‘I've made $250K and on track to $1million’ Freelancing saw office worker's income explode

THE PANDEMIC saw many jobs, employees and companies go belly-up, but Georgia Austin, 24, saw it as an opportunity to make her side hustle a full-time career.

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Ms Austin commented: “In the past six months, I’ve made over $250,000 (£181.025) and on track to do $1million (£724,100) within the next year.” Ms Austin doesn’t plan on slowing down, as her SEO-focused content agency Wizard of Content looks to become a multimillion-dollar company.

After starting an account on freelancing app Fiverr in April 2020, Ms Austin has seen her income grow substantially, and has even had to onboard other freelancers to keep up with the workload.

In a year full of changes, Ms Austin moved careers and countries: “I took the plunge and quit my secure, full-time job to dive deep into the world of freelancing. On top of that, I moved from wintery England to sunny Brazil to start a new life,” she said.

Whilst working for sportswear brand Sweaty Betty, Ms Austin began freelancing and quickly started making more money by freelancing for three hours each day than she did at her nine to six office job.

“I was ’side hustling’ to test the waters and assess whether or not freelancing was a viable option for me.

Georgia Austin

Georgia Austin, 24, has made £181,050 in the last six months (Image: Georgia Austin)

“Side hustling is pretty much the only way to see if freelancing works for you, and you must accept that it won’t be an easy ride.

“You will work long hours, before and after your day job, to bring in the extra income.

“But if you really want it to work, you’d be willing to put in that extra effort to try.

“I was also more motivated to make the move after speaking to other freelancers who would tell me that once you have more time free, or once you actually go freelance, that’s when the clients start rolling in. They were right!” she added.


Ms Austin accredited her freelance success to the platform that got her started: “Starting out on freelancing marketplaces like Fiverr was the key to my success. You’re thrown right into the deep end, have to take on jobs that are outside your ’niche’ or comfort zone – but for me, this is the only, and best way to truly learn.”

Freelancing can be a very lucrative career for those that want to make their own hours and have no limitations on the amount of income they earn in a month, but it can often be a scary jump from traditional work which is why many opt to just stay where they are.

“There is a common misconception that freelancing is ‘risky’ and doesn’t make you much money, but since I started my freelance journey I’ve been blown away by the sheer number of people who need my help.

“Especially with writing. It’s easy to write for other people, but for some reason most business owners detest the idea of writing about their own company,” Ms Austin commented.

Georgia Austin

Ms Austin looks to grow her freelancing team even further and reach $1million turnover (Image: Georgia Austin)

“What I love most about freelancing is that the sky is the limit to what you can earn.

“You can either focus in one area, such as writing, or put your eggs in multiple baskets by doing things like affiliate marketing, e-commerce, etc.

“You don’t necessarily need to do just one thing, but obviously the most successful people who ‘make it' do tend to specialise in one area.”

Ms Austin concluded with some advice for fellow freelancers and remote team leaders looking to achieve her success.

“Budding freelancers need to really dig deep into their passions and find what works for them.

“I always enjoyed writing and never thought I could make money from it – but I sort of fell into the industry after trying this out as a hobby/side hustle and soon discovered just how lucrative it was.

“Marketplaces are great for those starting out, as it saves you time and effort when leads are funnelled directly to you.

"For those interested in hybrid work, freelancing is always a great idea: you get the freedom to work anywhere in the world, control over how much you earn, and you are the one who decides who you work with and how you run your schedule. 

“For those entering team leader roles, I would say it’s important to be able to make decisions to keep projects moving forward.

“Open communication is also important, listen to people, improve your strategy, and move on.

“When starting a business, you may find yourself hiring and letting go a number of people while you also find what type of people work best with you, but that’s totally normal.”

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