‘Keep it simple’: Vanguard investing advice for beginners

PUTTING in your first investment can be nerve-wracking and heart-wrenching, especially if you're not entirely sure what you're doing.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Martin Lewis gives advice on investing inheritance

Investing may seem like too big of a risk for some, but for others it does hold quite an appeal, the only barrier is the lack of industry knowledge at that start. Zoe Dagless, senior financial planner at Vanguard, and James Norton, head of financial planning at Vanguard, shared their expert advice for first-timers looking to break into the investing sector.

Make a plan

“The best place to start for new investors is with a plan,” Ms Dagless began.

“A plan isn’t there to weigh you down or make you feel bad, it’s there to empower you, to clarify what you’re trying to achieve and to remind you that investing is not about money or numbers, it’s about you, your aspirations and life goals.

“All your financial decisions should be targeted around this plan and your goals.

“You can always adjust the plan as your life changes. 

“And if you do stick to it, you'll be proud of yourself, as you get closer to your goals. 

Man walking on dollar signs

Investing: saving and going slow is best practice when it comes to ones first investment (Image: GETTY)

Don’t overcomplicate things 

“Keep it simple - investing doesn’t have to be complicated!

“Many of the world’s most sophisticated investors advocate long-term approach, focused on maintaining a broadly diversified, balanced portfolio at a low-cost.

“Index funds are a great tool to construct these kind of portfolios – or indeed you can buy a readymade index portfolio ‘off the shelf;,” she added.

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“Save, save and save again! 

“It might seem an obvious one but save more!


“Compound returns are your friend when it comes to saving and investing, it can be a powerful force.

“So, make sure it's on your side by thinking about saving more, sooner,” she concluded.

Keep costs low

Mr Norton commented: “Keep your costs low! Just like investment returns, costs also compound, so you need to keep them as low as possible.

“Keeping costs down is essential to your long-term investing success and it’s something you can take control of. “

Hand reaching into a coin jar

Research is vital to ensure the investment you choose is aligned with your financial goals (Image: GETTY)

Don’t compare figures on face value

He continued: “Investment costs are not always obvious or comparable. Don’t be put off.

“Compare the ongoing charge figures (OCFs) that all funds display but remember that there can be additional hidden costs, such as transaction costs and platform fees.

“They add up and reduce the return to you.”


“Are the funds you invest in delivering what you need, at a level of risk you’re comfortable with?

“If yes, good. If not, maybe it’s time to consider switching funds or transferring to a different platform.

“Remember you can’t control markets, but you can control what you pay.


“If all of your investments are in one market then you’re in trouble if that market performs badly.

“A well-diversified portfolio will help to buffer any market swings due to a healthy mix of assets/sectors which should be relatively uncorrelated.

“When thinking about diversification, you also need to think about geography.

“Spread your investments across a variety of countries and you won’t be so vulnerable to any one of them losing money,” he concluded.

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