We married, split up, now we are together again

ONE couple bumped into each other in a supermarket and had their love rekindled, another waited 70 years to tie the knot once more. The remarkable stories of the marriages that wouldn’t die.

Jo and Gary Nye had a big wedding in 1992, but settled for a register office ceremony in 2000

Jo Nye, 39, is a housewife and lives in Wincanton, Somerset, with husband Gary, also 39, and their sons Liam, 17, and twins Joshua and Cameron, 11.

They married in January 1992, divorced in October 1995 and married again on Valentine’s Day 2000.

Jo says: “Gary and I met through friends in January 1991, had our first date at the cinema and were married a year later. Looking back we were so young and although we really loved each other I was a bit caught up in the whole dream of having a wedding and we hadn’t really thought about the serious commitment that marriage was.

“Gary was in the Army at the time and we moved over 300 miles away to Catterick Garrison in north Yorkshire with his job. After two miscarriages we had Liam in June 1993 and our happiness should have been complete but I suffered post-natal depression and was so homesick for my friends and family in Somerset. I also hated being a forces’ wife. Gary was away all the time so I was trying to cope with a new baby on my own. It hurt Gary so badly when I left him in May 1994 to move back to Wincanton.


Ann McCreesh and Chris Jackson in 1977 and today

“Even though we had Liam we didn’t have any contact after the divorce because I didn’t want Gary dipping in and out of his life when he was on leave from the Army. I grew to regret our divorce and thought about Gary all the time but because I’d walked away and caused him so much heartache I had no right to contact him and tell him how I felt.

“Then in October 1998 a mundane trip to the local supermarket changed everything when I bumped into Gary there. It was such a shock as I had no idea he’d left the forces and was living in Wincanton again. I told him that I wanted him to be a big part of his son’s life now that he was in a position to be. The more I saw how great he was with Liam the more all those old feelings I had for Gary came back. He felt the same but we were both really cautious and it took a while for those barriers to come down.

“Seven months later I discovered I was pregnant with the twins and we had to confess to our families and friends that we had rekindled our relationship. I was worried they’d think we were idiots given that we’d already been married and divorced but most people were thrilled for us.

“Although our first wedding had been a big do for around 90 people with a church ceremony and a reception it hadn’t felt right even at the time. Second time around we tied the knot at Yeovil register office and had a meal in a pub afterwards with 18 friends. It was absolutely perfect. I’d have got married in jeans if I had to because all that mattered was that Gary and I were together.

“We’re like two peas in a pod. We bicker and we’re not perfect but we’re so happy. If it wasn’t so easy to get a divorce perhaps I’d have fought harder for my marriage the first time but the whole experience has made us strong as a couple. We’re together for ever now.”


Elsie Harper, 90, is a retired seamstress and lives in Driffield, East Yorkshire, with husband Leslie, 93, a retired railway foreman.

They married in 1941, divorced in 1954 and tied the knot again last month. They have one daughter, Pauline, 65, two grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Elsie says: “Leslie and I met at a dance in Hull in 1937. He served with the Marines during the war and was stationed everywhere from Iceland to Africa but when he came home on leave he proposed. We married when I was 21 and Les was 24. After a church wedding in Hull we celebrated by dining on cold meat and salad at my sister’s house with about 25 guests.

“We honeymooned in Scarborough before Les had to go to his next posting. Pauline was born in July 1945. I longed for a proper family life but when the war was over and he returned home for good our troubles began. Les was so traumatised by the atrocities he’d seen that he found it impossible to settle into family life. Looking back I can understand why. He couldn’t adjust to normal life but it made me miserable and I couldn’t carry on so I ended our marriage and we divorced at a time when divorce was almost unheard of.

“I never wanted to see him again and I was so angry that I even destroyed all our wedding photos but thankfully he kept his copies safe.

“We each married new partners in the Sixties but my husband Peter died in 2002 and Leslie was widowed when his wife Muriel died two years later in 2004. The same year Leslie asked Pauline for my phone number. Of course she was thrilled that he wanted to get in touch but she rang me first just to make sure I was all right with the idea. I couldn’t believe it when he called me. It was wonderful seeing him again. “Just being in his company again made me feel so much younger. We laughed and laughed and within a few months Les moved from Hull to live with me in Driffield. We both knew that this time it was the real thing. We lived in sin for nearly seven years but just before Christmas Les said to me, ‘I’ve got an idea, let’s get married!’ I thought it was wonderful.

“We married again last month with a service at Bridlington register office and a meal for 29 guests at The Expanse Hotel.

“We had good second marriages but they were nothing like what Les and I have got now. It’s wonderful. We don’t live in each other’s pockets – I like doing embroidery and craftwork while all the time. We’re finishing our lives on a high. We’re very happy, it really is wonderful. Let’s just hope it lasts this time!”

Ann McCreesh, 54, is a shop assistant and lives in Sheffield. She married Chris Jackson, 60, who is in the haulage business, in 1977. They divorced in 1985 and will marry for a second time on Easter Saturday at a hotel in Sheffield.

Ann says: “We’re back together again thanks to a photo published in a book called Dirty Stop Outs: Guide To 1970s Sheffield by Neil Anderson that I spotted last October. The photo was taken at our wedding reception at the Hofbrauhaus venue in Sheffield in 1977 and shows Chris and me sitting next to each other smiling with some friends. The sight of that photo brought back all those lovely memories of Chris. We’d met at a wedding in 1973 when I was 17 and he was 23. I lived in Sheffield and he lived in Wrexham. When we got married four years later I moved to north Wales to be with him.”

Chris says: “Sadly our marriage didn’t work out as I was working away as a truck driver and Ann missed the city. We split after eight years and it was amicable. There was nothing nasty, it was just the way things had gone.”

Ann adds: “We lost touch after the divorce when I moved back to Sheffield. I remarried in 1990 and had two children but unfortunately I got divorced in 2009 and didn’t think I ever wanted to get married again until I saw that photo of Chris and me. I tracked him down, phoned him and asked him if he was interested in going to a reunion party being held in honour of the book our photo was in. He suggested we should have a reunion of our own instead and made the two-hour drive to Sheffield to see me. When I saw him again he was exactly the same. We went straight back to being Ann and Chris. Three weeks later he proposed and I said yes.”

Chris says: “I never stopped loving her. I never remarried either. You only get one love in your life and she was mine. I honestly don’t know why our story has created such a fuss. I guess it’s because amongst all the doom and gloom it’s a nice story. The only thing that is going to take me away from Ann this time is mother nature.”