Lloyds Bank warn Britons of sophisticated scam targeting 'anyone with an email account'

LLOYDS Bank is warning Britons of a sophisticated scam which targets "anyone with an email account".

BBC: Public share their views on TV licence fee

Fraudsters are sending emails that claim to come from TV Licensing. The message says that their direct debit have failed and they need to pay to avoid prosecution.

It also offers people six months free TV licence, as a way to entice customers to enter their account details.

To get this offer, Britons are promoted to click a link.

This link will go to a fake page to scam people in to giving their personal and banking details.

Lloyds Bank are urging Britons “don’t click on the link”.



Lloyds warn Britons against scam emails (Image: GETTY)

If people get an email like this, they are warned to avoid the link.

Their website states: “If you get an email like this, don’t click on the link.

“Delete the email. Don’t reply to it.”

They have given their top tips to avoid scam messages.


Keep your money and details safe
Britons should never move money, make a payment or give personal or banking details for a message that comes out of the blue.

Click with care
People should only click on a link or download an attachment if you’re sure it’s genuine.

Look at the spelling and layout
If the email has mistakes or looks odd in any way, “don’t reply and delete”.

Britons should look over messages to check for any mistakes.



Britons with TV licences are targeted (Image: GETTY)

Take your time
A scam may use warnings or threats to try to get someone to act without thinking.

Double-check before paying
Britons should confirm payment details before they pay an invoice or bill.

They can call the person or business on a number they trust, not one from an invoice or message.

Fraudsters can send emails and texts to try to scam people. Their goal is to steal details and money.

The email showcases that phishing scams can often be quite realistic, using similar terminology and sign offs that the genuine TV Licensing team would use.

However, TV Licensing offers advice on their website illustrating what customers should look for specifically in suspected scam emails to identify whether it is genuine.

TV Licensing notes that they will always include customers’ names in the email which can sometimes also be accompanied by a part of their postcode.

With this in mind, any emails which begin with the likes of "Dear Customer" will likely be a scam.

Emails will also be sent from [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] for TV Licensing payment card customers who make mobile payments through the TVL Pay app.

Customers can check the email address of the sender by selecting the sender’s name.

TV Licensing noted that scammers will hide the true email address they are using.

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