Dirty truth about money launderers

FOR almost 100 years criminals have been hiding ill-gotten cash in elaborate scams, the latest being the banned 500-euro note. How does money get 'cleaned'?

€500 notes are used by criminal gangs for money laundering

HOW many euros can you get inside a cigarette packet?

Personally I keep my holiday leftovers in an old-style film canister, which is ideal for the coins but won’t really accommodate more than about €20 in notes.

So it’s rather a surprise to learn that it’s possible to fit no less than €20,000 into an empty fag box – equivalent to more than £17,000 at today’s terrible exchange rate.

The only catch is you have to do it entirely in €500 notes. You may never have seen one of those (for what it’s worth they’re ­purple with a picture of an office block on the front and a suspension bridge on the back). But that’s ­precisely the point.

An investigation by the Government’s Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca) has found that only 10 per cent of the €500 notes circulating in Britain are used in above-board activities by business travellers and holidaymakers.


The rest are used by criminal gangs for money laundering – which is why they are now being withdrawn from sale in the UK.

As a stark illustration of the extent of the problem the agency found that one so-called money exchange – an outfit so shady it didn’t even have a sign above the door – had ordered more than €4 million of the highest-denomination European notes from banks and currency traders in a ­single year.

That was more than the entire amount sold to travellers through the Post Office’s national network of 12,500 counters. You can be sure the reason wasn’t the shady bureau’s ­passionate commitment to the single European currency.

When the €500 note was introduced in 2002 money-laundering experts warned that it would be a boon to those with an interest in manoeuvring money through unofficial channels. It’s a huge denomination compared to our own highest-value banknote, £50.

The reason it matters is that high-value currency allows you to put more money in smaller spaces. That’s important to criminal gangs because it’s much easier to move a small ­parcel unobtrusively than a large one.


Sure enough, one woman gang member in London was filmed by HM Revenue & Customs handing over €300,000 in a single cereal box to a waiting driver. This cash had been converted into euros from thousands of £10 and £20 notes from individual drug deals. In that form it would have been much bulkier and therefore much harder to move without ­drawing attention.

“Money laundering is the sleight of hand that finances organised crime, as perfected by the drug cartels,” writes author Jeffrey Robinson, the world expert on the process.

“They move cash from street ­corners through global financial ­networks – using bankers, lawyers, accountants, company formation agents and brokers – spin it around the world, in and out of shell companies and secret banking jurisdictions, and bring it out the other end as apparently legitimate income. Some of that money justifies their extravagant lifestyles, some of it pays their taxes and some of it refinances their criminal activities.”

The term was first used during the Watergate scandal to describe the operations of ­Richard Nixon’s Committee to Re-elect the President, where legal contributions from party donors supported illegal activities such as bugging and burglary. In that respect, Watergate was the reverse of money-laundering as we now understand it: unlike Nixon, the bosses of organised crime seek to use illicit money for legitimate purposes.

Although concealment of money from the authorities has always gone on, the modern practice really dates back to the Prohibition era in the US in the Twenties. Alcohol was banned but easily available on the black market, which meant that dodgy businessmen could make easy fortunes – but they had to find ways of making the money look legitimate if they didn’t want to end up behind bars.

The classic way of doing this was to set up a semi-false business, giving the owner an apparent reason to go to the bank every week and deposit cash. Shops selling services such as a haircut worked better than those selling goods because goods (or the lack of them) could be traced by suspicious investigators, whereas it would be very difficult to prove how many cuts and shaves a barber’s shop had or had not provided.

The modern equivalent of these places can still be seen in the “shell” shops in the rougher parts of our inner cities that seem not to sell anything at all, or bars and nightclubs that survive without doing any visible business.

Gangsters such as Al Capone soon realised coin-operated machines were also a useful tool because they provided a good cover for the large amount of loose coinage that their illicit booze, gambling and prostitution rackets yielded. So promoters of illegal gambling set up legal arcades as fronts. Launderettes were popular for the same reason – but Robinson insists it’s a myth that the term for the practice stems from the laundry connection.

“Money laundering is called what it is because that perfectly describes what takes place – illegal, or dirty, money is put through a cycle of transactions, or washed, so that it comes out the other end as legal, or clean, money,” he says. “The source of illegally obtained funds is obscured through a succession of transfers and deals in order that those same funds can be made to appear as legitimate income.”

The godfather of money laundering was Mafia boss Meyer Lansky, nicknamed “the Mob’s accountant”. When Capone was jailed for tax evasion in 1931 Lansky resolved not to suffer the same fate. He searched for ways of hiding the millions he was making from his gambling empire from prying official eyes.

He found the answer in Switzerland in the form of secret bank accounts. Helpful Swiss banks were prepared to loan him back the illegal cash, which could then be declared to the tax authorities as legitimate income if the need arose.

(It is the irony of money-laundering that, while petty criminals avoid paying tax, the most serious kind are desperate to cough up something to the state treasury in order to legitimise the dirty loot.)

Capital flight is a crucial part of the process. Back in 1947 Frank Sinatra was accused of smuggling $2million in an attaché case into Havana on behalf of the Mob. “Show me an attaché case that can hold $2million and you can have the $2million,” the crooner retorted to the Nevada Gaming Commission.

In the digital age new technologies have thrown up ever more complex ways for organised criminals – backed up by teams of highly intelligent white-collar professionals – to stay at least one step ahead of the investigators and often many more. Because the crimes are hard to prove and the most successful perpetrators are immensely wealthy, they often acquire the trappings of respectability.

But even for the biggest fry the essential difficulty is that the cash starts in small denominations and will need changing up if it is to be moved discreetly. And the ­withdrawal of the €500 note for sale has just made that harder.

“There is no doubt the main UK demand for the €500 note comes from criminals,” says Ian Cruxton, deputy director of Soca. “The bank­note wholesalers have shown ­decisive leadership in withdrawing supply. This will cause disruption to criminals’ ability to move and ­launder large quantities of cash.”