Mum of two nominated for Great British Entrepreneur Awards after side business goes global

MANY found their passion for entrepreneurial ventures during lockdown, but for Terri-Anne Turton, the passion had always been there.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

Celebrities With Successful Side Businesses

Mrs Turton had her fair share of side hustle ventures before the COVID-19 pandemic, but as the lockdowns began she noticed the negativity of the world creeping into her home. Through startling imagination and creativity, Mrs Turton created the Positive Self-Talk Tur-Shirt to help children combat the worlds’ negativity.

She commented: “The world felt so negative and I had a desire to create something positive of my own that I was passionate about.

“Our uniquely designed Tur-Shirt can only be read when the child wearing it, looks at themselves in the mirror.

“Encouraging positive self-talk. It doesn’t matter how it looks to other people. It’s what they see that matters.”

Despite only having been in business for under a year, Positive Self-Talk Tur-Shirt garnered the attention of the Great British Entrepreneur Awards.

Child wearing a Tur-Shirt

Tur-Shirts have positive affirmations printed backwards, so only the wearer can read it (Image: Terri-Anne Turton)

“Positive Self-Talk Tur-Shirt has been shortlisted for best fashion new-comer in the Junior Design Awards,” Mrs Turton commented.

Mrs Turton herself is also reaping the rewards of her unconquerable drive, as she was shortlisted for the entrepreneurial spirit away.

Unhappy in her recruitment position at the start of the first lockdown, Mrs Turton turned to the things she loved for inspiration: colour, positive quotes and empowering people.

“I wanted it to be unique as each of its wearers and that’s when the concept came to me.”


After trade-marking the idea, Mrs Turton searched for a name, and found one in her four-year-old daughters’ mispronunciation of t-shirt: Tur-Shirt.

Despite only launching in August 2020, the popularity of these affirmative t-shirts has sky-rocketed.

“People were not expecting it and loved how surprised people were. I received so many heart-warming messages, people started purchasing straight away and sharing.

“By early 2021 I was selling Tur-Shirts globally and I couldn’t believe that an idea I had a few months previous was impacting children in a positive way."

Child wearing a Tur-Shirt

Tur-Shirt has been nominated for best fashion new-comer in the Junior Design Awards (Image: Terri-Anne Turton)

She added: “Even Stacey Solomon started following me on Instagram.”

However, the successes of Tur-Shirts didn’t come without it’s fair deal of obstacles.

“I have had to learn how to run a business from scratch and I’m still learning but having so much fun doing it. 

“I’ve made mistakes along the way and changed my mind last minute but that’s ok.

“My advice to people who want to start a side hustle are just go for it, learn along the way and as our thank you cards say: ‘keep going, you never know what’s around the corner’.”

In July 2021 Mrs Turton took to working on Tur-Shirts full-time and hopes to expand her range as well as explore other products to base on the same unique concept.

“I’d love to be able to have a list of stockists and take on employees,” she added.

Winners of the Great British Entrepreneur Awards are to be announced in August.

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