Vodafone faces US bid

VODAFONE could face a multi-million pound takeover from two US companies, it emerged yesterday, boosting its shares.

Vodafone could be taken over by a US firm

Verizon Communications, which is Vodafone’s US joint venture partner, and AT&T are reported to be working on a break-up bid for the mobile phone giant, whose shares rose 5½p to 192p.

The speculation follows market talk about a potential merger of Vodafone and Verizon or a sale by Vodafone of its 45 per cent stake in the two companies’ US mobile phone venture Verizon Wireless.


Any inkling of a bid from Verizon will almost certainly drive the shares above 200p.

Ronnie Chopra at broker Tradenext

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The stake contributes up to 60 per cent of Vodafone’s profits and a sale is thought likely to benefit the company by boosting its war chest for acquisitions in the competitive European market.

A spokesman for Vodafone said: “We don’ t comment on market rumour and speculation.”

Some analysts advised investors to keep the shares in anticipation of more rises. Ronnie Chopra at broker Tradenext said Verizon was likely to have to pay “top dollar” for Vodafone in any takeover.

He said: “Any inkling of a bid from Verizon will almost certainly drive the shares above 200p.”