Euro hits expats

INDEPENDENT adviser Nick McBreen says Phil appears to be confused. “Of course Phil is worse off these days because his pensions are paid in sterling and he needs euros. The exchange rate is doing him no favours,” he says. But Phil’s pension arrangements are definitely in the right place, he adds. “Any non-UK resident, having moved overseas and drawing on a UK pension fund remains subject to UK income tax, unless they are in a country where there is no double taxation agreement. In that case they may face a further liability in the place where they now live. But the UK and Spain do have one so Phil is only paying once. He can’t have his cake and eat it.”

LONG VIEW Beware the pitfalls of an overseas pension scheme LONG VIEW: Beware the pitfalls of an overseas pension scheme

McBreen adds: “The most important thing he needs to realise is the value of what he has: two public sector pensions, so they are gold-plated with considerable benefits, including protection against inflation. No transfer to an offshore scheme where he would not have to pay UK tax, even if it were possible, could ever match the long-term, built-in value of these.” Phil’s mention of personal pensions suggests he might have heard about Qualifiying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (Qrops). British tax rules allow pension rights to be transferred to a Qrops, with certain restrictions.

The main benefits come for those who have been non-UK residents for more than five years. After that the pension fund comes under the laws of the relevant overseas jurisdiction. So, for example, the UK requirement to buy an annuity at age 75 or face a hefty tax charge, no longer applies.

“Moving to a more favourable tax regime in a new country may seem attractive but it needs to be thoroughly investigated first,” warns McBreen. “It is open to those who are drawing down income from their pension fund, but not for those with annuities. I would advise anyone with an occupational pension fund to think long and hard before trying to move it.”

He adds: “Transferring to a Qrops may be more tax efficient, but it does not remove a pension from a person’s taxable income. Qrops is certainly not a cure-all.

“It is an option if someone is planning to move abroad permanently and has a pension fund. But there are pitfalls that people overlook as they are dazzled by the apparent tax windfall.”

Qrops candidates need to check the transfer costs involved, and the subsequent running costs of any new fund. “They may also be in a with-profits scheme in the UK and face penalties if they pull out,” says McBreen, who warns that the cost of moving, particularaly for those with older private pensions, may well be too great.

“Moving to Qrops won’t make any real difference to the value if the investment strategy isn’t on target,” says McBreen.

Nick McBreen: 01872 222422, [email protected]

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