Huge support among Britons for new cycling laws – ‘Should be accountable!’

CYCLISTS should be subject to speed limits and forced to take out third-party insurance, a new poll of readers has found.

By Natalie Crookham, Engagement Editor

Nick Ferrari discusses cycle lanes with fellow cyclist

Transport Secretary Grant Shapps has proposed tougher road laws be introduced for cyclists. He told the Daily Mail on Tuesday, August 16: “Somewhere where cyclists are actually not breaking the law is when they speed, and that cannot be right, so I absolutely propose extending speed limit restrictions to cyclists.

“I don’t want to stop people from getting on their bike, it’s a fantastic way to travel, and we’ve seen a big explosion of cycling during Covid and since. 

READ MORE: Shapps plan to clamp down on cyclists with number plates hailed

“But I see no reason why cyclists should break the road laws and be able to get away with it.”  

The Highway Code and Road Traffic Act speed limits currently only apply to motor vehicles. 

Local authorities have the power to introduce cycling speed limits but this is rarely imposed. 

In addition to speeding fines and penalty points, Mr Shapps is exploring the introduction of mandatory third-party insurance. 

Cyclists and Grant Shapps

Huge support among Britons for new cycling laws – ‘Should be accountable’ (Image: Getty)

In response, ran a poll from 10am on Wednesday, August 17, to midday on Thursday, August 18, asking readers about Mr Shapps’s proposed tougher rules on cyclists. 

First asked readers: “Should cyclists be given speeding fines?” 

Overall, 1,643 people cast their votes with the overwhelming majority – 94 percent (1,539 people) answering “yes”, cyclists should be subject to speeding fines. 

A further six percent (100 people) said “no” they should not, while just four people said they did not know.


Cyclists could be subject to speed limits (Image: Getty)

Grant Shapps

Grant Shapps has proposed tougher road laws for cyclists (Image: Getty)

Then asked readers: “Should cyclists be made to take out insurance?”

In total, 1,627 people responded to this question with a strong majority, 93 percent (1,507 people) answering “yes” cyclists should be made to take out insurance. 

Meanwhile, six percent (102 people) said “no” they should not, and one percent (18 people) said they did not know. 

Hundreds of readers shared their thoughts on stricter road laws for cyclists in the comments below the accompanying article.

Most readers argued that the new rules were much-needed to make cyclists accountable. 

One reader, username  Wrathful, wrote: “Cyclists should be subject to all the laws and rules that motor vehicles and motorbikes are subject to.” 

Username Gandalf The Grey said: “They should be registered – so if they break the law for anything – the riders can be traced and fined. They should be treated the same as other road users.” 

Username Pipemajor said: “Excellent and long-awaited and overdue road rules for cyclists. 

“If drivers are accountable for breaking the laws and causing accidents, it’s about time the cyclists were too.”


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Cyclist in city

Cyclists could be forced to take out third-party insurance (Image: Getty)

While username Gordon1949 said: “Cyclists should be forced to obey road traffic rules as do car drivers if they break the rules they should be punished accordingly. 

And username Reelman wrote: “They should be as accountable as other road users are.” 

However, other readers were more sceptical about the new laws. 

Username sdrew1956 said: “How can you issue a speeding fine when having a means of reading the speed is not compulsory on a cycle, the rider may have no idea how fast they are travelling.” 

Another, username EnglandAstern, said: “A non-issue in reality. Cyclists present little danger to others compared to cars.

“Cars have had such rules for a long time, yet they still kill and maim thousands every year.” 

The proposals could be included in the latest Transport Bill, due to be read in Parliament in the autumn.

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