Take aim for the gold

Q I have some gold sovereigns and half-sovereigns.

CASH IN HAND There is no optimum time to sell precious metals CASH IN HAND? There is no optimum time to sell precious metals

Should I hang on to them — the price of gold is still rising — or sell them because I could do with the money? And where should I go to get a fair price?

A The price of sovereigns fluctuates according to the underlying value of their gold and, as you have noticed, it has been rising recently.

However, finding the optimum time to sell your coins and get the highest price for them is impossible. You could sell today and see gold prices rocket — or collapse. If you decide to sell, talk to at least two dealers to compare prices.

You could try Chard in Black­pool on 01253 343081 or London dealer Spink on 020 7563 4000, or look in your local Yellow Pages for dealers in your own area.

The British Numismatic Trade ­Association has a list of its ­member dealers at www.bnta.net/members.php.

The prices they offer will reflect their costs and the fact that they need to make a profit. So, if a sovereign is worth £180, for instance, the dealer may offer you something nearer £110.

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