now, in the autumn of her years, Dame Judi has returned to take the play’s other great female role, Paulina, a court lady who acts as Leontes’s scourge, his conscience and redeemer.

She is utterly magnificent; her unique moral authority put to brilliant effect as, even sotto voce, she silences every other actor on stage. 

Dame Judi DenchPH

Dame Dench is utterly magnificent as Paulina

It is no wonder that the directors have given her Time’s great chorus at the beginning of the Fourth Act, since she herself has truly defied time. 

I can vouch that she makes every word as clear and every emotion as true as she did in 1969; her anger is as shocking as her grief and tenderness are affecting. 

If Sir Kenneth Branagh did nothing else in his year-long tenure of the Garrick than offer audiences a chance to see the greatest Shakespearian since Gielgud in a new role, he would have justified the undertaking. 

He has done far more, though. Together with his co-director Rob Ashford and designer Christopher Oram he presents a warmhearted, visually arresting and intellectually coherent account of a notoriously fragmented play. 

Branagh himself plays Leontes and is excellent in the first acts, his jealousy more reflective than usual, but disappointingly actorly during the climactic reunion. 

Miranda Raison and Jessie Buckley excel as Hermione and Perdita and, in a uniformly splendid cast, Jimmy Yuill and Jack Colgrave Hirst stand out as the two shepherds. 

Inexplicably, Branagh has chosen to pair The Winter’s Tale with a double bill of Terence Rattigan’s Harlequinade and All On Her Own. 

Kenneth BranaghPH

Harlequinade's gentle satire of thespian egotism holds more appeal for performer than audience

Rattigan was a strikingly uneven dramatist, penning masterpieces such as The Deep Blue Sea and Separate Tables alongside duds such as Variations On A Theme and Love In Idleness.

These two fall into the latter category.

Harlequinade, written as a curtain-raiser to the great The Browning Version, is a flimsy farce about the private and professional tribulations of Arthur Gosport, a middle-aged actor manager, taking a tired production of Romeo And Juliet on tour. 

Branagh extracts maximum humour from Gosport’s unexpected discovery that he is a grandfather, while still trying to convince as the 17-year-old Romeo. 

Zoe WanamakerPH

Not even Zoe Wanamaker can save the awfully contrived All On Her Own

Tom Bateman is superb as his harassed stage manager and Hadley Fraser delightful as a newly promoted extra. 

Overall, however, this sort of gentle satire on thespian egotism, coarse acting and backstage disasters holds more appeal for theatre professionals than the public. 

It is preceded by All On Her Own, a contrived monologue for a recent widow.

Not even the luminous Zoe Wanamaker can make it work, least of all when she has to impersonate her dead husband with a self-confessed “bad Huddersfield accent”.

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