Marco Giannangeli

Defence and Diplomatic Editor

Marco Giannangeli is the Defence and Diplomatic Editor at the Sunday Express. He covers defence and security issues as well as Geopolitics around the world and is particularly interested in recruitment and personnel, Nato, weapons systems and other innovations. He is also interested in Britain's role in a changing world, Russia, China,  Iran and other threats.
Marco has held the defence brief for 14 years and the diplomatic brief for eight years. He regularly features on GB News and LBC as a commentator and has been invited to participate on several panels.
In 2009 he was shortlisted for Scoop of the Year by the Society of Editor's Press Awards for revealing that Home Secretary Jacqui Smith had used taxpayer's money to pay for her husband's adult films. The revelation was made as part of the parliamentary expenses scandal disclosures. 
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