Drivers urged to report nuisance parking after cars left on double yellows

Residents have been urged to report nuisance parking and avoid leaving their cars in any area that could clog the road after a spate of parking on double yellows.

A car parked on double yellow lines in Tennyson Avenue

A car parked on double yellow lines in Tennyson Avenue (Image: HullLive)

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Drivers in Hull have been urged to refrain from nuisance parking after a car left on double yellow lines caused a complete blockade in the Avenues area.

The incident occurred on Tennyson Avenue, a narrow cul-de-sac, where the car was parked on double yellow lines while another vehicle occupied a legitimate parking space opposite, resulting in the street being completely inaccessible.

Residents in the area have expressed frustration over the persistent issue of cars parking on double yellow lines.

One resident said: "Cars parking on double yellows is a constant problem in Tennyson because there is a post office on the corner, but I've never seen anything as bad as this. I couldn't actually get down the street and delivery drivers had to stop at the junction and walk down."

According to the Highway Code, double yellow lines indicate a prohibition of waiting at any time. However, there are a few exceptions to this rule, such as brief loading and unloading, or parking for individuals with a blue badge, who are usually allowed to park for up to three hours.

The resident added: "I'm not sure how long the car had been there when I arrived, but it must have been about half an hour before it was moved. If the driver had mobility problems, I would certainly sympathise, but the problem of nuisance parking is definitely getting worse."

The issue of nuisance parking extends beyond Tennyson Avenue. Another resident pointed out a similar problem at the junction of Goddard Avenue and Newland, where cars are frequently abandoned while people visit the post office. This busy junction often experiences traffic congestion due to inconsiderate parking.

The Hull City Council acknowledged the issue and emphasised traffic enforcement officers patrol the city daily to address nuisance parking. They urged residents to report any problems they encounter.

However, some instances of illegal parking, such as parking on zig-zag lines, parking in a dangerous manner, or obstructing emergency vehicle access, should be reported to the police online.

The council spokesperson said: "As a council we do everything we can to prevent this with our dedicated team of civil enforcement officers patrolling the city daily.

"If members of the public are concerned about a specific location they should contact our customer service team. We urge drivers to act responsibly when parking."

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