Getting the office of your dreams: how to negotiate for permanent remote working

REMOTE working was almost unheard of in 2019, but now as some businesses and companies want their employees to go back to the office, how do you negotiate to stay at home?

By Samantha Leathers, Lifestyle Reporter

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Whether it be for health concerns, finance issues, productivity or reopening anxiety, there are plenty of people that would much rather prefer to remain working from home. However, when an employer is sending everyone back into the office, what is the best course of action to prove one would be better off working at home still?

Be sure

It is vital that before even planning to approach ones’ employer that they are absolutely sure this will be the best move for them in the long-run.

This includes looking at aspects like: how would they feel to be the only one of their colleagues not in the office? Does this only interest them because they haven’t had as much workload due to the pandemic and are associating that with working from home?

Once all of this has been thoroughly looked at it can be useful to record the answers, as their employer may have the same doubts.

Man working in bed

Working from home has seen some thrive while others can't wait to return to the office (Image: GETTY)


It will be worthwhile to ensure ones’ employer has policies that will allow them to work from home permanently and, if they do, checking the criteria will also speed up the requesting process.

Have proof

If a persons’ mental/financial health has improved or their productivity increased, it can be beneficial to show proof of this to their employer.


It is important to make it clear that the cause for these improvements is the fact that they have been working from home, if they’ve received a promotion or a laborious process was improved then the employer may need a bit more convincing.

It can also be beneficial to prove an employee has a viable work space, such as a quiet room to have meetings in and a decent desk and chair or any other appliances they need to succeed in their job.

Think about the issues beforehand

Many employers want to return to office-based working not just so that it seems life has become normal again.

Two people in an office wearing masks

For some, the prospects of working in a crowded office is medically terrifying or simply undoable (Image: GETTY)

They may have other motives, such as improving communication or making it easier for managers to keep teams on task.

Thinking about why an employer wants to move back into the office can help find ways to circumvent these issues while still working from home.

Be prepared for contract changes

For example, working in London saw many employees earning a higher salary than their counterparts elsewhere in the country.

This was to ensure that they could afford the higher living expenses in the area, but as some of these employees have moved in with family or to cheaper areas it is possible that an employer will want to make changes to ones’ employment contract before allowing them to work from home permanently.

It’s important to keep in mind that employers are obliged to make only reasonable changes, and an employee should not feel forced to accept any absurd amendments simply because it is the only way they will be allowed to work remotely.

Approach correctly

Finding the right time, and possibly place, to discuss this topic with ones’ employer is vital.

An employee should broach the subject as soon as possible to avoid any last-minute chaos and ensure proper arrangements can be organised in time.

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