Child Benefit payment increase would 'reduce child poverty' - state urged to take action

CHILD Benefit can provide families with additional income throughout the year and there is no limit on how many children can be claimed for. The state benefit can be an important part of family life but unlike other support measures, it has not received any monetary updates in light of coronavirus.

Martin Lewis explains who is eligible for Child Benefit

will provide a weekly rate for parents or guardians who claim it for their children. For an eldest or only child families will receive £21.05 per week.

Additional children will get a reduced rate of £13.95 but there is no limit on how many children can be claimed for.

The payments will provide comfort for the families who claim it but it has been highlighted that it is one of the few government offerings which has not been updated in light of coronavirus.

Thus far, Rishi Sunak and the wider government has made changes to Universal Credit and other benefit rules which in some cases have increased the payments themselves.

However, there has been no material change made to Child Benefit payments.


Child Benefit

There are calls for the government to increase payments (Image: GETTY)


Coronavirus has forced the government to make changes to the benefits system (Image: EXPRESS)

This has caught the attention of the Child Poverty Action Group.

Yesterday, the charity made the following announcement: “The government has acted quickly to protect people’s economic livelihoods during the covid-19 pandemic.

“However, as raised in our previous Covid-19 briefing (March 2020), there is still no additional financial support beyond free school meal vouchers for families with children, despite these households facing significant extra costs.”

The organisation has a lot of experience and knowledge of family dynamics and as such, they have called on the state to provide the following support:


  • Emergency support for families with children, with a £10 increase in child benefit as the top priority plus the removal of the benefit cap and the two-child limit;
  • Make changes to universal credit (UC) and legacy benefits that respond to gaps in the system and will directly benefit families; and
  • Give more money to local authorities so that local welfare assistance schemes are able to provide cash support.

In relation to Child Benefit specifically, analysis from the organisation detailed that making changes will really benefit families, with minimal costs to the government. 


The government have provided several support schemes in recent months (Image: GETTY)

As quoted from their briefing: "An increase in child benefit of £10 per child per week would reduce child poverty by about five percentage points and household poverty by one to two percentage points.

“This is much more effective than the £20 increase in UC and WTC which by comparison reduces child poverty and household poverty by less than two and one percentage point’s respectively.

“Increasing child benefit by £10 a week would cost £127 million a week, less than four percent of the weekly cost of the Job Retention Scheme.


Child Benefit provides a weekly income (Image: EXPRESS)

“For these reasons, we strongly recommend child benefit as the best vehicle for getting additional resources to children and families in need.”

To apply for Child Benefit, a “CH2” form will need to be completed and sent to the Child Benefit Office.

Only one person can get Child Benefit for a child so the parents involved will need to decide who among them should make the claim.

This should be considered carefully as a person who claims Child Benefit will also receive National Insurance Credits, which will protect their state pension.

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