My cosmic search for a social life

MONICA CAFFERKY signs up for a mystical workshop to discover how to attract new friends who will treasure her.

FEEL THE FORCE Monica is seeking pals FEEL THE FORCE: Monica is seeking pals.

The Christmas season is a constant round of parties, events and present-buying. However this year I realised how my friendship group has shrunk in the past couple of years. The pressures of work, family and other daily concerns have got in the way of socialising.

While I have some lovely friends, I also have a few less reliable ones who cancel at the last minute or borrow clothes and never return them. I decided it was time to strengthen my good friendships and make some new ones and what better time than now in this season of goodwill?

I had read about cosmic ordering, a system of positive thinking in which you write a list of things you would like and then wait for the “cosmos” to deliver them. So when I saw a leaflet advertising a workshop entitled, “Attracting wonderful people into your life – and keeping away the toxics”, I was intrigued.


The workshop promised to teach techniques to attract positive personalities but could it work?

Psychic Anne Jirsch, who runs the workshop in Maidenhead, Berkshire, explained exactly what a “toxic” is.

“Most people have a few toxics around them,” she said. “The first step to manifesting fabulous people into your life is to recognise the toxics and deal with them. Then you create space for wonderful people to enter.”

She explained toxics can be friends, family or colleagues with one thing in common: their behaviour is draining.

Toxic types include the bossy boots who controls your social life, the doom and gloom who drains your energy, the user who takes and does not give back, the back-stabber who tells everyone your private business and the ice queen who never lets you get close.

Anne asked us to write a list of 10 people in our lives, then shut our eyes and imagine one name from the list standing before us.

“How does this person make you feel? Take the first word that comes to mind,” she said.

My list included my closest friends and family. One friend triggered the phrase “out of control” which made me laugh because when I see her we always pig out. Other people sparked the words “trust” and “support” and “fun”, which is good.

“If your reaction is negative this person’s effect on you isn’t healthy,” explained Anne. “I want you to visualise this person as tiny. Do this exercise regularly and they will fade from your life without confrontation. If they’re a family member you’ll find their ability to upset you diminishes. You could also say an affirmation like, ‘I love you and forgive you’ to speed up the healing process.”

She then talked us through a visualisation. We had to picture a road marked with dark patches which represent events from our lives that have upset us.

“I want you to replace the negative emotions with positive thoughts,” said Anne. “History is only selective memory and by replacing negative memories with positive ones you change the balance of your body’s energy.”

I thought about the people in my past who wronged me and decided to forgive them.

I remembered the bully at school who gave me a black eye, the boyfriend who dumped me years ago and made me homeless. I then thought about why I’ve not confronted those friends I think of as “frenemies”, the ones who break plans and aren’t there for me.

Finally I understood why I let people take advantage of me in personal relationships: I realised I don’t say “no” because I want to be liked. It’s that simple.

I’m surprised I hadn’t made the connection before but with that revelation it felt like I could finally shut a door and keep the toxics out of my life. Having cleansed the toxic elements from our social lives, we learned how to attract positive people. Anne suggested we accepted all social offers and then “turned up our auras” to get noticed.

“Just imagine a bubble of colours around you, then turn up the brightness and see it shining,” she said. “It will make you sparkle and draw the right people to you.”

I vowed to perfect the technique at Christmas parties to attract potential new friends and business contacts.

“The other technique involves ‘angels’,” said Anne. “These are the people in your life who treat you well and make you feel good.

“I want you to try giving and not expecting anything in return. By putting your positive energy out there you’ll create a flow that will attract wonderful people and situations into your life.”

We were all asked to write a wish list for the next six months. I wrote that I wanted to meet some people similar to me.

F inally, Anne explained that we need to build a power corner in our homes dedicated to plans and hopes for 2011.

“Build it up with images, crystals and objects that represent the people and things you wish to attract into your life,” she said. “To find love or sustain an existing relationship, put images of hearts. For work success put something that represents your career or what you would like to manifest and to attract reliable friends put a green candle.”

When I returned home I built my power corner. I added pictures of hearts to symbolise my relationship with my fiancé Chris, an amethyst crystal to aid creative thinking, an old teacup to symbolise discovering vintage bargains and a green candle to attract new friends.

Knowing that we want to sell our house I added the estate agent’s details with “sold” written across the front.

Since the workshop my social life has undergone a subtle change. I bumped into a few acquaintances and I have taken up their invitations to meet for a drink, go shopping or dog walking.

Each time I enjoyed myself, I strengthened some old friendships and met fun new people. Hopefully the universe is still listening and will also manifest a buyer for our home come spring.

If it does, I’ll never again doubt the power of cosmic ordering.

The workshop costs £65. For upcoming dates email [email protected]

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